Hey all, this is my first PS fanfic. I hope everyone likes it. Please give me tips on how to make it better. You can also give me suggestions on things to add in, but I've sort of got some of it planned out already. I HATE flames! I always accept constructive criticism, but no flames please!

Disclaimer: Any characters I create belong to me. All characters from the Phantom Stallion Series belong to Terri Farley.

Should I?

Ch.1- The Question

Sam was in a great mood as she finished brushing Ace. She had just come back from the secret valley where she had been checking on the Phantom's spring babies. It seemed on of the mares, that she named Snow White, had just foaled. It was a coal black filly with no white. I bet she'll gray out over time, Sam thought. Sam was in an especially good mood that day because of a conversation she had the day before with Jake.


"So Jake, what did you want to ask me?" Sam and Jake were sitting in Clara's diner in town after school on Friday. Jake rubbed the back of his neck like he did when he was embarrassed. "Well, I was king of wondering…" Sam got impatient, "Spit it out Jake!" He talked so fast Sam almost couldn't understand him, "Will you go to the dance with me next weekend?" Sam blushed and looked away, "Really? You wouldn't mind it? I mean everyone will know…" Jake put a finger to her lips, "Yes, I would really like to go." Sam smiled and hugged him, "You're the best Jake."

End Flashback

Sam smiled as she thought about it. Jake was actually willing to sacrifice his reputation fir her. Things between them were completely different then when they were just friends. Now that they were going out the talked all the time and Jake didn't call her Brat anymore. "Sam, dinner!" yelled Bryanna. Sam ran inside. She stil hadn't told her dad, Bryanna, and Gram. She was kind of nervoud about telling them because Bryanna and Gram always teased her and her dad just looked disgusted that his partner was dating her. Sam sighed and sat down. "Jake and I are going to the dance at school next weekend," she winced as she waited for a response. "That's great Sam! Do we need to go buy a dress?" Bryanna sounded very excited. She had probably been waiting for this. She asked Sam at every opportunity if she needed new clothes and now she had the perfect excuse. "Yeah, I do. The only problem is I don't think I have the money to pay for one," said Sam disappointedly. "I'll pay for it. Don't worry about a thing." Wow, that was easy. Maybe I should ask to go shopping more often, Sam thought.

"What color dress would you like Sam?" Bryanna asked at the store later that afternoon. "I'm not sure. It really doesn't matter. I just don't want anything puke green." Bryanna laughed, "I completely understand. Why don't you try this one?" Sam went into the dressing room. She looked at the price tag. The dress was $110. How can she afford this? Oh well, she picked it out, not me. Sam slipped into the dress. It seemed to fit perfectly, but how did it look? She stepped out of the dressing room, and Bryanna gasped.

Hope you like. I'll try to get the next chapter posted soon, but no promises!
