
"Good morning America. I'm Wendy Day. Our top story today: Syndrome, the great Super Hero of Metroville, has been revealed to be a big fraud. The Super apparently has been pretending to save people's live when in actuality, he has been setting everything up so that it would appear that he was at the right place at the right time. Here is a clip of him setting up a situation. He is unaware that he is being recorded."

(A clip is displayed. It shows Syndrome dropping an unconscious boy into the ocean. He then started moving his hands back and forward. At the same time, the waves of the ocean grow bigger, approaching the defenseless and struggling boy.)

"In addition to that, we have another clip of him confessing right in front of the camera."

(A clip of Syndrome is shown)

"Are you finished? Okay, I admit it. I did it. I started all of those accidents and events. I started the fires, paid people to rob, kidnap, and destroy just so I could be a hero. I even called the giant octopus to try to drown you. After you rescued the boy before I had the chance, I had to do something heroic."

(End clip)

"Thanks to the Incredibles and Frozone, Syndrome has been defeated and the real heroes are back. He is now in the NSA Super Villain Prison. And in other news today, the National Supers Agency is currently holding a ceremony. We bring you live to Luke Atmi for details. Luke. . ."

"Hello there Sunny. As you can see behind me a Super is about to receive an award. As you can see behind me that civilians fans, and other Supers are here to witness this "Incredible" event. . ."

The ceremony was held in front of City Hall. Many sat in chairs as the Mayor of Metroville stepped up to the podium.

"Good day every one. As Mayor of this city, I would like to introduce to you the Chief Executive of the National Supers Agency: Rick Dicker!"

Rick walked up to the podium. A roar of applause was heard from the crowd as Rick shook the Mayor's hand. After that, Rick spoke into the microphone.

"Citizens of Metroville, I cannot express how proud I am to be in a city with such fantastic civilians and incredible Supers." proclaimed Rick. The crowded cheered loudly. Rick grinned and waved his hand for silence. "And speaking of Supers, you all remember Syndrome right?" A loud boo followed after that. Rick tried his hardest not to laugh. "I know, but the reason why we are here today is because the NSA would like to honor and congratulate six special Supers. Without them, Syndrome would still be around "saving" our lives." Everyone laughed. Rick turned toward the Supers. "When I call your name, Please come up and receive your Medal of Valor."

"Mr. Incredible!" The muscular Super Hero proudly walked to Rick and shook his hand. He later bent over as Rick placed the medal around his neck.

"Speedster!" The crowd cheered. The excited young Super dashed to the podium. Rick placed the medal around his neck. Speedster was so excited as he was walking toward his dad, he tripped and fell on his face. The people in the audience laughed as the embarrassed ten-year-old hero got to his feet and made his way next to Mr. Incredible.

"Frozone!" People shouted and screamed as he made his way to Rick. After shaking his hand, Frozone spoke into the microphone.

"I don't know about you guys, but Frozone thinks that Metroville has the coolest people in the world!" Frozone spoke as the crowd went wild.

"Elastigirl and. . . the baby of the Incredibles!" As the civilians applauded, she came up to the podium, carrying Jack-Jack with her. Rick placed a medal around Elastigirl's and Jack-Jack's neck. The heroine smiled as Jack-Jack cooed into the microphone. People in the crowd laughed.

"Well, we are still trying to find a name for our little boy right here." exclaimed Elastigirl, tickling the baby.

She made her way next to the other Supers. The people clapped their hands and shouted at the top of their lungs. Rick made his way toward the podium.

"Before I introduce our final Super, there is much that you all must know. She was the real reason why Syndrome is gone and the real heroes are back. She went through so much just to do the right ting. And, beside her mother Elastigirl, she is considered one of the greatest Super Heroines of all time. Ladies and gentlemen: Invisigirl!"

Invisigirl's applause was by far the loudest and the longest. She beamed and walked over to the podium. She was in awe. Never in her life had she felt so proud of herself. She shook Rick's hand and bent over. A medal was placed around her neck. After that, she looked at the audience. Tears of happiness started to fall from her eyes.

"What a crybaby." said a sickened Speedster. All he got in return was a slap across the head from Elastigirl.

After that, the Supers made their way toward the civilians. For the next two hours, Mr. Incredible, Elastigirl, Invisigirl, Speedster, and Frozone all signed autographs and took pictures with the civilians; while Jack-Jack was placed in the care of Rick Dicker. After that, the crowd left.

"Well everyone, let's go home."

Everyone agreed. Frozone skated away. The Incredibile drove in and the family started to make their way inside. Just before Invisigirl got in, someone called to her.

"Excuse me, Miss Invisigirl?"

She turned around. To her surprise, Tony Rydinger was standing right in front of her. His body was shaking, indicating his nervousness. In Tony's hands was a piece of paper, a pen, and a camera.

"C. . .c. . .could you. . . would y. . .you. . .uh. . .please." he stammered.

Invisigirl placed a finger to his lips. She beamed as she took the paper and pen.

"Of course I would Tony Rydinger." answered Invisigirl, signing her name on the paper.

Tony was shocked. "H. . .how did you know my name?"

Invisigirl gave the paper back to Tony. She grinned. "I remember you. For some reason, I always love to save your life. Besides, I remember this one girl who was a big fan of me. He name was Violet Parr. She has told me so much about you."

"Really?" He asked.

"You bet! She said you were cute, cool, kind, smart, funny, and everything anyone could ask for in a perfect boyfriend." said she. Tony blushed. Invisigirl turned to Elastigirl. "Hey mom, could you please take a picture?"

Elastigirl sighed but took the camera from Tony. Both teens smiled as the picture was taken. Afterwards, Tony took his camera.

"Well, thank you so much."

"You are welcome." said Invisigirl. Tony turned to leave. Invisigirl called out to him once again. "Tony?"

Tony looked at her. Invisigirl made her way toward Tony. She wrapped her arms around him and kissed him right on the lips. After that, Invisigirl winked at him before hopping into the Incredibile. Tony felt so amazed, he shouted at the top of his lungs. Invisigirl sighed romantically.

"Violet and Tony sitting in a tree. . ."


The next day was a Saturday. It was a pretty normal day for the Parrs. Then, the doorbell rang. Helen went to answer the door.

"Tony, what are you doing here?"

"Well, sorry for the surprise, but I was wondering. One: Can I talk to Vi? And two: Can I take a walk with her, just for half an hour?"

Helen smiled and called, "Vi, Tony is here to see you!"

Violet came down the stairs. She was wearing a pink sleeveless shirt and a blue skirt. She waved at Tony as she slipped into her flip flops. After that, the two walked around the block.

"Tony, before you tell me anything, I would like to say sorry about you're camera."

"Don't worry about it Vi. It's just a camera. I would rather spend time with you."

Violet blushed. She turned to Tony. "So how have you been?"

"Incredible. I got an autograph and a picture with Invisigirl! She is so incredible, I can't describe it!" Vi tried her hardest not to blush but it was so hard for her. Tony gazed into Vi's eyes. "She also told me what you said about me. She told me that you said that. . ."

". . .you were cute, cool, kind, smart, funny, and everything anyone could ask for in a perfect boyfriend?" She interrupted. Tony nodded. "Well Tony, I meant it! Besides, I always love to be with you."

Violet planted a kiss right on Tony's lips. A few seconds later, Tony's eyes broadened.

"Wow, deja vu!" awed the teen boy.



Suddenly, a explosion was heard. Both teenagers looked and saw a tank with missiles mounted on the side was slowly approaching. On the tank was a huge skull and cross bone sign. Both realized that another villain has come to attack the quiet suburban area of Metroville.

"Vi come on, we have to get out of here!" said Tony. As he turned around, he saw nobody. He witnessed people fleeing from their homes, but no Violet. "Violet? Violet?" he called.

From behind a tree, an invisible Invisigirl slipped on her Super Suit and placed on her mask. She stared at the large tank, and smiled. Invisigirl reappeared as she ran toward the tank; a smile was upon her face.
