Chapter 1: Obvious
Since the first trip to Hogwarts Ron had felt deep admiration toward Harry. Being friends with the "Boy Who Lived" and feeling that every adventure that they took together brought them closer, his feelings for his friend matured with him. They grew from fond admiration to lustful determination to show Harry how he really felt. Through their years at Hogwarts his deep adoration grew. From almost loosing Harry to a dementor attack in their third year and having him barely survive a murderous attack by "You- know- who," Ron realized that if he lost Harry, he wouldn't be losing just a treasured friend, but a possible mate. Even though his feelings were unnoticed by Harry he could only wish that one day; Harry would understand the way he felt.
This is what Ron was daydreaming about while they all made their sixth trip to Hogwarts and why his eyes were focused on Harry as Harry looked out the train window.
"I wonder how this year will be?" asked Harry as he sat in the Hogwart's train compartment with Hermione and Ron, watching the trees and fields flash past as they headed toward school.
"I hope it's better than last year," Ron replied as he pulled himself out of a deep reverie of thought.
Harry turned his attention from the window to Ron who sat opposite him and leaned his back against the wall. He felt a slight twinge of sickness in his stomach as memories from the last year flashed before his eyes.
"Yeah, last year was horrible..." said Harry. "But maybe this year won't be so bad. I mean, what could be worse than that crazy Umbridge woman." Hermione nodded her head in agreement and flicked her eyes between Ron and Harry deep in thought.
"Hermione, what's wrong?" asked Harry. Hermione shook her head and leaned her back against her sit, crossing her arms over her chest as she continued to ponder.
"Oh, nothing. I'm just really tired." She stretched and yawned. Leaning her head on the side of the compartment, she got comfortable. Ron and Harry looked at each other knowingly. Harry pointed toward Hermione and raised his eyebrows. Ron shrugged and continued to look at Harry who stared back out the window. Ron laid his head against the window. Closing his eyes, he tried to block out the nervous butterflies in his stomach.
The train rattled on through the large amass of fields. As they got closer to the school everything beyond the train was enveloped in darkness. When they finally arrived at Hogsmeade, they left the train, taking the carriages to the school.
As they entered the Great Hall Harry trudged ahead, but Ron and Hermione fell behind.
"When are you going to tell him?" Hermione asked Ron, pulling his robe from behind.
"What do you mean...?" asked Ron raising his eyebrows and looking back at her confusedly.
"You know very well what I mean. You like Harry."
"Yeah, I like Harry. He's my best friend," Ron said sarcastically. "What are you trying to say Hermione?" Hermione opened and closed as mouth as if deciding whether to voice her opinion or not. To be honest she thought Ron was gay, but how could she say that without sounding heartless and downright stupid. She decided to play it off as just a joke.
"Have you been getting comfy this summer?" she asked poking him in the arm playfully
"WHAT? Drop it, okay!" Ron hissed underneath his breath. He looked around nervously to see if anyone had overheard her accusations and seeing no one looking their way sneered at her. He forcefully nudged her away and turned to enter the Great Hall. Hermione glowered in defeat as she looked after him. She couldn't help but notice that his behavior was very odd. She'd question him later. She decided. Sullenly, she followed him into the hall.
"What took you guys so long? You were just behind me," Harry asked. Ron stopped Hermione as she opened her mouth to respond.
"Umm. I had to tie my shoe." Ron said. Harry looked at Hermione, waiting for her to answer.
"I had to help him…." Harry raised a confused eyebrow and opened his mouth to respond but was interrupted when Dumbledore stood and began to speak.
"Everyone, welcome to another year at Hogwarts…" Ron looked at the side of Harry's face. His eyes traveled from his profile to his shoulders and he got another sick feeling in his stomach. Realizing that Hermione was watching him, he smirked at her and she smiled back in a sarcastic, know – it – all way. He rolled his eyes and turned to look at Dumbledore.
A rude Slytherin called out something rude in the middle of Dumbledore's speech. Dumbledore, being who he ws, smiled politely their way and concluded his speech.
"Well, I hope this year will be just as productive as the last. Tuck in everyone!" yelled Dumbledore.
"Here, here!" yelled Harry as he reached for his fork and spoon. When the others didn't join in he stared at them. Noticing his stare, they both turned away.
"What's wrong with you guys? You've been acting weird since the train."
"Nothing," said Hermione who looked at Ron. He hurriedly stuffed a chicken leg into his mouth so that he wouldn't have to answer. Harry continued to stare, but ultimately shrugged if off as them being angry with each other again and began to eat.
"So, I wonder what Malfoy is up to. He keeps looking over here," whispered Harry. Ron turned on the pretence of looking out the window and saw that Malfoy was looking in their direction.
"I don't know," added Hermione. He's such a stupid git. He probably doesn't realize we're looking at him." They turned back toward their food.
Up in the common room, Harry and Ron said goodnight to Hermione as they made their way toward their dormitory; they arrived first. Harry unpacked and then he undressed. Ron all the while sat on the bed staring into space. Did Hermione really know about how he felt toward Harry? He couldn't have been that obvious because he wasn't sure himself. He envied Harry as a friend. That's it. Yeah, he might have thought about him during the summer, but his thought had been completely innocent. He couldn't really see himself with him…could he? He watched has Harry pulled his shirt over his head and off. Instantly his stomach balled into knots. He turned away and began to unpack his things. Out of the corner of his eye, he watched Harry pull back his covers and climb into bed.
"So, are you and Hermione fighting again?" asked Harry as he laid back into this pillow and tried to get comfortable. Ron stared at him and understanding dawned on him.
"Ah, kind of. She's accusing me of something really stupid," said Ron nervously. Harry thought about it for a while then asked what?
"She says I have a crush on Parvati Patil. Stupid huh?" asked Ron
"Nah mate. She's pretty. Kind of an airhead though," he laughed. Ron joined in rather hesitantly and threw Harry some nervous glances before he stopped. He gave an overdramatic yawn, stretch and climbed into bed.
"Night," said Harry as he blew out his candle.
"Night," said Ron from beneath his covers. He closed his eyes and tried to go to sleep, but Hermione's words replayed repeatedly in his mind…
"You like Harry."