Chapter 10

Zoey was in her room reading The Five People You Meet in Heaven, when Chase came in. Zoey was to busy reading the book that she didn't notice Chase staring at her.

"hey, book worm" Chase said

Zoey was startled and shut her book

"oh my gosh, you scared me" Zoey said

"sorry" Chase mumbled

Zoey sat up "I'm sorry, I was just surprised"

"that's okay, so what's up?" Chase asked when he sat down on the chair near the bed

"nothing just reading, you?" Zoey asked

"just talked with Danielle"

"are we good?" Zoey asked

"what do you mean?" Chase started to get confused

"like you and me are friends again" Zoey asked

"yeah, I hope so" Chase said


1 week has gone by and chase and Zoey were actually like being husband and wife, they spent a great quality of time together even if the teachers said they don't have to hang out with each other often. Danielle started to notice that chase barely calls her anymore. She knew what was happening and she started to prepare for the fact that Chase maybe falling for Zoey again. Danielle went to talk to Nica.


"What am I going to do?" Danielle started to sob

"what do you mean?" Nica said comforting Danielle

"Chase might be in love with Zoey again, what am I going to do?" Danielle was really crying now

"do you love him?" Nica asked

Danielle nodded her head

"then set him free, if he comes back then he's yours to keep and if he doesn't it wasn't meant to be" Nica said remembering a quote

Danielle stared at her

"I don't think I can" She had really puffy eyes now

"maybe there is a better guy out there for you instead of Chase" Nica said

"no one likes me" Danielle said

"there is, and maybe you can't see him because he is right in front of your face" Nica tried to be nice as possible and still not give away the guy to Danielle

"who?" Danielle was really interested now

"you'll see him, and you'll know, but I think you just need to realize that you and this guy are always with each other and you can't see that he is in love with you" Nica said

"what happens between me and Chase?" Danielle ask

"you know he is starting to fall for Zoey all over again" Nica said

" no, he isn't falling for Zoey again, he never stopped loving her" Danielle said

"if you knew that why did you go out with Chase?"

"I thought that he went out with me he'll start to forget about Zoey and like me, but that made me foolish to believe" Danielle said

"no, it wasn't foolish. Don't regret anything that made you smile" Nica said

Danielle smiled. "I guess this is it, I'm going to break up with Chase"


Danielle called Chase later that day to meet up with each other near the lunch tables.

"hey" Chase said and gave her a kiss on the check

"hey" she said

Just then Zoey walked by them and she looked at them and smiled. Danielle was looking at Chase at that moment and then she looked at who he was looking at. She knew at that moment he was in love with her again. Then Zoey left

"it's not working" Danielle said very quiet, almost like a faint whisper

Chase looked at her "what?" he was getting confused

"us, it's not working" Danielle said and looked down

"why isn't it working?" Chase asked

"do you love me as much as you do to Zoey?" Danielle said looking at him

Chase was shocked at the question… " I don't love Zoey"

"Chase that's what your telling me, I can see in your eyes your in love with her. It hurts when I know you rather be with her then me" Danielle said a little teary

Chase just looked down

Danielle grab both of his hands and he looked at her " Chase you deserve to be happy, and if your not happy with me…."

"I am happy with you" Chase

"no listen to me, you deserve to be happy and I don't make you happy if I did you wouldn't be so bored with me and you would call me, and every time we're together you would be smiling, but lets face the truth, we aren't like that. When I see you with Zoey your always smiling that goofy smile of yours that I rarely see from you when we're together" Danielle said

"I'm sorry"

"no, it's okay… because you're a good person chase and you deserve to be happy, you can't please everyone, and I know you want to but you can't" Danielle said with blurry eyes since she was crying

"Danielle, you're a good person too, you deserve someone who is good to you" Chase said

"don't worry Chase we'll still be friends" with that she started to walk away

"I love you" Chase said

"don't worry, you'll always be in my heart" Then she left

Chase eyes were teary after she left. Somehow he knew she was right but in one point of their relationship he was in love with her.


poor chase, well sorry for not updating for like a long time, i got a major writers block and i still do so if i start to suck i'm really sorry, uhm yeah thanks for all the comments. please R&R thanks
