Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable Naruto characters, settings, etc. are the property of Masashi Kishimoto and Shueisha Inc. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. No money is being made from this work. No copyright infringement is intended.


'Twenty-five years…'

The Rokudaime Hokage sat in a secret chamber inside the Hokage Monument, looking over hurriedly scribbled plans and coded messages. The Cloud-Stone-Sound Union had bypassed all the traps and was due to arrive the next morning.

'I've been a ninja for twenty-five years and this is how it'll end… After everything we went through, everyone we've sacrificed, THIS is the end? Murdered, our lives stolen by that traitor? No, even if I die, it will not end like this.'

"Naruto-sensei? You're doing it again."

Uzumaki Naruto's eyes widened before he forced himself to calm down and the wild chakra receded, its pressure disappearing.

"Sorry Teishi, I know I shouldn't get angry but this whole situation…" apologized Naruto.

"You don't have to apologize to me sensei, I know what you mean."

Nishizaki Teishi observed Naruto from his position next to the concealed door. The poor lighting in the chamber made it hard to see anything other than the desk. From what he had observed so far, the situation was bleak.

"How bad is it?"

"…At this point, sending anyone out there would qualify as an SS rank mission."

"Is he that strong?"

"Orochimaru? No, I could kill him. The sharingan isn't enough to stop me, as Itachi and I demonstrated."

"Then why don't you…"

"If I leave Konoha will fall. You know that."

"But won't the armies dissolve with his death?"

"You're forgetting about the Cloud and the Stone. Puppets they may be, but even with Orochimaru gone they would still attack."

"What about our allies?"

"Ever since the Sand's annihilation…" Teishi noticed Naruto's eyes mutating as he said that. "…they're far too afraid to help."

"…So we're done?" whispered Teishi.

"Depends on what you mean by done."


"Teishi, do you remember your theory about time travel."

"I guess… it was a while ago."

"I found those plans of yours. They're remarkably accurate, but you'd need an obscene amount of chakra for it. And if you were to change anything significant, you would cease to exist."

"I know, but what does that have to do with…"

"I found a way to make it work."

"! That's great! Now you can…" exclaimed Teishi.

"I won't be going."

"What! But…"

"But nothing. I have a secret mission specially prepared just for you. Do you accept it?" interrupted Naruto.

"Why don't you go?" protested Teishi.

"Because I am the Hokage." explained Naruto.

"But this is the only way to save the village!"

"I have a responsibility to the people of Konoha. Live or die, I will stand with them, to protect them all. And who knows? We might even win."

"But that won't matter if I go back! How am I supposed to go anyway? No one has that much chakra!" yelled Teishi.

"We do."

"…You mean…"

"We've already discussed it. We chose this as the best course of action."

"How will I keep on existing?"

"By adding another layer to the seal and mixing in some of my chakra, you can use our existence as an anchor. Basically you can go to any time period where both Kyuubi and I exist."

"What happens if you die?"

"…You will cease to exist."


"Nishizaki Teishi, age 23, apprentice to the Sixth Hokage, Konoha's top jounin and the greatest seal architect ever, will you put your very existence at risk and accept this mission?" asked Naruto.

Teishi stood in front of the desk with his eyes closed as his sensei looked at him with firm eyes and the mission scroll in his hand. It didn't take him long to decide.

Teishi opened his eyes. He reached towards his sensei's hand and took the scroll from it. He looked at it with uncertain eyes before he gently rolled it open. There was a single phrase.

Infiltrate the chuunin examination and assassinate Orochimaru.

"Sensei… You're insane."

"I know. Will you do it?"

"Do I even have a choice? If I don't you'll never let me hear the end of it. I've never been able to change your mind about anything; I won't start doing it now."

"Good. We don't have much time, let's get started."