Hahahaha! I bet "The End" you guys saw last chapter really pissed the majority of you all off, huh?

Gahahaha that's the funniest thing alive.

But truly, this story did a complete u-turn of how I had it going. It turned out to sort of be...a small sequence of events that ends up leading to another chapter of life, when it really was supposed to be this sad angstful story.But it instead, it turned out to be just a time in their lives sort of thing. Like a short little thing that leads to something. A possibility. We all have these in our lives, a struggle that leads us to think the end of the world is near, and then we reach this outcome, one we totally never would expect, and we live on. We move on, we get over it. That's life, and that's how this story is supposed to be. Suguru thought it was the end of the world because he was rejected by someone he was infatuated with (I probably didn't use that word right. : P ) there fore thought it was impossible to live on, so he couldn't possibly love anyone else (when really he has another eighty years to live).

I hate the first chapter of this story though. Screws the mood up. Makes it sound like a deranged, upset teenaged girl wrote it!...(cough sorry.) THERE FORE I have removed it. Hmph. So there. In return however, I give you this small, but still fulfilling epilogue.

PLEASE READ: SINCE I removed chapter one, I went back and did some much needed re-writing. If you want go back and take a peek. MAJOR editing to 1, and 4.

Short Straw


The two sat in the way back of the empty theatre watching a very, very odd movie. A very odd movie.

The film they were hoping to see was sold out by the time they got there, so they were stuck watching some extremely odd animated film about penguins.

But that wasn't the oddest part.

"Hiroshi, please tell me, why the hell you have an erection in the middle of a kids movie?" Suguru said aloud, not bothering to be modest. They were the only ones there anyway.

Hiroshi blushed madly and gulped, turning slightly to Suguru.

"And why in the hell, if you declared to take things slow, do you have your hand cupping my ass?"

"Eheheheheeee...I...dropped my candy on your seat?"

"You have yet to find it after thirty minutes of searching my ass?" Hiroshi knew he was in deep shit. He couldn't help it! Damn these movie theatres!

"Uh...no?" Suguru sighed and shook his head.

"So you dropped your candy. Somewhere about my ass. Would it be of help to you if I, lets say, got up and took my pants off, so you could search properly?" Hiroshi dropped his jaw and stared down at his date who gazed back looking seductive.

Hiroshi smirked inside himself; so much for taking things slow.

Hiroshi relaxed back into the chair as he watched Suguru slowly stand, his body moving with just as much seduction as his gaze. He planted himself in Hiroshi's lap, standing on his knees.

"Well? Would it Hiroshi?" His lips were so very close to Hiroshi's, making him suddenly very warm. He shifted slightly, closing his eyes and slowly moved upward to press his lips against those sweet, pink ones, but instead-


Again Suguru stood before him, an empty soda cup in hand. He glared down at a drenched Hiroshi.

"Nice try Hiroshi. But this time, taking it slow means something, understand? I most definitely want this to work, because really you're a sweet guy. But in order for it to work, you're going to have to keep it in your pants for a little while, understood?"

Hiroshi blinked a couple of times, shivering slightly.


The End

There you have it. The end. It's not much of an end, but it gives you the idea of where this relationship is sooooo heading. The bedroom xD lol.