Disclaimer: I don't own Bionicle. Only Lani and CJ and their wonderful Hordika forms are mine. Enjoy:P

CJ looked around his prison. His body hurt. His mind hurt. Everything, everything hurt. But not as much as the pain in his heart. CJ could feel the darkness growing. If he didn't do something, he would be consumed by it. CJ sniffled as tears fell down his dirt caked face. He had awoken in a cocoon. A dreadful, barbed cocoon. The venom of the Visorak coursed into his bloodstream, mutating his body beyond recognition. The mutation had a nasty side effect of shredding the cocoon. CJ was surprised to see that the ground was only a few feet below him. He had dropped silently to the ground and found a muddy puddle. But all the dirt and grim in the world couldn't hid CJ's hideous new body. His body had been overrun with lizard-like scales. His right hand had transmuted into a blade of some kind. Three razor sharp spines jutted out of his vertebrae. But his new eyes, they were the worst. They were narrow and slit, and had a blood-shot look.

After about five or so minuets of staring at his reflection, CJ had been hit by a Suukorak's electrified spinner. The abominations had dragged him to the tall structure he had first seen. Once inside, the spiders had bound him in their strange webbing. Now, all he wanted was his sister. Lain could solve anything. She had never shown fear around him. She was his sister. But where was she? Why wasn't Lain rescuing him from those awful… things? CJ never noticed the ebon figure slid into the room.

Lani growled softly. "Why are we running away?" she asked. When her new "friend" didn't answer, Lani dug her new claw into his back armor. He stopped and shook the girl off his back. She hid the ground hard.

Nuju gave Lani a cold glare. "We are no match for the Visorak," he said.

"But they're just spiders!" protested Lani.

"'Spiders' that have taken over a once magnificent city."

Lani frowned. They had been having some form of this argument for the past hour. When Nuju had first seen Lani captured by the Visorak, he had followed them and ripped the girl out of the cocoon in a vain attempt to avoid the mutation process. As soon as Lani had regained consiousness, she had done the typical "scream and run" technique.

Nuju had grabbed her and was still explaining stuff to her. Lani would frequently interrupt and complain about something. She was still mad about loosing her brother. Nuju understood that. He had lost all his matoran friends in the Great Cataclysm. He just couldn't tell Lani that though. It brought back too many terrible memories.

Lani scratched at her new aqua scales. Her eyes had grown huge and were bug yellow. A pair of dragonfly wings flittered behind her back. The girl's right hand had become a marine animal's claw (think Crocodilian). The scales went all the way down to her waist. From there on, she was stark naked. Lani was still embarrassed that she was streaking around a city.

Nuju sensed her discomfort. "It you need something to wear, there's some cloth over there," he said, pointing to a wrecked weaver's store. Lani nodded a thanks in Nuju's direction and tied a rough brown piece of fabric around her torso.

"Where is Nuju?" growled Vakama.

Nokama frowned. "Have patience my brother," she said, trying to keep her own temper in check.

"Where ever he is," grumbled Matau, "he had better have a nice-good though-excuse."

"Would 'helping a being from another dimension out after she was mutated by the visorak' be a nice excuse brother?" said a voice.

"Huh?" came the confused response.

Norik looked over and saw the missing Toa Hordika approaching them. Next to Nuju was… "A human!" gasped Norik.

"A whaty what?" asked Matau.

"A human," said Gaaki. "They are a species from an alternate dimension. Humans are of about they same intelligence as one of us. Occasionally, rifts in the dimensional boundaries will open and a black hole is created. Our friend here must have encountered one of those rifts."

Lani frowned. "If you're so smart," she smirked, "then tell me how I can get home."

Gaaki stared at the girl with sadness in her aged eyes. "You can't."