Disclaimer: I do not own Yu Yu Hakusho…it belongs to the creators and such.

Summary: Picks up after Seikatsu. Two hundred years ago an item was stolen from King Enma and the 'King of Thieves' has been asked to help find it.

Rated: T

King Enma's Kishi


A blue ogre was jogging down the halls of spirit world. He held in his hands a piece of paper that was of the utmost importance. When he came to a set of large double doors, he stopped to catch his breath, before opening the doors and stepping in.

"Lord Koenma, sir." The ogre said while coming up to a desk, where a toddler was sitting and doing paperwork that always seemed to be piled high.

"What is it, Ogre?" The toddler asked, not stopping in his stamping of papers. The toddler was none other than Lord Koenma, the son of King Enma and the heir to Reikai.

"I have a recent report on the case you have been working on for your father." The blue ogre said, passing the piece of paper through the stakes of piled papers.

"Well why didn't you say so, Jorge?" Koenma said, immediately snatching the paper and looking it over.

"And sir?" Jorge asked nervously while trying not to sweat and hoping that this was finally some good news.

"Nothing…it was a dead end…again." Koenma said softly and slammed the paper on the desk with a muttered 'damn'. "Every lead we get turns out to be a false hope, a dead end or just someone telling a lie in hopes of getting reward money." He said and began sucking hard on the ever present pacifier in his mouth.

"So what do we do now sir?" Jorge asked, glad that the Lord seemed to be taking the news a little better than previous reports. 'At least he isn't yelling at me like it's my fault.' Then an idea came to mind. King Enma was missing an item that was stolen, that much he knew, so he said. "Sir, why not ask Kurama about it. He was a thief back then and may have an idea as to who took it and where it may be now." He held his breath in hope that he had not spoken out of text, since this was not his concern.

"By Jorge, you're right!" Koenma shouted and jumped up on his desk, scattering the stacks of paper. "Why have I not asked the best thief in all of Makai?" He said as he began walking the desk top with his arms behind his back, thinking. "Here he's been working for me for years and I never once thought about asking his opinion on this matter." He stopped and exclaimed. "Get me the 'King of Thieves'! We may be able to solve this case yet."

End Prologue