Walking through waist high grass, Jess led her horse with Terra and Jinx sitting on the saddle. As a green bird, Beast Boy rested on Jinx's left shoulder. Staring behind them, Beast Boy kept an eye out for Turok who protected their back. Seeing Turok riding towards them at a fast pace, Beast Boy flew off Jinx's shoulder. Landing in front of Jess, he went to human form.
"Turok," he said pointing behind them.
Noticing Turok's increased speed, "Off, now."
Helping Terra down, Jess handed her to Beast Boy. Once Jinx got off, Jess slid onto the horse's saddle.
Turning her horse around, "Stay here," kicking the horse's ribs.
Meeting up with Turok, "Yes?"
"Being followed by orcs," he said turning his horse around.
Following him, they stopped on a hilltop. Pulling a wooden tube out, she inserted a crystal into the tube. Turning the crystal, she saw the twenty orcs following.
"Not surprised with the stupidity of orcs," she sighed riding back to the Titans.
Pressing Terra's hand against the ground allowed her drink without aid. This was an improvement. Earlier she needed to aid to drink to the water.
"Geoforce," she mumbled.
Stopping, Jess slid off the saddle.
Pulling Terra to her feet, "Listen up, half caste princess. There's orcs chasing us," staring into Terra's blue eyes, "that would like to fuck your brains and pussy," pulling Etana's head from the leather bag, "This is your fate. Start learning to be insync with this world."
Terra groaned like a drunk.
Returning Etana's head into the bag, "Half caste don't make me slap sense into you cause those two won't stop me."
"Why are they chasing us?" asked Jinx.
"Stole something of valve to them," handing Terra back to Beast Boy, "Don't have time for her to get her head out of her ass."
Tying a string around the crystal from her telescope, her middle finger smacked against the crystal causing it to twirl clockwise. It slowed down.
Noticing the direction indicated, "Wastelands that way," Jess said getting onto her horse.
Putting her compass away, she placed Terra in front of her while Jinx slid behind Turok. Changing into a bird landed on Terra's shoulder, together rode increasing the distance between them and the orcs.
Riding the rails in an armored up jeep that General Rock was kind of enough to supply after a few upgrades suggested by Rath. No obstructions, yet which meant it was bound to change in the form of a barrier of human bones and car parts ahead of him proved that point.
Increasing the speed, he slammed through getting derailed. Flipping onto the driver side, it slid along the rails. Slowing down, he crawled through the passenger window. Pulling his arms, he studied the tunnels. Upholstering his .45 auto ejecting, double action long barrel, he aimed at 45 degree sending a bullet into the skull of a licker, a frog like creature. Being careful with his powers which drew demons like flare in the night, he headed towards a subway car. Disabling the emergency brake, he slid the door opened allowing him climb into the cab.
Closing the door, he stared at the console. Connecting his left gauntlet to the console, he hacked into the railroad system. Lights filled the subway car. Pushing the handle up, the cab slowly picked up speed. Wonder what kinds of predators are detecting the vibrations. The speed gauge went to fifty when the thud came from the ceiling.
Staring at the ceiling, "Big Boy," mumbled Rath.
The ceiling peeled away like an easy to pull can of tuna. A spear like appendage missed him. Locking the throttle into place allowed the speed to increase. How it stayed on the tracks despite going hundred miles per hour around the curves? A dead man wearing cloak hadn't appeared, yet. Sliding the door opened, Rath run into the passenger section.
Turning around, Big Boy watched the distance between the cars grow do to the coupling being served by Rath's ulak. Jumping, it did a 180 degree spin in midair allowing its feet to attach to the ceiling. Crawling towards its prey that was on its left knee aiming a bow at the Big Boy, it sent an arrow then another caused the creature to fall on to its back. Big Boy braced its elbows against the ground to flip over giving the prey the time to slice through Big Boy's neck with the ulak which its prey held parallel with its knuckles.
Absorbing Big Boy's lifeforce, Rath got slammed by the runaway subway passenger cart then drove into the burning debris of the pilot cab.
"Jake! Jake!" caused Jake to open his eyes to the view of his purple eyed angel.
"Angel," he coughed, "How did you find me?"
"Easy. Just followed the blood and semen."
"Huh? We need to free the others."
"This is the problem. You can't free yourself. How can you free yourself?"
"Free me and the others then we can talk."
"I'm leaving you for someone else."
"You're breaking up with me?"
"You bore me. You're holding me back. I need my space."
"Get free me from here."
"Sorry, Jake. I know you're mad. Let's stay as friends."
"Free me now!"
"Pet came here!" brought Jake's attention onto a cloaked figure.
"Yes, mistress," said Raven stepping towards the figure.
Kneeling with her purple eyes on the secured Jake, she wrapped the figure's right leg like a maiden in a Frank Frazetta painting. Does Jake even know who Frank Frazetta is? Properly not if he's like those of his generation, he took the time to play Candy Crush, however couldn't look up Frank Frazetta. Enough of this trend, back to the current events.
Petting top of Raven's head, "Did the bad man scare you, my pet?"
"Yes, mistress. I almost peed myself."
"We don't want to waste that glorious fluid of yours," motioning Raven to stand which she did.
Gripping the hood with both hands, the figure pulled her hood back.
"Who the fuck," growled Jake, "are you?"
Standing behind Raven, "Me? Part of the trio that's been playing you like a violin," removing Raven's cape, "Lovely creature," stroking Raven's cheek, "This daughter of Trigon," gripping the edge of Raven's leotard.
Downward movement of her arms, she torn away Raven's leotard revealing Raven's naked body.
Screaming, Jake tried fighting himself free. More Jake struggled more those rock needles drilled into his flesh increasing his pain and anger.
"Oh, the anger," said Darla fingering Raven with her right hand, "Let the beast take control," groping Raven's breasts with her left hand, "Your playmate needs some playtime," beckoning towards the shadows.
Stepping from the shadows, a naked Hazara joined them. Despite her bridle, she and Raven stroked their bodies to fuel their thirst to make love.
"What did you do to them?" screamed Jake.
Walking towards him, "Nothing," stroking his cheek, "just freed them," tracing his lips with her index finger, "She needed better instructions then what you could offer," running her fingers down his bare chest, "The beast wants to be released ," rubbing his stiffening man root.
Placing her hands against Jake's cheeks, she leaned forward giving Jake a kiss then bite off Jake's tongue. The pain woke Jake to fact that Raven and Hazara wasn't there.
"You're so easy to fool," she said, "Rath is more fun since his need for justice outweighs the need of ants like you," looking towards the ruins of Jump City skyline, "He arrives forsaken as always."
How long they rode wasn't known? Against the sun never moving made telling time difficult. They stopped to rest horses at watering holes that Jess and Turok knew where to find.
After the fifth rest stop, they rode up to three X shaped skeletons. Flames burned from these skulls.
"We need to go around," said Jess.
"Why?" asked Jinx.
"Because those are warnings and going around will be easy."
"What if those orcs ignore this warning?"
"They may catch up with us. They may not. Rather take my chances with orcs then enter that territory."
"I rather not bet our lives on those chances."
Shifting her jaw, Jess's brown eyes stared at Jinx and Turok. Staring at Beast Boy and Terra, she peered over her shoulder staring into the direction the chasing orcs were using.
"Understand, pink hair. If we die, I'll hold you responsible."
Waking up on the shore of this demon city, Hazara had to keep her temper in check since being surrounded by demons that were overwhelming her senses. Where was this city? This Necropolis. Gripping for her daggers that reminded her again that bitch took them along with her slash. Sliding along the walls of crumbling buildings gave her some protection for the cold winds. Without her cape and hood, she couldn't prevent the cold from brushing her skin proving her black shirt and black leggings along with her mini skirt were a poor protection indeed. Etana would be taunting her about her poor decisions of fashion against demons.
"Look what washed up, Angelo," brought her attention onto the two hunters perched on a steel beam.
Looking down at her, "Some demon whore, Koko," said Angelo.
Dropping from their spot, Koko landed in front of her while Angelo stood behind her. Despite them being fellow hunters, Hazara knew the look of lust in their eyes.
Straight kick Koko away, she spin kicked her leg into Angelo's ribs. Did she just kick a brick wall?
Pinning her leg against his ribs, "Ow," he sneered.
Gripping her thigh, he swung her against a concrete wall. Then into another section. She dropped to the ground.
Watching Hazara trying to lift herself up, "She's going to be fun," remarked Angelo.
"Oh yes," replied Koko splitting into four shadow clones, "she well."
Struggling to her feet, Hazara held her hands up. Slamming one of the clones with her right fist sent sharp shot of cold through her arm. A round of kicks and punches from two clones brought her to her hands and knees. Two clones tenderized her by stomping their feet against her back allowing the other two clones to grip her arms then pulled her onto her knees. Securing her arms against their thighs allowed the other two to bounce rights and lefts off her face without breaking her bridle which prevented her from spitting that copper taste from her mouth.
Still gripping her arms as the other two clones grabbed her ankles, together the clones forced then pinned her to the ground. Spreading her legs open allowed Angelo and Koko to admire the view which was blocked by her leggings.
Feeling Angelo's index claw brushing against her right ankle, he slid up towards her waist along her right leg. He repeated this on her left side. Gripping the waistband of her leggings under her mini skirt, he pulled exposing her legs to the cold air.
Not to be out done, tip of Koko's katana brushed against Hazara's left wrist. Along her left arm towards her shoulder. Couple slices along her shoulder, tip of Koko's sword brushed away her sleeve. Stroking his sword against her arm, Koko smiled enjoying the sight of her well-toned arm muscle. He repeated this on her right arm.
Angelo's index claw slid under the neckline of Hazara's shirt. Slicing downwards to her belly button, the two hunters' excitement grew as Hazara's cleavage seemed to improve under her sports bra. Bracing for the worse, can someone stop that stupid flute playing?
Admiring their work of slowly revealing Hazara's flesh, "Too bad she's got Dragon Breath," said Koko, "Bet she gives good head."
"After we try her other holes," remarked Angelo, "we can always get a filtered ball gag for her mouth."
Their laughter stopped as the notes of a flute entered their ears. Their attention rested on the fedora wearing flute player sitting cross legged.
Stopping, "Know the way to city hall?" he asked.
Really? Staring at each other then back at this flute player, they were about to enjoy the flesh of a fellow hunter and this guy wanted directions to the city hall.
A mental command from Koko ordered one clone to pin Hazara's hands over her head as two kept her legs secured as the fourth clone used mystical cuffs that were used by demon hunters that worked under Wheeler to secure demons keeping Haraza pinned to the ground.
Four became eight. With their swords out, they circled the flute playing interloper.
"Take that as a no," remarked the flute player resting his flute across his knees, "Then again not surprised that hunters under Wheeler can't see past their nose. Does he know that you two are free lancing for a rogue demon knight."
The eight shadow clones aimed the tip of their swords at him. Four went for the kill only for their blade to kill the clone across from them. Koko winced as his clones died. It was strange for him to feel the pain of a clone being killed.
Going to his wolf form Angelo couldn't move. Staring at his human hands, what was happening? His demon wolf didn't appear.
Going to a sword stance, "What's wrong Angelo?"
"Don't know," slipping a bag of sleeping powder from pouch on his belt, "Keep him busy," moving towards the interloper.
Slipping behind a clone, the interloper moved towards Angelo. Close enough, Angelo threw the powder. Left palm of the interloper pushed the sleeping powder towards Angelo's face while the interloper's right fist rammed into Angleo's solar plexus causing him to inhale the powder.
Blackness covered his line of sight. The image of his wolf demon appeared before him.
"Why did you forsaken me?"
"Fersulfer. Death."
"Death. Fersulfer."
"I give my soul to you."
Opening its mouth, the wolf demon engulfed him.
Watching the whirlwind of his clones' blades trying to slice the interloper, Koko waited for his moment while Angelo on his knees blacked out. No movement from Angelo as the flute player grabbed a clone.
Using the clone as a shield, the flute player grabbed the clone's sword arm to deflect the blades attempt. How wasn't the cold from shadow clone affecting the flute player?
Three clones tried to run their swords through the shield. One clone got the blade of the shield while the other two got each other. They dissolved away. What was Koko's next move?
"This is a goodtime to run," said the flute player.
Detecting movement to his right, he noticed a huge black werewolf getting to its feet. Sliding his feet towards the wolf, he placed himself between Koko and the wolf turned Angelo. Turning his back to Angelo, he watched as Koko lunged at him.
Koko's mind registered the flute player gripping Koko's hand and his wrist making his sword go upwards. The blade went upwards through Angelo's heart into his brain as his claws pierced through Koko's lungs into his heart.
Spitting blood, "Why Angleo?" coughed Koko as his life faded away.
"Fersulfer. Death," echoed from Angelo's mouth.
The demon wolf drifted from Angelo's brain and followed Fersulfer to the hunting grounds.
"Should've ran," said the interloper, "Joined the wrong side," pouring a blue green substance over Koko and Angelo's body.
Muffled screams of Angelo dead as the flames consumed the two hunters' bodies.
Walking towards the secured Hazara, the flute player kneeled down examined the wrist and ankle cuffs. Hazara swore he studied her legs, too. Pulling what looked like a tire pressure gage from his coat pocket, he pressed it against her cuffs. Her ears caught a soft hum. A small click and her hands and ankles were free. Sitting up, she rubbed her wrists while staring at the offering of a hand to pull her up onto her feet. Gripping the hand, her elbow rammed into his stomach. With some leverage, she flipped him over her shoulder. Hitting the ground hard, his right arm twisted while her foot pressed against his neck.
Deciding how to question this killer of demon hunter, her ears caught, "Truthfully," he said, "Red white striped panties doesn't fit you."
Looking down, she saw his head tilted to the left enough allowing him to peek under her skirt. Crap, her leggings were gone. Her shock allowed him to slide his face from under her foot. Rolling towards her, his palm slammed behind her knee. She went backwards allowing his legs to wrap around her stomach. The back of her head hit the ground. Her feet touched the ground then her head slipped between his legs. Sliding onto his stomach, she pushed up with her legs to pin him against the ground. His chin caught the edge of her sports bra threatening to release her breasts. Again her vanity allowed his left wrist to slip free. Slamming his palm against her stomach sent her backwards. Rolling backwards, she went onto her feet grabbing for a dagger. That's right no dagger and no sash. Sitting cross legged, he held his palm up blocking his view of Haraza.
Between his fingers, "Rath, what do you see beyond your fist?" entered his mind as he watched her deciding to fight of flight.
"A cute girl in tattered clothes," he mumbled, "still needing help," smiling, "And I wonder. Where she will stay-ay? My little runaway" humming while watching her run off.
Running past black burnt tree trunks that survived a fire or nuclear winter, Jess and Turok rode with their passengers across the white sands.
Stopping, Jess studied the scenery. Turok retrieved his bow.
"Beast Boy, human form," said Jess, "Get behind me," throwing her sword onto the ground, "Toss your bow, Turok."
"Why are we stopping?" asked Jinx as Beast Boy sat behind Jess.
With her hands up, "We're being watched," she answered watching Turok toss his bow onto the ground, "Don't move."
Twang entered their ears as the sky went dark. Black arrows rained from the sky surrounding them.
"If they wanted to kill us," said Jess keeping her hands up, "we would be dead."
Wide eyed Jinx and Beast Boy witnessed men covered by white sand emerging from white sand aiming tips of black arrows at them.
Handing Terra to a Black Arrow warrior, "Aren't you glad," remarked Jess sliding off her horse, "we went this way," staring at Jinx with her hands up.
Noticing the flickering lights of a bar, Hazara ducked in.
"A customer," brought her attention onto a woman behind the bar.
Noticing Hazara's fingers begin moving, "Oh a mute," said the woman moving behind the bar with grace of a ballerina, "Something to relax you," filling a shot glass.
Walking through the purple bubble beaded curtain, Hazara kept her eyes on the bartender. Must be the bartender's movement causing her uneasiness, Hazara didn't sense a demon presence emitting from this woman. Uneasiness wouldn't leave as she walked towards the bar. Sitting down, her left hand gripped the shot glass. Feeling something wrapped around her ankle caused her eyes to focus on the tip of tail wrapping around her ankle. Sudden tug caused her fingers to grip the edge of bar preventing her from entering the trapdoor that the tail emerged from. Turning her attention onto the bartender, her shock from the sight of bartender's reptilian eyes changed as the bartender's fingers began prying the index finger of Hazara's right hand free from the edge of the bar as its tail slowly coiled up Hazara's right leg.
"First, little piggy went to the market," pulling Hazara's index finger free, "Second, little piggy stayed home," pulling Hazara's middle finger free, "Third, little piggy had roast beef," freeing the third finger, "This little piggy had none," releasing pinkie, "And this little piggy cried, 'wee wee wee,' all the way home."
Freeing Hazara's right hand long enough for the lamia's tail to pin Hazara's right arm against her side.
Staring at Hazara's left hand, "Five remaining piggys," replied the lamia pulling the index finger of Hazara's left hand, "First, little piggy went to the market," pulling Hazara's index finger free, "Second, little piggy stayed home," pulling Hazara's middle finger free, "Third, little piggy had roast beef," freeing the third finger, "This little piggy had none," releasing pinkie, "And this little piggy cried, 'wee wee wee,' all the way through the trapdoor."
Freeing Hazara's left hand caused her to slide through the trap door. Joining the lamia behind the bar, she dangled Hazara upside down like a fish at the end of a hook. Finishing pinning Hazara's left arm against her side, lamia turned Hazara right side up.
Slipping her claws under Hazara's bridle then removed Hazara's bridle.
Tossing Hazara's bridle away, "The seal was broken, cursed one," she hissed taking a deep breath of Haraza's poisonous breath, "Your breath so intoxicating," licking Hazara's stomach with its forked tongue, "Wouldn't want to kill you while enjoying this moment together," licking Hazara's chest.
Using her scales, lamia slowly torn and slid off Hazara's tattered shirt as the tip of its tail rubbed Hazara's pleasure of being fingered by a lamia, Hazara bit her lower lip.
"Your former master made you delectable," increasing the tempo of the rubbing, "More simulation, your breath drives my urges to ravage your body grow," tightening its grip.
"Someone painted "April Fool" in big black letters on a "Dead End" sign
I had my foot on the gas as I left the road and blew out my mind
Eight miles outta Memphis and I got no spare
Eight miles straight up downtown somewhere
I just dropped in to see what condition my condition was in," brought their attention onto the fedora wearing duster covered male sitting at the bar tracing the top of a opened beer bottle.
Tracing the opening of the beer bottle, "She doesn't like being touched," shoving his middle finger of his left hand down the opening of the bottle, "Just ask the two guys she killed," turning the bottle upside down.
Placing Hazara between her and this new customer, her reptilian eyes focused on him. Slowly moving Hazara closer to her human half, her tip of her tail slithered towards him. Slamming his left foot on its tail brought a scream from its mouth. Unable to move, it flew at him. Placing his right palm against the top of the bar, he lifted himself up then turned as the lamia went under him. Slapping a chock hold around its neck, he shoved the opening into mouth. Pouring the liquid contents down its throat, his right hand gripped his ulak. Couple slices loosened the lamia's grip on Hazara. Wrapping his arms around Hazara, his feet pushed against the bar. Propelling from the thrashing lamia, they rolled onto their feet. Looking at each other then at the lamia, they nodded then together rushed kicked the lamia sending it into bar mirror. Landing behind the bar, Hazara's rescuer unholstered his .45 EF auto ejecting, double action silver long barrel Colt revolver. Shot the bottles on the shelf coating the lamia with alcohol. Pulling a closed beer bottle from his coat pocket, he popped the bottle. Tasting the beer, he dipped his middle finger into opening. Turning the bottle upside down, he stuffed a piece of Hazara's shirt into the bottle.
Handing her a box of matches, "Might make you feel better," he said.
Removing a match, she struck the match producing a flame. Applying the flame to alcohol soaked rag, she watched him throw the bottle. As they ran towards the exit, the bottle smashed against the wall covering the lamia in flames. Boom. Placing him between Hazara the force of the explosion, they threw then rolled against the wet pavement.
Lifting himself up adding distance between him and Hazara, "That was fun," noting she held her breath.
Sliding off Harzara, he stood up. Looking at her, he held out his hand. Gripping his hand, she let him pull her to her feet.
Watching the bar burn, "Here," said Rath tapping Haraza's arm with what looked like a face mask, "It's a rebreather. It'll allow you to speak and breath."
Taking it, she slid it on covering her mouth and nose.
"Thanks," she said.
"Put this on," handing her a shirt.
Looking at it, "Why?"
"Besides hiding the lovely view of your sports bra, it'll keep you warm. Might hide your scent from demons. It seems they don't like demon werewolves."
Slipping Angelo's shirt on, "What's next?"
"A place to sleep the night away," walking away with his hands in his coat pockets.
With her options limited, Hazara followed him.