Valentine's day has arrived...
By midday, Temperance had supervised three identifications. One had been textbook and the second adequate, but the approach of the third doctor had been appalling. Dr Rolland had a high opinion of himself and had paid scant attention to the meticulous procedure she had worked out. She stood with folded arms, listening, as he continued to pontificate as to why his approach was better.
"...and really Dr Brennan, what you fail to understand is that I don't have time to dot every 'i' and cross every 't'. In this case there is only one possible identity for this body because of their height." Dr Rolland gave an abrupt nod to emphasise his point and then pushed his glasses more firmly on his nose, "I can't see how you can possibly object."
Out of the corner of her eye, Temperance saw the door being pushed open and Booth quietly stepped in. Her mouth twitched in a half smile towards him and he raised an eyebrow in the direction of Dr Rolland. Temperance glanced up at the ceiling rolling her eyes and she could see Booth hiding a grin.
For his part, Dr Rolland was irritated that he appeared to being ignored, "Did you hear what I said?" he demanded testily.
Temperance turned towards him, "Yes, Dr Rolland, I did hear you; and no I don't agree with you." He looked affronted but she wasn't going to give him chance to launch into another extended complaint, "Your work this morning was sloppy and your assessment skewed by your attempts to justify the hypothesis that you postulated as to the identity of the body before even examining it. Such an approach is not scientifically sound. It is lazy, in these circumstances foolhardy. The procedures that have been prepared for this identification process are simple, clear and mirror accepted national standards. If following them, and dotting 'i's as you refer to it, poses a difficulty for you, then I am afraid that I will have to recommend that you are removed from the case." She folded her arms and looked at him challengingly.
Dr Rolland's face had gone puce, "How dare you!" he exclaimed, "You have no right to question my professional competence."
Booth hid a grin. The scuttlebutt among the locals was that Rolland, as the town's only doctor, was a pompous ass who was used to unquestioning deference to his medical credentials. A pity he'd tried to take on an expert in another field and tell them that he knew better. Temperance's hands were on her hips and Booth winced. He decided he'd better intervene before Dr Rolland said something that Temperance would make him regret.
"Dr Rolland." He said offering his hand and then letting it drop to his side again as the doctor presented a gloved hand, "Just so that we're clear, the FBI has placed Dr Brennan in complete control of this aspect of the case and we have specifically asked her to ascertain the competence of those carrying out the identification work and their adherence to the procedures that have been designed." He paused and flashed his usual charming grin, "My advice is to follow the procedure."
Dr Rolland gritted his teeth, "If I agree to follow the procedure?"
Booth shrugged and looked at Temperance.
"I'd need to see you put it into practice." She replied.
Dr Rolland fell silent. Booth guessed that he was weighing up what effect walking out, or even been thrown out, would have on his reputation locally. Maintaining his image as the indispensable local medical expert won out and he nodded.
"Fine" Temperance said, "I suggest we take a short break and start work at," she looked at her watch, "12:30."
Dr Rolland gathered up the remaining tatters of his dignity and stalked out.
Before Booth could open his mouth, Temperance said, "Don't say anything. I have to spend another hour or so in his company and then I never, ever, want to see him again."
Booth chuckled, "I get the impression the feeling is mutual," He looked more serious, "He is competent to leave on the case, isn't he?"
Temperance nodded in frustration, "Just lazy. And chauvinistic."
"Want a coffee?" Booth asked.
"Sure." She replied as they made their way towards the coffee machine. As they sat on a couple battered arms chairs in small staff room sipping the bitter liquid, Booth brought Temperance up to speed on his discussions with the Sheriff and the other FBI agents, "...They're all set to leave. The investigation into the administration of the cemetery is on track. Once you've got the good doctor and his colleagues toeing the line, we're good to go."
"I'll be done in an hour, the other two were fine." She drained the rest of her coffee and hauled herself out of the chair, "May as well get on with it."
At quarter past two Temperance pushed the outer door of the hospital open and was surprised to find that a couple of inches of snow were already lying on the ground and large flakes were swirling thickly out of the sky. Her eyes scanned the parking lot and she spotted Booth's SUV in near the entrance. She walked over, but was confused to find it locked, Booth had stuck his head around the door just before two and said that he was parked outside - where had he gone? She looked around again. She didn't want to go back into the hospital and risk running into the odious Dr Rolland, but her coat was already dappled with snowflakes.
"Hey!" A familiar voice called, Temperance swung round and saw Booth emerging from through the whiteness across the road, carrying a couple of paper bags. He shifted the bags into one hand and pressed the button on his key fob. With a clunk the doors unlocked and Temperance wasted no time clambering in. A minute or so later, Booth arrived. He tried to shake off the worst of the snow before getting in.
He turned to her with a grin, "Sorry, hope you weren't waiting too long." She shook her head. He held up the bags, "Provisions. Figured we wouldn't want to hang around to eat out the way this lot is coming down." He gestured out the widow at the snow.
Temperance smiled back, "I'm starving - what d'ya get?"
Booth pulled out the tray between the two seats and started to empty the bags, "Decent coffee for me, hot chocolate for you." He placed them on the tray. "Two toasted paninis, still hot." He paused, "And some doughnuts."
Temperance felt a little surge of pleasure that he'd remembered that she liked hot chocolate, then said, "Have we got time to eat these now?" Then she looked round in confusion, "What happened to Davies and O'Sullivan?"
Booth answered the first question by picking up his sandwich and taking a bite after swallowing he said, "They've gone back already. New case; lousy weather. They hired a car." He paused, "Just us on the way back."
Temperance shivered slightly at the emphasis he placed on 'us', but decided to concentrate on her sandwich. They ate in companionable silence, when they had finished, Temperance packed up the rubbish and Booth pulled out onto the road.
The driving conditions were awful and it was a slow ride home. They chatted for the first hour, but Booth could see that Temperance's eyes were getting heavier. He reached across and touched her knee, "Get some sleep if you like."
She looked at him and then nodded, curling up in her seat. Booth looked across at her and smiled - damn she looked cute asleep. He checked his watch, gauging how long the journey was likely to take.
Temperance's unconscious mind registered that the engine noise had died and they had stopped moving. She stirred, rubbing her eyes with her hands. She blinked a couple of times and looked out. It was dark and there was still a lot of snow on the ground. The street looked familiar - where were they? She had just realised that the driver's seat was empty when the passenger door opened and Booth smiled at her, "Hello sleeping beauty. We're home."
Temperance blinked again - home where?
"Come on, let's get inside." Booth was making shoo-ing gestures towards the sidewalk. Temperance tried to shake herself awake and realised that they were parked outside Booth's house. She glanced quickly at her watch, it was already after seven.
Booth was watching her affectionately as she tried to get her bearings, he caught her hand, "Dinner's at my place tonight." He thought for a moment and then leant in and kissed her lingeringly, "It's outside working hours now." He explained, as though daring her to object.
The feel of his lips on hers brought her fully awake and she stretched, before jumping out of the car. Booth closed the door behind her and locked it.
"What about my bag?" She asked.
"It's in the hall, I've unloaded everything." He put an arm around her shoulders and they headed towards his front door, hips brushing together as they walked.
Booth's house was warm and welcoming. The decor was classic, plain, soothing colours and lots of light, natural wood. He led her through the hallway and into the lounge area, which had an oversized couch, two big armchairs, and massive leather beanbag. Temperance smiled to herself, somehow she imagined that Booth would spend most of his time slouched in the beanbag, and the Playstation controller lying next to it only confirmed her suspicions.
"Do you want a drink?" He asked, when she nodded, "Coffee, juice, beer?"
"Coffee would be great thanks." She stopped for moment, "Could I use the bathroom to freshen up a bit?" She wrinkled her nose, "I've got that gritty feeling from sleeping in the car."
"Sure," Booth disappeared out the door they had come in through and returned a moment later with her bag, "Thought you might want some of your stuff, follow me."
She smiled in appreciation and followed Booth, the bathroom was in the far corner of the single-story house, Booth handed her a towel from a cupboard and handed the bag over, "It's all yours, I'll sort out dinner out." Booth headed into his bedroom and changed into jeans and a shirt.
Temperance closed the door softly behind her and looked around the bathroom. It was sparkling white and blue. Very clean and not much clutter. She filled the sink with water to wash her face, wondering if she should change clothes.
In the kitchen, Booth opened the fridge. Inside were several neatly lablled packages. Thank you Sid, he thought. He'd called Sid earlier and explained that he wanted a special dinner. Booth tipped sauces into pans on the stove and put a few packages in the oven. Sid had agreed readily enough once he'd realised that Booth would be sharing the meal with Bones, Booth smiled slightly, in fact his friend had signed off the call by saying 'it's about damned time - how slow on the uptake are you two?' While the food heated through, he got out plates and cutlery and set them out on the table.
Quarter of an hour later Temperance emerged, looking refreshed and a lot more alert. She'd changed into jeans and a fitted green top. She'd decided to be daring with the top and had left the last couple of buttons undone, nothing trashy - just a hint of cleavage - she thought Angela would approve.
She stood in the doorway watching Booth as he busied himself around the kitchen. She had to admit that the jeans provided a very pleasing rear view. After a minute of ogling, she tore her eyes away and took in the stacks of dishes and spills of various colours on the surfaces - what is it with guys and needing to use every pan available when cooking? Still, she had to admit it smelt great.
"Need a hand?" She asked.
Booth turned round with a smile, which widened when he took in the jeans and sexy top, "You look great." He walked towards her, Temperance could feel her heart starting to beat faster under the intensity of his gaze. He came to a halt right in front of her and leant into whisper in her ear, "Ready?"
Ready for what? With his warm breath tickling her neck, she could think of several things, and dinner was nowhere near the top of the list. Seemingly of their own accord her arms slid around his neck, and he began tracing gentle kisses along her jaw line. Booth's hands settled at her waist and pulled her closer towards him.
A shrill ringing noise shattered the moment, and they both jumped. Booth looked at her ruefully, "Dinner's ready..."
She ignored the question in his tone and said, "Let's eat." She had to laugh at the disappointed look on his face, "Oh come on Booth, I'm hungry, and anyway a little anticipation won't kill you."
He sighed, "Wanna bet on that?" Then he smiled and took her hand, "Come on - Sid would kill me if we didn't eat this anyway."
"Sid?" She said sitting at the table and breathing in the wonderful aromas from the dishes Booth placed in front of her.
"Uh huh. I wanted to make you something good for dinner." He walked back over the oven and brought out a couple more plates, "but the cupboard was bare. Sid'll do takeout on very special occasions." Booth disappeared into the hallway.
She called after him, "And this qualifies?"
"Sure," Booth said, reappearing in the doorway, he paused and then brought his arm out from behind his back holding a stunning bouquet of white and palest shell pink roses, peonies and camellias, "Happy Valentines day."
Temperance looked at the flowers in silent amazement.
Booth walked over, raising an eyebrow questioningly, "Do you like them?"
She took the bouquet off him and smiled in delight, "They're beautiful - thank you so much." She reached up to brush his cheek and then pulled his head down for a kiss. They slowly pulled apart, gazing at one and other.
Booth took the flowers from her again, "I'll put these in some water. You start eating." He filled the sink with water and placed the flowers in it, propped up against the draining board, then he sat down opposite Temperance and started to eat. The food was delicious, but they were hardly conscious of what they were eating.
Booth had never really thought of food as being erotic, but watching Temperance's lips as she ate was making him rapidly revise that opinion. This is torture, he thought, but in a good way.
Temperance was aware that Booth was watching her, his brown eyes never leaving her face, and it was making her tingle all over.
"That was great." Temperance said as she put her chopsticks down and pushed her plate away, she gave a small grin, "Coffee?"
Booth stood up and nodded, "You go on," He pointed towards the lounge, "I'll bring it through."
Five minutes later he placed two mugs on the table in front of Temperance.
He smiled and sat down next to her on the couch putting an arm around her, "At least you had the courtesy not to fall asleep!"
She quirked her eyebrows at him, "I was tempted, but I had a good snooze in the car," She reached out across and laced the fingers on her right hand through his, "I thought it might be worth staying a awake."
Booth smiled slightly and leant towards her, "Yeah?"
"Uh huh, I..." Her words were cut off as Booth's lips found hers.
The kiss was gentle, lips moving softly together. Booth's free hand cupped her cheek and then traced the outline of her face. Temperance sighed into his mouth as she relaxed into his embrace.
Booth's eyes were closed, but his other senses were taking over. In his arms he could feel her soft, warm skin and he breathed in the faint scent of soap and ginger and an essence that was hers alone. He tasted her mouth against his and heard her soft moans as they kissed and drew closer together.
Temperance's eyes felt heavy, but she continued to watch him from under drooping lashes, unable to tear her gaze from the expression of rapt attention on his face, and the knowledge that, in that moment, she was the sum total of his world.
Their hands began to move more freely and Temperance shifted closer, pressing her curves to fit against the hard planes of his body.
Their kisses grew more urgent and Booth's hands tangled in her hair and pulling her closer. She reached up and stroked his face, enjoying the roughness of the stubble on his jaw against her hand. His kisses trailed from her lips to the hollow of her throat, and then slowly back. One hand slid down her arm and found its way under her shirt to stroke her back.
Suddenly, Temperance shifted in his arms, and moved to sit straddled across his lap, pushing him back until he was sat braced against the back of the couch. His eyes darkened with desire as she stared down at him, slowly undoing the buttons on his shirt. He watched her lips curve into a triumphant smile as she pushed back his shirt to reveal his naked chest, before he reached for her and crushed her lips against his. His hands skimmed along her sides, ghosting against her breasts causing her to shiver and moan slightly. He pressed the advantage, his tongue gaining entry into her mouth and pulling her closer still.
They continued to kiss, tongues probing and exploring. Temperance's hands roved across his chest, wanting to feel every inch of skin. She broke the kiss, to move her lips along his jaw and then nip his earlobe. At the same time she shifted in his lap, pressing hard against his groin and he groaned in response. His eyes swept around the room, "Hold on" he said huskily and she linked her arms around his neck. He took a firm hold and stood up.
Temperance's mind was having difficulty processing the fact that Booth seemed intent on carrying her to his bed; but she didn't have time to think anymore than a good thing he doesn't have to go up any stairs before he was pushing open the door to his bedroom and lying her gently on the bed.
He smiled down at her, discarding his shirt, and then kneeling over her, he slowly traced kisses along her collarbone as he unbuttoned her top. He pushed it off her shoulders and trailed his tongue along the edge of her bra. She moaned again and arching her back and then pulled his head to hers and kissed him deeply.
As they kissed, they tugged at belts and jeans, and soon they were lying discarded by the bed.
Their kisses became more feverish, as their legs twined together, with only the wisp of her lacy panties and his boxer shorts between them. Booth cupped her breasts and she pressed against him. Their exploration continued, until, at last, they could wait no longer. Booth's eyes sought hers, seeking permission, she responded by using her hand to guide him.
They moved together rhythmically. There was no need to speak, no need to think, they gave into the demands of their joined bodies.
Release came, finally, and they both cried out, holding the other in a crushing grip. After a few moments, Booth opened his eyes, his forehead resting against hers. She smiled, as he moved to ease the weight from her, and laced her fingers through his again.
"I love you Seeley." She said, kissing him.
She felt him smile against her lips and pull her into a hug. His arms locked against her back and he tucked her head under his chin, as he pressed a kissed into her red-gold hair she heard his whispered, "I love you, Tempe."
(Fades to dark)
(Hope you enjoyed and thanks for reading.
Apologies if the ending was a little short, but the I wanted to keep within the ratings permitted on the site.)