
It was a long while before Harry and Draco found themselves alone. They were in one another's arms quickly, and the two young men were happy together.

"I was starting to believe I'd never see you again, Harry."

"I would have come sooner, but Albus wouldn't let me. Which I suppose was a good thing. I was terrible to see, Draco…Voldemort almost destroyed me. And the Death Eaters would have finished me off if not for Sirius and Snape. I think it's funny that Severus is your godfather."

"They're lovers as well, you know." Draco smiled.

"That makes it even more ironic. But would that make us incestual in some way?"

Draco raised his eyebrows. "Well…they're not related, but they're lovers."

"And we're not related…but we're lovers." They both grinned and kissed lovingly when Harry said this.

"It's just ironic."

"Okay good. I would hate it if we were related somehow."

"Wait…Sirius is my uncle."

"He is? Oh yeah…Narcissa is his sister. Well…he's your uncle, and my godfather."

"I suppose that's like cousins in a way."

Harry sat up, Draco doing the same.

"That's not even like cousins."

"Well a godfather is kind of like an uncle…" Draco said, but Harry leapt on him.

"Either way, I don't fuckin' care. Even if I found out that we were brothers in some weird, twisted way I think I'd still kiss you like this."

Draco smiled into the soft mouth, and put his arms around the other boy's strong back.

Above on the hill, Severus pressed his lips to Sirius's cheek.

"Let's not tell them."

Sirius smiled and nodded.

"It's a good thing Draco looks exactly like Lucius instead of his mother."

"I think Albus had something to do with that actually…"

"The eyes?"

"Yes. It would have been a dead giveaway."

"Harry's green eyes are so beautiful though…can you imagine two pairs staring at one another…"