Drabble Rating: K
Status: 45/45
Word Count: 140 words
Warning: None.
Theme: One Year Later

One year has passed since things began to be the way they are now. One full year of bickering, teasing, kisses, hugs, loving, and cuddling. One full year of missions, fan girls, ramen, dinners, lunches, meetings. One full year of pissing off locals, turning down crushes, and surprise bathroom visits.

One year, that's three hundred and sixty five days. (365)

Eight thousand, seven hundred sixty six hours. (8 766)

Five hundred twenty five thousand, six hundred minutes. (525 600)

Thirty one million, five hundred fifty six thousand, nine hundred twenty six seconds. (31 556 926)

Every day, hour, minute, second, spent with him. Every breathing moment, all with him.

Sasuke wrapped his arms around the sleeping Naruto and stared up at the stars, smiling.

He couldn't think of a better way to spend a year—

--a year with Naruto.

Author's Final Notes:
Well, it's over. The Sasuke/Naruto series is completed. It was a thrill to write each drabble. I would like to thank everyone for their support and for their time in reading this series. Thank you all very much.