U'll know wat my decision is when u read it………or will u?


Winter came with a vengeance, reaping its blanket on all the lands, devouring it with small, icy kisses that clung to the earth like a child. The sky was ever white, making the doves flying above seem gray and dirty.

The trees had ice encrusted onto their thick branches, and when the wind came, they danced until they broke off and fell to the ground like diamonds glittering under the sun.

And the sun, the sun awoke early every morning, bringing its glare on the inhabitants below, and sharing with them a glimmer of hope, a glimmer of tomorrow soon to pass.

From a distance, you could see a bundle of bodies, against the backdrop of a towering building, casting a dark shadow next to them.

You could see noticeable colors, blonde, black, glinting under the sunlight. Squeals of joy emitting from the bundle, breaking the silence around them.

And if an outsider were to peer at them, they'd not see gypsies trekking in the middle night, town to town. They'd not see stray bodies, playing foolish games on an unsuspecting passerby. No, they'd see something that was once thought to be impossible in these lands.

And the princess from lands far, far away, finally got her prince

And the prince finally got the family he needed and deserved,

With a bubbling child tottering behind them,

And dreams of something more in their eyes

And our dear princess, of lands far, far away

She was able to lay her head on her true love's chest;

Could feel their love becoming more and more alive with every heart beat,

In the laughter their child made

And she knew,

All was right and she was where she needed to be


Yeah, if u haven't guess already, den it's an epilogue. I wanted to do da last part in poem form, like I had done it my other chappy.

Sequel might be in da works, if I can garner enough ideas for it. I do, in fact, plan on writing other ficcies on, obviously, Sailor Moon.

My fic, "New Meaning to Divorce" will sadly have to wait while I write da first chappy for my next story.

To sum it all up, it's been crazy. I hope my fiction was to ur liking, for it was quite enjoyable for me, reading ur reviews which sprouted ideas for my chappies.

Wanna thnk all those who supported me and made me smile wit all da kinda words u sent my way.

So until we meet again, I bid farewell for now…

"Don't hate the message, just love the words"