Ashley was gone, taken to some god-forsaken rock by Saddler. Where the hell was this place anyway? That little troll Salazar had told Leon what happened to Ashley; after one of those flying bugs took her, Saddler had her taken to his…personal island. Maybe it was relieving the anger caused by Ashley being taken away again or the feeling of payback for all the traps and ambushes in the Castle, but Leon thoroughly enjoyed killing Salazar and his left hand.

Leon walked through the dimly lit hallway, his Red9 in hand. He was hungry, wet, cold, and his clothes were covered in sweat and blood from all the fighting he had done since arriving to this place. Hearing nothing from around the corner except the crackle of torches burning, he leaned back against the wall and took a deep breath, lowering his guard. He was only one man and this mission had become far too much – all those innocent people corrupted by Saddler, Mendez, Verdugo, then Salazar…he was exhausted.

"Need something to refresh yourself, Stranger?"

The voice was all too familiar. However the hell this guy got around, he did it well. Leon opened his eyes and saw the cloaked figure standing by his blue-flamed torches. He pushed himself away from the wall and walked over to where the Merchant stood. Leon tossed a handful of Pesetas on the table and took the can of disinfectant first aid spray and a ration and then walked back to his wall. He slouched down and began spraying his wounds. He had plenty of cuts and scratches and though they stung like hell when sprayed, it would be better than dealing with infection later on.

After treating his wounds, Leon tore open the ration and began to eat. He needed to recover his strength to continue on; plus, his stomach growling would blow his cover. He finished off the ration and stood up, stretching. Sure, they tasted like crap but they helped with hunger. Leon walked back to the Merchant and sat his Red9 down on the table and reached for his attaché' case again.

"Another ration….and what can you do for my gun?"

"Good things, Stranger. Do you want me to add some springs for more firepower or add room to the chamber?"

Leon stopped and thought for a moment as he took his second ration. More chamber capacity would require less frequent reloading, but more kick would make handling any hostile being easier. He nodded and opted for the increase in firepower. As the Merchant worked he walked to a chair sitting by a desk and took a seat. His eyes caught a document on the desk and he found himself reading it. It was titled "Memo 3 – Luis Sera." Another account of a discovery by Luis.

The next chamber was even more dimly lit. Leon had to narrow his eyes to see; he didn't want to use his flashlight less he alert one of Saddler's goons. As his steps drew on he heard a low rumbling sound – a motor! He quickened his steps and then pressed against the wall, leaning around the corner. There sat Ada Wong in the driver's seat of a boat. She heard the clicking of boots on concrete and turned around quickly, gun drawn. When she saw Leon she lowered her weapon and cracked him a seductive smile. She was extremely attractive and knew it, plus she knew how to use which was all the better.

"Need a ride, handsome?"

It was the third time they'd crossed paths. Though he couldn't make the person out at the time, he knew it was Ada who saved him from Mendez back at that house. When he encountered her in Salazar's bedroom he knew it all. Ada survived Raccoon City six years ago and she had saved his life now; just like she had back then. That was two favors he owed her. He finally placed the Red9 back on his side and walked towards the boat. Instead of climbing into the passenger's side he walked to where she was and looked down at her. She could feel Leon's heavy gaze and looked up, staring at him.

It was the first time she had gotten a good look at him. He wasn't the same person she knew from Raccoon City. He was more muscular, his hair longer, his eyes had so much more confidence in them now, and from what she had seen; he could handle himself a hell of a lot better. Her eyes wandered up to his and she noticed he was looking at her deadly serious.

"We don't have time for games, Leon. Saddler took Ashley to his island. The sooner we get there the better."

"Why do you care about Ashley?"

His voice was cold. He wasn't the naïve rookie cop anymore; he had grown some intellect since they had last met. He knew that Ada had her own reason for being in this European deathtrap and saving Ashley Graham wasn't it. She sighed and shook her head, some of her black locks waving as she did so.

"I have my reasons for being here. If I can help out an old friend along the way, who am I to complain?"

It happened so quickly she had no time to react. Leon grabbed her arm forcefully and snatched her from the boat; pinning her back against the wall. She looked at her arm and saw the tight grip he had, her eyes moved up and she saw the large bicep flexing as he held her. He had definitely improved since 1998. Her gaze continued and she saw the angry look in his brown eyes. He was very close to her, so close they were breathing the same air. She felt a rush go through her body and goose bumps form on her arms. Even after all this time, he still had the same affect on her.

"Leon now isn't the time…"

"I've had a VERY long day, Ada! My escorts were murdered, everybody I see wants to kill me, I lost my subject, and now YOU'RE HERE!"

Hearing Leon yell in anger was scary. He had become an intimidating figure and when he was pissed, it was quite the sight. Ada took a deep breath and kept quiet, looking at the rage and aggression in his eyes. No, the man she knew from Raccoon City was no more. She swallowed and just stared at him, waiting to see what he would do.

"I'm sorry…."

He apologized and let go, taking a step back. He took a deep breath and then reached to his pocket, pulling out what was left of the other ration he purchased. It flew through the air and Ada caught it. She looked at it a little confused and when he nodded, she took a bite. It had been awhile since she had eaten and it felt good to have food in her stomach. She smiled at Leon and then it all came back; maybe she did work against him, but he still felt for her. What was he thinking? This was a confidential mission from the American government and suddenly he was feeling an attraction towards her?


He spoke softly as he moved towards her. She looked up just in time to see one of his gloved hands moving towards her. It rested on the wall next to her head and then he kissed her. Of all times, why was he kissing her now? It was his old feelings finally surfacing. He had thought his comrade from the Raccoon City Incident dead and now he found her alive and well a full six years later. He should have been more focused on reaching Saddler's island to get Ashley, but all he could think about was Ada. Their lips touched and Leon began kissing her, pressing his lips against her soft ones. It was deep, and passionate. She wasn't one for relationships and it had been quite some time since her last physical encounter; feeling the strength and power of Leon so close and those lips on hers…it was good. She dropped what was left of the ration and wrapped her arms around his neck. Their lips parted and they looked into each other's eyes. It had been six years and though both of them had been on the guard from attacking madmen for the last twenty-four hours, they were at peace as they stood in the cool, dark dock this Fall night.

Ada acted first. She grabbed at Leon's shirt, pulling it out from his combat pants and slipping her hands underneath. Her hands slid over his stomach and up to his chest, feeling the hard muscles. God above, Leon Kennedy was a man in top physical shape. Her hands continued to roam as he leaned down, kissing and nibbling the side of her neck. His very touch made her gasp; it was electricity going through her. She slid his shirt over his head and dropped it; thudding as his combat knife fell with it to the smooth, paved floor. Seeing his upper body in its toned physique was even better than feeling it. Acting on pure passion, she placed a hand on the back of Leon's head and pulled him forward, kissing him with so much passion.

As her hands roamed through his light brown locks she could feel his hands behind her, unclasping her red dress. As the clasp came undone the top fell, exposing a black bra. Leon wasted no time as his hand moved down and grabbed the soft flesh through the material of the bra. Ada closed her eyes and let her head fall back. She was so into the excitement that when she realized what was happening next her bra had been removed and she was lifted off the ground; her legs wrapped around Leon's waist as he held her up; his mouth encompassing her right breast. She inhaled again, feeling his warm tongue slide over the flesh.

"Take me, Leon….."

She mustered to say in a hushed, ragged voice. He sat her down on her feet again and she reached for his belt, sliding the leather out and working at it. His hands reached back, groping her ass through the thin material of her red dress. Just like she, Leon hadn't seen any action in far too long and this was something he'd take advantage of. His hands kneaded and felt, groped her butt, she gasped when she felt a light smack; just firm enough to sting. At the sound of his zipper coming undone he pushed her back against the wall and hitched up her dress, revealing a pair of sleek black panties. Ada shifted her hips as Leon tugged, pulling them down. Once they reached her ankles she stepped out of them and then reached for Leon again; removing what she wanted.

For a moment she just stared and then looked back up at him, smiling sexily. Leon lifted her up again and held her to the wall as he slid into her. They shared a collective gasp and then her legs wrapped around his waist. Their bodies moved as one; Leon pushed his hips forward against her as she slid herself up and down. It was good. All of their pent up aggression and frustration was being released and the simple act of two consenting adults making love reminded them they were still human and this was still the real world.

"Oh, Ada…"

"Leon! Leon!"

Each called the other's name. There was no gunfire, no screams of pain, no yelling; just heavy breathing and panting as Leon and Ada became one. Her face contorted and she began to breathe faster; tightening her legs around Leon's body. She let her head fall back and began to scream.


He could feel it too. The intensity in his body building, the tight and burning feeling in the pit of his stomach that was working its way through his entire body now. As Ada panted and tightened her grip on him he leaned forward, feeling the finish coming. Both of them screamed out, Ada's voice a high shrill of a squeal and Leon growling in his baritone voice. They both climaxed as their orgasms hit and for that time, they both felt more alive than they had since the Umbrella Incident.

Ada sat in the boat, looking at her reflection in the rearview mirror. She smiled as she ran her slender fingers through her hair. After sharing several moments of deep kissing they had gotten dressed and she had climbed back into the boat. Leon was kneeling a few feet away, going through the things in his attaché' case, making sure all the things he needed were there. He closed it and slipped his knife back into its holder and stood. As he boarded the boat Ada turned and smiled at him, glad she had run into him after all this time.

"Need a ride, handsome?"

Leon nodded and she pushed the accelerator forward. The boat took off towards the island. They may have been jumping from the proverbial frying pan into Saddler's fire, but both had their missions and things to attend to.