Legacy of the Exile.

The polar regions of Telos IV were nothing more than snow covered plateaus, hills and mountains. One would never want to live in such a cold, unforgiving environnement. Unless, of course, one was trained in the ways of the Force, and here on a mission to rebuild the fallen Jedi Order. Brianna Kae, draped in her mother's Jedi robes, stood in the hangar of the Telos Academy, formely run by Jedi Master Atris.

Brianna was trained by the Jedi Exile, a former General under Revan during the Mandalorian Wars. The Exile, after killing Darth Traya and going to the Unknown Regions to find Darth Revan, left his students to rebuild the Jedi Order.

Brianna Kae, Visas Maar, Atton Rand, Bao-Dur and Mira were the Lost Jedi, the last surviving Force-adepts. If it wasn't for them, or the Exile, all knowledge of the Force would be lost.

Brianna often wondered where the Exile was now. She knew he still lived. The flicker of his life was still visible through the Force.

Pushing away her worries, Brianna contemplated the situation of the unborn Jedi Order. Bao-Dur and Atton were on Coruscant, negociating with the Senate to support them in their attempt to rebuild the Order. Visas was on Onderon, helping to keep the political situation under control. Mira was on Dantooine, salvaging whatever Jedi artifacts remained and making sure Dreshdae was still safe.

Although the Republic was slowly being healed, the Jedi Order wouldn't bloom unless there were students to learn and eventually teach the ways of the Force. The Exile had given his students a quick, but incredibly enlightening training. Brianna knew she wasn't strong enough to be a master in the old Order, with such leaders as Vandar, Vrook, Aleema Keto, and so many others, but these were desperate times. Traya had died only 6 months before.

"Memories." Brianna said under her breath as she headed towards the communications chamber.

She was completely alone in the Telos Academy, save for T3-M4, a utility droid specially made for Canderous Ordo and used by both Revan and the Exile. Canderous, now known as Mandalore, is on Dxun, and hasn't been in contact with the Jedi since Traya's death.

Brianna and the others were to have a meeting, through holo-communication. "The first Jedi Council." Brianna mused to herself. T3 connected Brianna through to her former companions, and each of their images appeared in a shaky, blue form.

The four other Jedi came into focus, as images no more then a foot high. Brianna remembered how they all were before the Exile trained them. Atton was a gambler, a fool, and a former Sith Assassin. Mira was a bounty hunter, constantly on the run, hunted by a Wookiee named Hanharr. Bao-Dur was always feeling the weigth of the deaths he caused he caused at Malachor V, and Visas was Darth Nihilus' former apprentice, who made her believe that her life was worthless. Brianna herself was a former Handmaiden under Atris, and took an oath never to lean the ways of the Force, and to ignore her mother's heritage.

They all stood together as Jedi, now. The first Jedi in an Order that will bring peace and justice to the shattered Republic.

"Hey everyone." Said Mira

"Greetings to you all." Replied Visas.

They all greeted eachother, and Atton asked for news from everyone. An image of HK-47 walked beside Visas and said in his unique, mechanic voice "Statement: It is a pleasure to see you all."

Brianna couldn't help but smile at the droid. HK-47 was built by Revan as an assassination droid. He had a long, bloody career as a Jedi hunter and political assassin. He had served Revan again after his memory was wiped, and had served the Exile during the Shadow War. HK-47 would halfheartedly refer to the Exile as master, but now he refused to acknowledge anyone by that name, except for Revan and the Exile. Onderon was still pretty volatile, so HK-47 was there to make sure Visas was safe, and maybe keep the seperatists in check in case they attacked the Queen again.

"Okay, everyone." Started Mira. "Everything's nice and boring here on Dantooine. The Dantari and the Dreshdae settlement signed that land accord, so there shouldn't be any more problems." She sighed, and continued "I couldn't find any Force-Sensitives. I hope you guys have had more luck."

"We haven't had any luck either." Said Bao-Dur. "The senate's being pretty stuborn. The hardest-hit worlds aren't in any rush to see Jedi again, but support for our cause is gaining support. The vote's in one standark week, and we should get a slim majority."

Atton nodded and continued "We'll be given access to the Temple." He chuckled and said "Some senators wanted to tear the Temple down and make way for a turbolaser battery emplacement. Anyway, we'll be done here soon enough, and then we can head wherever. How are things on Telos, Brianna? Manage to get the heat working?"

Brianna almost smiled at Atton's weak attempt at humor. Completely ignoring his second question, she answered "I'm going to Telos Station tomorrow morning. I'm going to try to find Chodo Habat and his herd, and if I'm lucky, find a Force-Sensitive. What about you, Visas?"

Visas shrugged lightly and said "Onderon is calm, but I sense a disturbance. It is strangely familiar, like something I've known for years, but it is different somehow, and gaining strength. I will be vigilant."

"Whatever it is" said Atton, "call us up if you get any news."

The Jedi said their goodbyes and disconnected from the holo-communicator.

Brianna stood calmly for a few seconds, thinking about her upcoming trip to Telos Station. The station was built in orbit over a large area covering Telos IV's surface. It had been assaulted when Darth Nihilus sought to kill the "hundreds of Jedi hidden on Telos." In the end, Nihilus had only found death and defeat at the hands of the Republic and the Jedi Exile. With its primary fuel line from Peragus cut, it was feared that Citadel Station would fall out of orbit. Fortunately, the Republic had sent emergency supplies and managed to keep the station in orbit.

The Ithorian she was going to see, Chodo Habat, was the leader of the Ithorian restoration project on Telos. Thanks to Habat and his herd, Telos was now blooming, and being reopened to the Force. Brianna had only met him once: when Darth Nihilus and his fleet attacked Telos in an attempt to satisfy his hunger for Jedi. Habat was Force-Sensitive, which is not rare among Ithorians. Brianna was hoping she could find an apprentice on Citadel Station, or within the Ithorian herd.

"T3" said Brianna, as she makes her way towards the hangar. "Start the ship, and plot a course for Residential District 082."

T3-M4 acknowleged Brianna's request with a series of whistles and darted towards Brianna's small shuttle.

Brianna wasn't concerned about any danger on Citadel Station, but she had been feeling disturbances through the Force. She wondered if it was the same feeling Visas was getting, all the way on Onderon, and what could be the cause of such a deep distress. Brianna used a Jedi calming technique and climbed into the cockpit of her shuttle.

She sighed deeply and said under her breath "Whatever it is, may the Force be with us."

With that, she powered up the sublight engines of her small shuttle and rocketed towards Citadel Station.