The Ball Chapter 2

Disclaimer: Nope, I don't own him.

She smiles, brushing a stray hair away as she carefully restores air to the bright red ball. The vats of creamy dark chocolate she calls eyes look at me cheerfully. Her just plump enough rosy lips part and her musical voice proclaims the news that enraptures the small girl in my arms. "All done Kawatta! It's ready for you now!"

Kawatta struggles out of my arms and runs to her mother. Her hair is a dusty grey, a mix of my white and the keeper of my heart's black. She has her mother's brown eyes, on her like an oak tree. Her own dog ears twitch as she hugs the ball to her joyfully. "Thank you Mommy!" she said, her small arms trying to encircle her mother, but not in any ways big enough to completely circle my pregnant mate.

"You're welcome honey" she tells Kawatta, patting her head. "Run along and play with Chame, Kirara, Kanna, Shippou, Kawaii, Shori, Sato, Kaeru, and Arashi now." Kagome instructs our daughter. Kawatta nods and runs of, holding the ball that ironically matched the Fire Rat Kimono I had bequeathed to her.

I put an arm around my beloved wife and then kissed her. I had found my mother's journal and had fund she once compared me to the ball that I found with the journal. And she was right.

The ball had a hole pierced in it from a rock. I had a hole pierced in me from hatred.

The ball's air escaped. My happiness and innocence escaped.

Kagome refilled the ball with air and patched. Kagome refilled me with love and happiness and patched my hole.

I love Kagome. She loves me. She is pregnant with my, our secound child. We had many rough times, and of course we still fight now and again. But we pulled through. Kikyo is dead, and hopefully at peace. Naraku was slain and is definatly not in peace, though he is in pieces.

Sango and Miroku live next to us in their own hut. They're on their sixth child, with eight year old twins, a 7 year old, a five year old and a three year old already. They're such a happy family. Almost as happy as us. Sango doesn't mind Miroku being such a Hentai to her now, I guess. And Chame, his eldest eight year old son, is starting to follow in his footsteps. Kohaku lives with them to, his memory back. And the Kazaana is gone, has been since Naraku died.

Kagura and Kanna were freed from Naraku.

To everyone's shock Kagura and Jaken fell deeply in love. Kagura and Jaken live in Sesshoumaru's castle. They have one child. Surprisingly this wind/toad demon hybrid doesn't look amazingly ugly.

Kanna and Shippou are courting one another, shyly of course. They are in their demon teens, physically for Kanna of course, and Kanna shows more emotion now. Still very lifeless but more then she used to. They stay with Kaede-baba who is still not dead. And she's in love with Toutosai. I don't even want to think about it.

Sesshoumaru and Rin are together, and we have a peace between us now. They have two children, the small Kawaii and the regal Watage. They live in Sesshoumaru's castle and we visit them often. Our hut is a mere half hour's walk away from the castle.

The ball is repaired. I am repaired. And the ball shall stay in my family for as long as possible to serve as a reminder. No matter how deep wounds may be, and no matter how tragic your life has been. If the right person comes along, he or she can heal your hurts. For me it was Kagome. For Sesshoumaru it was Rin. For Sango it was Miroku. For Shippou it was Kanna. For Kagura it was Jaken. For Kaede it was Toutosai. There's a bit of the ball in everyone. And a bit of everyone in the ball. I know this and I think the ball will be fine. For the rest of our lives.

A/N- I hope you guys like the ending! Reviews are loved very much!