Disclaimer: I don't own anything.

Background: Rory and Jess slept together in Last Week Fights, This Week Tights. But, he leftonce Rory told him that she couldn't be with himthe next morning.Rory is currently taking a break from Yale until the baby is born, and living in the apartment above of Luke's. Which means, that Lorelai and Luke are dating and living together. Rory is five months. Oh yeah, Rory and Dean did NOT sleep together.

A/N: I know, I have been writing new stories like crazy lately. I bet most of you are pretty tired of me. lol. But, this idea just popped into my head lastnight and I just had to write it. I hope you like it!

Rory walked through the isles of the bookstore. She waddled over to a section where there were some books on the floor, she groaned, she would never be able to reach the books. She tried pretty hard to bend down but it wasn't happening. Just then, her cell phone rang and the books were forgotten.

"Hello?" Rory sighed.

"You sound like you have just spotted a mess and can't bend down to pick it up because you are what, ladies and gentlemen? Fat and pregnant." Lorelai mocked.

"Okay, this bit is getting old."

"Mocking never gets old, my dear."

"Yeah, yeah. Did you want something?"

"World peace and my mother gone. Wait, those two are basically the same thing." Lorelai groaned. "She called because she wants to have brunch with me and Luke...she apparently wants to re-meet him. I don't understand, I mean, isn't it enough that we have to have Friday dinners every single night? But, now, an added brunch?"

"Ha. I don't have to go." Rory smiled, as she went behind the counter and typed in a name of a book.

"Come on..."

"Hey, I'm making up for the whole fat and pregnant comment."

"It's only true."

Rory rolled her eyes, sitting at the chair provided for her since she was five months pregnant and she couldn't stay up too long. "Are you coming by later with my sandwich?"

"Oy, this is what I hate about you living in Stars Hollow and working at a bookstore close to my Inn." Lorelai stated. "And no, Luke is sending someone to bring you your lunch...he is just being lazy."

"Why can't you do it?"


"That is always your excuse."

"And it works, doesn't it?" Lorelai smirked. "Now, I have to go. Tell baby no-name that I love it."


"Well, you didn't want to find out the gender at the last doctor's appointment. Not my fault."

"Call it–,"

"Hoodlum junior." She interrupted.

"Mom." Rory warned.


"Nothing. Love you. Little it loves you too." Rory smiled, she hung up the phone, sighing deeply. She spent the rest of her day organizing the books that she could reach and she just ended up behind the counter. She liked the counter because it covered her stomach. Rory hated the way she looked at that second, and nobody could see that she was pregnant that way.

"Hey." Dean smiled, walking into the store.

"Dean. Hi." Rory waved. "How are you doing today?"

"Fine. What about you?"

"Ah, I'm just waiting for my sandwich." Rory replied. "Luke said he was going to send someone with it. Still waiting, he must have been caught up with something or other."

"I could go get it if you want..." Dean suggested.

"Nah. I'm okay."

"Alright. So, how are the cravings doing?"

"Not too good. I have to sleep in the apartment on top of the diner because that way when I sleep and everything, there's basically the stuff that I need in the fridge. Plus, it gives me more privacy. Kinda lonely though." She shrugged.

"Are you going to live there when the baby is born?"

"Probably. I don't know everything yet." Rory gave him a smile. "So, what are you doing here?"

"I was looking for a cook book for Lindsay. She said she wanted to make something special for our anniversary." Dean replied. Rory nodded. "Do you know where I could find a cook book in here?"

"Uh, we're just out...I don't know who buys cook books, but we don't have any in stock right now." She said after checking the computer. "I'm sorry."

"No, that's fine. We'll just have to go out to eat." Dean nodded.

"Congrats on the anniversary though." Rory gave him a fake smile. It's not that she wasn't happy for him. She was so glad that Dean and Lindsay were happy together. But, she couldn't help but be jealous. She always wanted that perfect marriage, specially now with the baby coming. But, she always liked Lindsay and she thought that she was perfect for Dean.

"Thanks. Let's hope she doesn't freak when I don't bring the book." Dean laughed. Then, something beeped. "Ah, that's my pager. Taylor needs something. I gotta go."

"Nice seeing you." Rory waved. He left the store in a hurry, and she just took out a book from her purse, settled behind the counter, and started reading.

She was interrupted five minutes later by someone ringing the little bell that she had on the counter. She had her nose stuck in a book and didn't look up, she held up one finger to show one minute. But, they kept ringing the bell over and over again until she got so annoyed, she stood up slamming her book closed.

"What the hell is wrong with you? When I tell you..." She drifted off when she saw who was standing in front of her. And boy, was she glad that she was behind the counter, if this person would have seen her stomach there could be problems.

"Hello." Jess smirked, ringing the bell once more.

"Stop ringing the damn bell, I will be with you in a second." Rory said coldly, then she realized that when she has slammed the book, it had fallen to the floor. "Shit."

"It's just a book on the floor, pick it up." He rolled his eyes.

"You don't exist." Rory stuck a finger at him. He raised an eyebrow at her. "What do you want?"

"Pick up the book."

"I don't want to."

"Why?" He insisted.

"I can't." She stated, trying the best she could to stay behind the counter so he wouldn't see her stomach. "If I don't want to pick up a book, then I don't have to! Okay?" She snapped.

"What the hell is wrong with you?"

"What are you doing here, Jess?"

"I'll tell you after you get the book." Jess smirked, tapping on the counter, waiting for her to respond. She gave him a look, but tried to pick up the book, which was not working. She tried harder, but ended up falling over.

"Dammit!" She cursed from the other side of the counter.

"Here. Let me help you." Jess stated, walking behind the counter, but surprised when he saw Rory with a huge stomach. He tried to ignore it, as he offered her his hand, which she took. She cleaned herself off, walking out from behind the counter. "I guess congratulations are in order. Who's the lucky guy?"

"Umm, please don't ask me that question yet..." Rory drifted off.

"Rory Gilmore pregnant. Never thought I'd see the day."

"I wouldn't start being an ass just as yet." Rory exclaimed.

"And why is that, Rory?" Jess sighed, running a hand through his hair nervously.

"I don't want to do this here...there are people. And I don't want to attract attention to us." She took his by the hand and dragged him to the storage room, that was filled with old books. She sat on one of the stools, and he did the same with the one in front of her's.

"Here." He handed her a brown paper bag. "Luke said to bring you your sandwich...I didn't know what the whole big thing was about the sandwich...but, now I see."

"I'm glad that Luke didn't tell you."

"Why, Rory? You wanted me to leave you alone to let you be with the father of your baby in Yale. Because he is probably someone who is rich and your parents approve. You know what? Ha. There. I'm glad I didn't waste my time on you, you go and sleep with the next best guy after me. And now look at you, you are pregnant. I bet the father is very nice and everything, but–,"

"No, the father is a big ass." Rory shoved the sandwich into his stomach, tears in her eyes, and stormed out of the storage room and out of the store. Jess groaned, he had a squished sandwich against his stomach. He peeled it off and ran after her. She was waddling fast, but he could keep up with her. "Don't follow me, Mariano!"

"What the hell is wrong with you!" Jess exclaimed, trying to keep up with him. "I have tuna all over my shirt because of you."

"I'm pregnant because of you!" Rory yelled, tears in her eyes. He just stood there shocked. Rory shook her head in disbelief, and headed home in a huff, leaving Jess standing there like an idiot watching her go.

He was going to be a father. He couldn't get through that thought, it was too scary. And he wasn't supposed to be scared, he was supposed to be mad. Yes, mad. Mad at Luke for not telling him. Good. He found a distraction. He took a deep breathe as he stormed into the diner.

"Is there an 'I hate Jess convention' somewhere around here or is it just me?" Jess yelled to Luke, who looked pretty clueless.

"What are you talking about?"

"Rory is pregnant."


"She is pregnant!"


"And I helped!" Jess yelled.

"Ah, geez." Luke mumbled, putting down the coffee pot. "I knew that, Jess. You don't have to put it that graphically." It took all of Jess' strength not to kill his uncle at that second.

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"Didn't think you'd wanna know, daddy." Luke mocked.

"Don't call me that!" Jess exclaimed. "And I know that's not true...now, tell me the truth. Why did you not call me and tell me that Rory was pregnant with my baby?" Everyone in the diner started whispering to themselves.

"Rory asked me not to."

"Since when do you listen to her?"

"She is the mother..."

"And I'm the father!"

"I don't know, Jess. Lorelai tried to talk Rory out of it, but she wanted to wait and tell you herself. I don't know what is going through a pregnant woman's brain! So, leave me out of this."

"Would you mind if I kill you right now?"

"I would!" Lorelai chimed in, stepping into the diner. "Hi, Jess. I just want you to know that I hate you with every fiber of my being and it's taking all the will power that I have not to kick you in the groins repeatedly."

"Oh yeah, spread that small town charm." Jess mumbled sarcastically. "Why didn't Rory want me to know?" He asked Lorelai this time.

"Know what? I don't know what your talking about." Lorelai acted clueless.

"Lorelai." Jess warned.

"Fine. She said she would give me a cookie if I didn't tell you." Lorelai stated. Jess just rolled his eyes. "Jess. Come on, you don't want a kid on your hands. Why would Rory ruin the life you have right now for a kid?"

"I already ruined her life, why can't my life be ruined?"

"Rory always believed in you. She wants something better for you." Lorelai sighed. "She's was just being stubborn."

"Gee, this is just great. My whole family having a secret meeting about me behind my back." Rory exclaimed sarcastically. They all turned their heads to find Rory looking at the from the door. "I can't believe you!"

"Well, this is going wonderfully so far." Lorelai bit her lip.

A/N: What did you think? This is going to be a Literati, just to clear that up. Also, i made Dean all friendly with Rory because I thought it would be different and interesting if he was just her friend, and didn't play the part of the jealous boyfriend or ex-boyfriend. But, don't worry, I'm not going to make Jess and Dean friends...I'm not that crazy. :P I hope that you liked it, sorry if there are any mistakes for spelling and stuff...but, I'm looking fora BETA for this story. anyone who is interested can tell me in the review or send me an email. Okay, this author's note is becoming pretty long. Please just review and tell me if I should continue!