The Passion of Fear and Hate

AN: Sorry about the late update, I've been real busy lately. This is the last chapter. I'm very surprised that I didn't have a real lemon in this fic. But I'm glad with how it ended up. Review please, I want to know what the readers think.

Recap: Alucard knew what was coming, his legs trying to lift him from the floor, but with the lack of blood, he couldn't get himself to stand. He could only watch as Kyrian pulled out the nails in Seras' feet, silver dropping with a clank to the ground. He spread her legs, Seras still to weak to defend herself, even though her heart was healing. The tip of the blade was positioned directly between her feet. Two blood curdling screams tore through the church as the knife was shoved upward.


Darkness clouded the edges of her vision as the pain tore through her body, another sharp pang as the knife was taken from between her thighs. Seras could feel the flowing down her leg from the wound. Her mind was a blur of pain and emotions. Thoughts of children lost, of passion never to come. Her wide eyes were locked on Alucard's, watching as the pure shock registered across his face before the anger came.

He tried to move his legs, but they wouldn't go. An arm reached around to pull the blade from his back, the tip slowly disappearing into his chest before coming out of his back. A laugh echoed through the church as a burst of blood spewed from Alucard's chest.

Seras' attention was drawn from Alucard as she felt a hand on her leg, her eye lashes fluttering to stay up, her gaze focused on Kyrian. Her hand moved over her leg, dousing itself in her blood. He stepped forward to position himself in front of her. "Well little Seras, the wound won't kill you, but you should head to the hospital, or back to Hellsing."

His hands came up, quickly pulling the large nails from her hands, the pain of it lost to her. Her body fell to the floor, into the pool of blood beneath her. She felt her consciousness slipping away from her. Her entire form was covered in blood, a deep pulsing pain radiating from between her legs. But she couldn't say anything, she couldn't scream, she couldn't breath. She was in shock, her eyes straying to Kyrian as he walked towards her master.

Alucard was knelt down on the blood floor, trying to regain himself, trying to heal the wound, but it wouldn't close.

"Don't think that I have underestimated you Alucard. Not only was the blade silver, but it has a magic cast over it. I've been learning a lot through the years old friend." Kyrian's steps echoed evermore in the church, his feet stopping just before Alucard. He bent down to take the elder vampires face in his hand, the black haired vampire to weak to resist.

"I bet you hate this don't you, being so powerless. You're greatest fear, if not your only one. You'll pay for leaving me the way you did lover." He grinned, locking his lips with Alucard's, though he did not return the passion, couldn't even if he wanted to.

What Kyrian said was true, he feared weakness. But right now, his fear was for Seras. He stared past the man in front of him, looking at his fledgling. She was so weak, so frail. Her form barely keeping itself from falling forward as she rested against bottom of the large cross. He could smell her blood, he could even smell the unshed tears that she couldn't spill. But he could smell something else, what was it?

Kyrian stepped back, raising to his full height. "Well, we'll have to work on that Alucard. You'll be taking on the submissive position in our relationship now. I don't care what I have to do to make you comply. But I have kept my promise, the girl will live." It was getting lighter in the church, they would have to leave, quickly. "And now you have to come with me before you bleed out, and before we get caught in the daylight."

Bending down, the blond vampire reached out to grab Alucard, finding it quite pathetic that he would have to carry the vampire back to the house, even though it was only across the cemetery. But his movement froze as a small sound reached his sensitive ears. "What was that little one, I couldn't hear you."

Maybe she's going to beg for me to let him go, or better yet, beg me to kill her. I wouldn't mind taking more of her virgin blood. But the words that reached his ears were nothing of the like.


Kyrian chuckled, standing up and turning. His eyes glanced up at the window, seeing the dark night, the rain falling steadily. His eyes quickly caught on Seras, shock registering the now grey orbs.

Shadows moved over the walls and floor and ceiling, collecting in the pool of blood at Seras' feet. The dark tendrils moved around her form, spiraling and circling around her. They slithered up her legs, helping her form to stand. Her head was bent down, those blond locks shielding her eyes from view. "You have hurt me, and you have hurt my master. I will not let you get away with this."

Kyrian could only watch as the shadows continued to gather, some sliding up to her hair, turning the strawberry blond locks into a dark, moving black mass of strands. The shadows kept coming, her power growing as an electrical air filled the room. A crack of lightning illuminated the building as Seras tilted her head back up, looking at the man before her. Her eyes glowed a dark red, darker than the pool of blood on the wooden floor.

"She has his power." were Kyrian's whispered words.

Her hair continued to grow, the shadows mixing with her hair as it moved as if the force of gravity meant nothing to her. Slow steps carried her closer to the platinum blond vampire, her eyes straying behind him to rest on Alucard as his body finally shut down to allow himself to try and mend his wounds.

"Master hasn't taught me much about being a vampire, but there is two things that come easily to all. One, the power that is transferred through the first blood taking, the time of turning." Seras grinned, her smile evil and insane, rivaling those famous by Alucard. "And the second, is killing."

Kyrian couldn't even get a word in before the shadows of the church moved. The darkness moved in streams across the floor to his feet, Seras' hair shoot outward, a mix of ink and silk. His feet were bound, his hands held at his sides. Her hair wrapped around his throat, tightening even though he didn't need to breath.

Seras pulled him closer, the darkness swirling around them as they got nearly nose to nose. She grinned again and laughed, the soft, yet loud tone reverberating off of the stone walls. "It seems that I'm more like my master than people think. And I'm truly going to enjoy this."

Kyrian's face drained of color, a small sound of pain emitting from his nearly closed off throat. His eyes frantically looked downward, moving over the arm that was plunged into his chest. He gasped for unneeded air, the sound cut of as Seras pulled her arm back. In her hand laid a still beating heart that she crushed in between her fingers. The form of the man before her simply turned to dust, seeping through the shadows to pull on the floor, quickly blowing away from the roaring wind that ripped through the church.

Seras gasped as she blinked a few times, the shadows seeping back to their proper place. Her body his the floor like a sack of bricks, most of the energy drained from her. Her body crawled to Alucard, watching the seemingly lifeless form for only a moment before she collapsed on him, some blood still leaking from her various wounds. Her hair, still long but back to its normal color pooled around her, stained with red. Over the rain outside, she though the heard something. Her last thought before blacking out... helicopters.

Seras awoke with a start, her body jumping upward only to be filled with pain. Really, her entire form ached, but the burst of pain was from her head as she made contact with wood. My coffin...?

awoke with a start, her body jumping upward only to be filled with pain. Really, her entire form ached, but the burst of pain was from her head as she made contact with wood.

A quick movement hit the button to raise the coffin lid, revealing the bright white of the hospital wing of the Hellsing house. Her eyes instinctively shut to the bright overhead lights, not noticing the three other people in the room. Blinking a few times, she took in the form of Walter, Sir Integra, and Alucard. She smiled, the smile not fading from her face even as she was shocked with the pain, as she jumped forward to wrap her arms around the red clad vampire.

"Master, you're alive."

Alucard didn't say a word as he wrapped his arms around her for a few silent moments before holding her at arms length. A real smile upon his lips. Seras sat cross legged on the bed, that had obviously been moved from the basement, surprised not to feel pain. A look of puzzlement had to have come across her face, as Sir Integra began to speak. "Officer Victoria, you've been asleep for two weeks, healing from your injuries. We've been pumping blood into you nearly every hour to bring you back to full health."

Seras looked down as the events in the church replayed in her mind. She sighed and then realized what her hair looked like. The long blond strands, still smudged with blood, reaching down probably to at least mid calf if she were standing. Her shocked eyes looked at Alucard who merely shrugged.

"That is another think, what exactly happened in the church? We asked Alucard, but he had closed down his body. When we found you, the vampire wasn't in sight, and you two were laying there, your hair that long, and blood everywhere.

"How did you find us?"

Sir Integra sighed, reaching for a cigar before remembering where they were. "The power in the area went out. While you were missing, Alucard has been doing that, so we knew he was there. Though he said he wasn't the cause for it."

"Yes, I would like to know what happened as well, where is Kyrian?" Alucard had perched himself against the wall a few feet away from them.

Seras took a breath, she remembered it all, but she truly didn't feel like explaining. "I don't know what happened, it's all a blur really. All I remember is pain and anger, and then all this power. But I know one thing, we won't have to worry about Kyrian again." She looked up at Alucard, sending him the memory of pulling the vampires heart out, watching as a satisfied grin crossed his face.

"Very well then. Seras, you should be able to be relocated back to your bedroom. And you will be drinking your blood, even if we have to force you to." Sir Integra turned to leave the room, Walter following closely at her heels.

Seras laid down once again on the bed, her legs crossing at the ankle as she ran a hand through her hair. Her eyes locked with Alucard's a sense of understanding passing through them.

"Everything will be fine Seras, you're healing quite nicely." Another silence passed between them before Seras spoke.

"What do we do now...Alucard?" She tilted her head at him for a moment before resting against the pillows, her eyes closing as she moved a bit to keep form laying on her hair. She felt the weight on the bed shift as Alucard sat beside her.

"First we will cut your hair, then we will talk about everything that happened at the church." He grinned. "Once that is done, I will inspect your wounds as I have been for the past week.

"You've been taking care of my healing?" She said, a sleepy tone in her voice.

"Indeed I have been. Vampire saliva heals, and I helped heal ALL of your wounds. You'd be surprised by the sounds, and names, people call when they are unconscious."

Seras could feel Alucard grinning, the meaning of Alucard's words taking a moment to set in. She could feel the blush raising on her cheeks, and the welcome rush of warmth that flooded her lower body. Her eyes flooded open, seeing the shadows move across the floor to collect around them. Seras's eyes panned around the empty hospital room, her eyes looking to the door, hearing the lock click before looking back at her master, a grin on both their faces.