
Chap 9

a/n: This chap may be the last! But there is a whole series! The next story is called 'Love Hurts (And I Can Prove It)' that story's mainly about Logan and Dana, Maddy and Michael, some about the others but probably not a lot!

When Logan, Dana, Quinn, Rachael, Zoey and Chase got back from the hospital it was ten pm.

"All of you bed now!" shouted Mr Bender.

Logan and Dana moaned, Quinn and Rachael yawned, Zoey and Chase kissed each other then they all walked back to their dorms.

"Wait, Zoey, Rachael! I'll pick you up at seven!" Mr Bender shouted after the girls.

"O.K!" Rachael shouted back, then whispered "I hope he is alright!"

"He will be Rach!" Zoey said confidently, "This is my little bro Dustin we're talking about! He won't let something like this get him down! I hope!"

"He will get through this! I've done a lot of experiments on him! He's survived them all right!" Quinn started to cry.

"Quinn cool it!" Dana said with a smile spread across her face.

"Why are you so happy?" Zoey asked angrily.

"I am what I am!" Dana replied, then she ran all the way to the girls building.

"I don't see why she's all chirpy! All I can think of right now is poor little Dustin!" Chase said, then he turned to face Logan, "Don't you agree?"

Logan was too busy daydreaming he didn't notice the flower pot in front of him or to answer Chase's question. He carried on walking and went tumbling over.

Logan stood up and blushed a fiery red, then said uncomfortably, "Sorry, what did you say?"

"Don't you agree that Dana shouldn't be so chirpy?" Chase shouted furiously.

"She is what she is!" Logan cried then ran into the one boys' buildings.

"What is up with those two?" Chase asked.

"I have no idea!" replied Zoey, she looked at Rachael.

"Ditto!" Rachael answered.

"I have about as much knowledge on them as I do on boys! Ditto!" Quinn replied before they could even glance at her.

"Well there is something up! And I'm gonna find out!" exclaimed Chase, "With the help of you guys, of course!"

"O.K!" Zoey, Quinn and Rachael shouted together.

In room 101 Nicole was sitting in her bed struggling to get back to sleep. Then Dana came in the door.

"Hi, Dana!" Nicole whispered calmly.

Dana glanced at her uncomfortably, then sat on the couch, "Hi!" she said a little warily.

Nicole got out of bed and went and sat beside her. Dana stared at Nicole nervously.

"Don't worry, I'm completely straight! I promise!" Nicole whispered.

"Good because I need your help!" Dana sighed.

"With what?" Nicole asked cautiously.

"Well, Zoey's very upset, so I wanna make her feel better by setting up a romantic date between her and Chase." Dana whispered.

"That sounds lovely! What about you and Logan, how's it going?" Nicole whispered back.

"Oh, Nicole, I thought I'd never ever say this, but I wanna stay with him! I don't know if he feels the same way, coz he's got all those other girls!" Dana exclaimed.

"Dana, he doesn't want those girls, he wants you!" Nicole almost screamed.

"O.K! Back to Zoey and Chase! When, where, how?" Dana whispered.

But before Nicole could answer Zoey came in.

"Oh, hi!" Nicole said awkwardly.

"Hi, Nikki! Hi, Dana!" Zoey said sleepily, then she collapsed onto her own bed and fell asleep.

"Awwww! Isn't she sweet!" Nicole whispered, then she jumped onto her bed, tucked herself in and went to sleep herself.

Dana sat on the couch and thought about Logan, "I do love him, I really do!" she thought, feeling happy jumped into bed, still fully dressed, shoes on and all.

In the boy's dorm Logan was sitting on their couch, smiling. Only one word was ringing through his mind, Dana! Then Chase came through the door. Logan jumped.

"Only me, Logan!" Chase whispered, as he tip-toed into the room and sat beside Logan.

"Who do you think loves you most, your family or Zoey?" Logan asked out of the blue.

"I can't answer that!" Chase whispered.

"Dana loves me more!" Logan whispered.

"Logan you can't answer that!" Chase said quietly.

"She loves me a little bit more!" Logan mumbled, then he climbed the ladder to his bed, wriggled under his duvet and he also fell asleep.

Chase sighed at him and wondered what was going through that self-obsessed mind of his. Chase sighed again and walked to his bed. He lay down on it and lost his trail of thought and drifted off to sleep.

At breakfast the following morning no-one was speaking. Maddy was staring at her food, Michael was staring at Maddy, Zoey was stirring her food round with one hand the other she was holding her head up, Chase was building a waffle hut (A/n: I say most people build them when they're nervous!), Rachael didn't take any food, Quinn took food, but didn't eat it instead she put it all in a plastic bag, Adam glanced at Maddy every now and then, Paul gazed lovingly at Nicole, Nicole gazed back at him, Dana was writing Logan repeatedly in her cereal and Logan stared into space. After a few minutes Zoey glanced at her watch.

"Shit! Rachael, we gotta go!" Zoey shouted, as she jumped out of her chair.

Rachael jumped up aswell and followed Zoey at a run.

When they got to Mr Bender's car he was leaning against the car with his eyes shut.

"Mr Bender we're here!" Rachael panted.

Mr Bender opened his eyes, "You ready?" he asked.

Zoey put her hand in her pocket to check if Dustin's special baby teddy was there, then she nodded her head.

"Yes!" Rachael said anxiously.

She and Zoey jumped into the back of Mr Bender's car and Mr Bender got in the front and started the car. Zoey put her hand back in her and played with the baby teddy, while Rachael watched the road. At every line she made a wish, the same wish. Dustin will be O.K!

Chase, Maddy, Michael, Adam, Quinn, Logan, Dana, Paul and Nicole were still sitting at their usual with an uncomfortable silence. Chase gave a fake cough. Everyone looked at him.

"We have to start talking to each other!" Chase announced.

"I agree!" Dana cried.

"Me two!" Logan called.

"Me three!" Nicole said irritably.

Michael got up and stormed away leaving a bag of potato chips behind. A few seconds later he came back his face a fiery red and grabbed the chips and stormed away again.

"Somethings up with him!" Dana mumbled.

Amazingly Maddy was defending Michael, "He just has things to deal with! Seemingly as he won't let me near him, you'll just have to help him!" her cheek was bruised where Michael had slapped her the night before and that was when they all noticed it.

"Maddy, what happened to your face?" exclaimed Adam.

"I just ummmm...fell!" Maddy stammered looking for an answer.

"It doesn't look like that!" Adam shouted.

Then he got up and went over to Maddy to look at her sore cheek, but before he got to her she stood up shoved him and ran off in the opposite direction from Michael. The only thoughts running through her head was 'where am I going?' and 'who am I?'.

"She is one freaky chick!" Paul announced.

Adam dusted himself off and jumped to his sisters rescue, "She's not freaky!"

"You're wrong! She is!" Chase said (a/n: remember he hasn't been told about what happened yesterday, but he's the only one, except Dustin, but he's unconscious.), "She's too perfect! She's shifty! And on top of that she likes Michael's jokes!"

Everyone except Chase glanced nervously at each other.

"Logan, you tell him!" Dana demanded.

Logan groaned then stood up, "Chase, come with me!"

Chase followed Logan to a nearby bench, while the group watched his mouth form an 'O' and his eyes just about pop out his head. Then he glanced awkwardly at Nicole. He jumped up and came and sat back at the table. Nothing felt right, or did it? No-one knew. (a/n: Not even I know!)

"Nicole, why?" Chase asked nervously.

"I don't know! I think it was my imagination that made me feel that way!" Nicole babbled, she didn't mind talking about it but it was uncomfortable.

"So is it possible, that ye know Maddy's feelings are imaginary?" Chase asked curiously.

"Poss..." Dana was cut off.

"Nuh huh!" Adam had butted in, "She's had a sorta relationship before!"

"And you didn't tell him?" Logan shouted as he rejoined the group.

"I didn't know till last night!" Adam shouted back.

"O.K! Cool it, man!" Logan said calmly.

Dana lent over to Logan and whispered, "Softie!"

Logan blushed violently and covered his face.

Dana laughed, a new power over Logan was brilliant.

"Maddy's very emotional!" Paul stated.

"She's always been like this! When we were little, if I fell over she'd be there in two seconds telling me not to move! As we got older she over-reacted to everything, like when Mom and Dad had a tiny fight and Dad ended up sleeping on the couch for the night, Maddy went hysterical! It just so happens that Maddy over-reacts!" Adam explained with a curious face.

"Is that a sign? Being over-reactive!" Nicole asked curiously.

"No-way!" Dana exclaimed, "My Mom is over-reactive and she's happily married!"

"Alright!" Nicole nodded happy with her answer.

"Does anyone have the time?" Quinn asked gruffly, speaking for the first time in ages.

"Yes it's...Oh shoot! We've gotta get to class!" Adam replied.

The whole table jumped up and ran for class. They were all in their seats as the bell rang. A puffed out Mrs Flak bounded in.

At the hospital Rachael and Zoey were waiting impatiently for Dustin to get back from his brain scan. Then Dr. Samson, the one from last night came in with a very concerned face. Zoey's heart leapt into her mouth.

"Hello!" Dr. Samson greeted.

"Hi!" Rachael and Zoey said back.

"We found a lump on the outside of Dustin's brain!" the Doctor said trying to keep a straight face, Zoey and Rachael gasped, "The problem is it can't be removed until he's twelve!" the doctor looked at their faces and continued, "It won't grow if he takes some medicine, but he might collapse twice a day! Once in mid-morning and once in late afternoon!"

Zoey pulled Rachael close to her and Rachael started to cry. Zoey didn't cry because she knew that Dustin would get through this.

"Girls, I have to get back to PCA!" Mr Bender said apologetically, "When I come back I'll take the others, but you stay here O.K!"

The girls both nodded their heads and sat down. Zoey took the little Teddy Bear out of her pocket and showed it to Rachael.

"This is Caleb! He belongs to me and my brother! If one of us is injured or ill he stays with us and mak es us better! I know it's not true, but Dustin believes in him, after that time I broke my arm and it was better in four weeks instead of six!" Zoey announced when Mr Bender had gone.

"He's so sweet! Where did you get him?" Rachael said softly.

"I won him in a Lucky Dip when I was five!" Zoey replied.

"Cool!" Rachael whispered.

The cheery nurse bounded in.

"Girls, guess who's awake?" she smiled.

The two girls looked at each and smiled then stood up.

"He can talk properly, he's sitting up and refusing to take his medicine without someone called Caleb!" the nurse continued.

Zoey laughed, then showed the nurse the tiny teddy.

"Right, follow me!" the nurse said cheerily.

Zoey and Rachael followed only a few steps behind the nurse. The nurse kept her eyes forward and her tanned skin shone in the light from the window. See, big can be beautiful.

When they got to the ward Dustin was sitting up with his mouth firmly shut and his leg hanging from a sling.

"He...Ugh gross!" Dustin protested.

"I got it in you!" Dr. Samson smiled.

"You couldn't have waited five minutes! Caleb's here!" Dustin said a little annoyed.

"No, you needed to take that medicine before you did anything!" Dr. Samson replied happily.

"Zoey I need Caleb! You did take him,didn't you!" Dustin whined.

"I might have down!" Zoey replied a huge smile on her face.

"Zoey!" Dustin whined.

"Here!" Zoey said happily as she thrust the small bear towards Dustin.

Suddenly a smile spread across Dustin's face.

"I feel better already!" Dustin announced.

"Hey Dustin!" Rachael whispered as she stepped toward the bed Dustin was lying on.

"Hi Rachael! I missed you!" Dustin said happily.

"Awwww ain't that sweet!" Zoey cried irritably.

"Zoey!" Dustin shouted angrily.

"We'll leave you so we can look at the other patients! If you need us we're just up the ward!" Dr. Samson shouted as he strolled up the ward.

"I don't like that man! Do you Caleb?" Dustin asked the bear, then made it shake it's head.

Zoey laughed, "It's nice to see you still play with toys!"

"Zoey, I'm serious now! Mom and Dad are gonna arrive in an hour!" Dustin said in a monotone voice.

Zoey didn't know whether to be happy or sad. Her Mom didn't get along with her while she baby'd Dustin.

"You should've told me before! I would've worn something better! Now Mom's gonna think I'm a slut!" Zoey started to rage.

Rachael quickly grabbed her hands and pushed her into the chair beside the bed, "Why would your Mom think you're a slut?" she asked calmly.

"My Mom hates me! I have to wear skirts all the time at home! But if one of my friends come in jeans it's 'why don't you wear something like that' and when I do it's 'get those dreadful things off'!"Zoey screamed.

"She's come to see Dustin, not comment on what you wear! Maybe this is 'new beginnings'!" Rachael said flatly still holding Zoey's arms.

"Let go of me!" Zoey shouted, then she jumped out of the chair and ran.

She didn't know where she was going, all she knew was that she was out the door and tearing across the car-park in ten minutes flat. Then she saw a familiar blue sports car and her mind was trying to run away from it, but her body was running towards it. Out of the car stepped a brunette with all her features and a blonde haired man. She flung herself at the man.

"Dad, oh Dad! I've missed you so!" then she looked at the woman, "I've missed you too Mom!"

Zoey ran to her Mom and kissed her cheek.

"I've missed you baby!" Zoey's Mom said flatly, "Now where's Dustin?"

"Right inside, Mom!" the words clung to Zoey's tongue.

Zoey's Mom walked ahead, more like speed-walked.

"Hello, baby!" Zoey's Dad said kindly, "I know your Mom hasn't been that kind to you lately, but that's only because she's gotten fired from work and has to find a new job!"

"Oh no! Mom loved her job!" Zoey cried sadly.

"If you're kind to her she'll be nice to you!" Zoey's Dad whispered(A/n:From now on I'll call Zoey's Mom ZM and Zoey's Dad ZD).

"I'll do that!" Zoey whispered back.

"Michael Barrett?" asked their lab teacher.

"Here!" Michael replied.

"Nicole Bristow?"

"Here!" Nicole answered.

"Zoey Brooks?" there was a long silence, "Zoey Brooks?"

"Sir, she's not here coz she's gone to see her brother." Nicole replied uneasily.

"Thank you! Dana Cruz?"

"Here!" Dana answered.

"Quinn Pensky?"

"Here!" replied Quinn.

"Madeline Foster?" Michael looked round the classroom, "Madeline Foster?" there was a very long silence, "Does anyone know where Madeline is?"

Everyone shook there heads.

"Right she's marked off! Paul Lunar?"

"Here!" answered Paul.

"Chase Mathews?"

"Here!" replied Chase.

"Logan Reese?"

"The one and only!" answered Logan.

Everyone laughed, even the teacher.

"Vikki Tyler?" (a/n: I don't know her surname!)


Where is Maddy? Michael kept asking himself. Wait a second why could I care!

Maddy wasn't in class all day. At the end of the day she wasn't in her room. Quinn decided to look for her down the beach. She found Maddy sitting in the sand, hugging her legs and pouring her eyes out. When Quinn reached her her eyes were all puffy and red. She had tears stained down her cheeks and her face was pure white.

"Maddy?" Quinn said softly, "Why weren't you in class?"

"I don't um...feel well!" Maddy stammered.

"Have you been crying?" Quinn asked kindly.

"No, Quinn I bloody well haven't! I just poured a bucket of water on my face every two minutes!" Maddy shouted sarcastically, then she noticed Quinn's hurt face, "I'm sorry, Quinn! It's just I don't know what to do! Yeah, my brother's O.K. with it, but Michael isn't and I still don't know Chase's reaction! Why me? Why can't I be normal?"

"You have to remember to be who you wanna be!" Quinn answered, I can't believe councilling in lab class really payed off, she thought.

"But what I wanna be makes Michael mad at me!" Maddy answered.

Just then Adam came running down the beach.

"Hey, Adam!" Quinn greeted.

"Maddy, Quinn! Mr Bender wants us to go to the hospital to see Dustin! Are you coming?" Adam asked comfortably.

"Um...Alright!" Maddy agreed.

"Of course!" Quinn replied.

So they walked up the beach to Mr Bender's car. In the back waiting for them was the rest of the group.

At the hospital ZM was cuddling up with Zoey.

"Zoey I can't help not being able to cuddle you! It was just too hard for me to you know, love your dad, Dustin, you and my job! I know it's a stupid excuse, I do love you! I hope you'll forgive me!" ZM apologised.

"It's O.K., Mom!" Zoey whispered, "Now I know you love me I understand!"

Zoey looked at the door just as the rest of the group came in the door.

"Zoey!" Chase shouted as he came through the door.

ZM looked at Zoey, Zoey smiled at her, ZM nodded her head.

"Hey, Chase!" Zoey greeted.

"Hey, Zo! How's Dustin?" asked Quinn.

"Fine! I'll tell you the story later!" Zoey replied.

"Let's go and see him!" ZM announced.

Everyone nodded and followed ZM through into Dustin's ward.

Dustin was sitting up and playing 'Hospital Showdown' with ZD and Rachael. (Hospital Showdown was originally called Showdown but you can change the name depending on where you are! If you would like the rules say so in your review!) Rachael had just caught the pillow and was throwing it to Dustin when Zoey and the others burst in the door. Rachael's face flashed red.

"Ahhh, my sister has a dark side!" Paul said with a hint of evil in his voice.

"Yes, Paul! Yes I do!" Rachael replied cheekily.

"Now, now! It's not exactly evil to play showdown in a hospital, is it?" ZD exclaimed.

"No, I suppose it isn't!" Paul sighed, "But I suppose everything is back to normal!" he shot an awkward glare at Maddy and glanced at Dustin.

"Everything is!" announced Dustin.

Maybe he doesn't need to know about Maddy! Zoey thought. Maybe he's too young to understand.

A/n: I hope you liked it! I can give you the next three stories in the series! They are 'Love Hurts(And I can prove it)', 'Lost at Sea' and 'Aloha from Tokyo'! This chap is dedicated to Will Hater Witch Lover 'OJO' for nagging me to post it! Can you all wait for my next story? I can't!