The digidestined had arranged for them all to get together this weekend. It was, supposedly, a sleep-over at Ken's, but most of the DD had to call three different people to get the details. "Hey Ken?"
"Is it this weekend?"
"Is what this weekend?"
"You know, the party!"
"Oh, right... Yeah, it is."
"Ok, great! Uh... When should I be there?"
"I don't know! Ask someone that actually knows what's going on!"
And that was the normal system of conversation about the whole thing. Eventually, Rick ended up calling another meeting, and they worked out the problems there. By the time they got everything settled, it was two days until the party. Ken ran off in a frenzy, partially because of the time limit, and partially because Yolei went into one of her "Ken love-fits." Yolei, of course, ran after him, but Ken, being the athlete that he is, outran her. He went out and bought the streamers, the balloons, and anything else he needed, and set to work decorating the house.

Matt and TK were busy getting ready. TK had slept over at his older brother's apartment the night before, and they'd stayed up extremely late. TK had to run home and grab a few things, but otherwise, they were all packed. "Man," TK said, trying to start some sort of conversation, "is this gonna be fun or what?"
"I guess so."
"Hey, Matt, what's wrong?"
"Nothing." TK gave him that "all-knowing" look. "Ok, ok, I've got this feeling-
"Quit interrupting me, and maybe I'll tell you."
"Oh, sorry." TK smiled sheepishly.
"As I was saying, I've got this weird feeling that something strange is going to happen at the party." TK looked at his brother with his brow furrowed and his head cocked. "Really? I do too." Matt laughed.
"Maybe it runs in the family!"
"I'm serious. Maybe we shouldn't go." Matt shook his head, still smiling. "C'mon, TK, nothing's gonna happen."
"You're right. I'm probably just over-reacting." Matt's dad poked his head in the door.
"Hey, guys. It's almost time, better get going!" TK's eyes widened. "C'mon, Matt! I still have to get my extra set of clothes!"

Ken's house was decorated to the extreme. There were balloons and streamers everywhere! Reds, blues, greens, even pinks were among the many colors. Ken greeted each of his guests at the door. One by one, the digidestined arrived, each carrying their own bag of supplies. Even Rick and Shouri were there, all the way from America. Everyone took a seat in the living room. There was an eerie silence. "So," Yuuki said. "What do ya wanna do?" Ken shrugged.
"I dunno." Mimi took something out of her bag. "You brought a Boom Box in your sleep-over bag?!" Matt stared at her in disbelief. Mimi smiled.
"I thought we could dance!" Everyone stared at Mimi for a moment. "What?" she asked.
"That's a great idea, Mimi! C'mon Ken!" Yolei screamed. Ken screamed in horror.
"No! You can't make me!!!!!" He clung to the back of the couch for dear life. The couch fell backwards as Yolei attempted to drag Ken away. Everyone sitting on it, which happened to be everyone except Cody. Ken's mother poked her head in the door.
"Having fun, I see. Listen, I have to go out for a few minutes, Ken, dear. I need some milk and eggs for tomorrow. I'll be back soon!"
"No, Mom, you don't understand-
"Bye! Have fun, kids!" His mother grabbed her keys and left. Tai laughed.
" 'Listen, I have to go out for a few minutes, Ken, dear.' What kind of a name is 'Ken, dear'?!" Ken, though, was more focused on clinging to the couch as best he could. "No! You can't make me, Yolei! Get off of me!!!!!" He was kicking and screaming like a three-year-old. Yuuki, Shouri, and Joe jumped off the couch (which was still lying on its back) and tried to help Ken.
"Get off of him, Yolei!"
"Ken, leggo!"
"Shut up, Yolei!"
"Don't tell me to shut up!"
"Please stop fighting!"
"Oh, fine..."
"Sorry, she didn't mean it."
"Shouri, would you give me a hand!"
"Ken, it'll be fun, just let go of the couch..."
"Don't worry, Ken! We're here to help!"
"Gee, Yuuki, ya think?!"
"Shouri, shut up."
"Yes!" Joe sighed. "Why me?" He stood up. "SHUT UP ALREADY!!!!!!!!!!!" Everyone froze. Mimi gasped. "Joe, you just.. But that's just not your nature!" Yolei took this stillness to her advantage. She tore Ken off the couch and screamed, "Hurry, Mimi! Turn on the music!" Ken struggled even harder. "NO!!!! YOU CAN'T MAKE ME!!!! YOU'LL NEVER TAKE ME ALIVE!!!!" But of course, no one could stop Yolei during her "reign of terror." Ken started crying helpless tears. Yolei looked at Ken in concern. "Please, stop crying Ken." Ken didn't look up at her. Instead, he started mumbling. "It's my party and I'll cry if I want to..." Everyone except Ken and Yolei laughed.
Suddenly, the ground started shaking. The floor opened up and swallowed the room, taking its occupants with it.