


Moon Kitty 2005

February 12th, 2006


It was an ever-constant whisper of assumed conclusions that left many so-called mysteries unsolved, but seemed to appease the minds of those who seemed most interested. It was a rumor.

A plague, if you will.

When the news leaked out, it spread through the school like wildfire. Whispers and shushed voices followed the two individuals, the subjects of the rumors, but neither seemed to notice as they seemed to be too engrossed in their own thoughts. It was, as always, everyday's topic of discussion.

"Brother and sister?"

"And they like each other?"

"I heard they were only step-siblings."

"But still..."

No one seemed to notice the intensity in which these two individuals cared for each other. These two, Shibahime Tsubasa and Shibahime Kazuma, could never be. Until...


Authoress Notes

I know that this is really short, but all my prologues tend to be. My first chapter will be up in a few days.