Drabble Rating: K+
Status: 1/45
Word Count: 215 words
Warning: Perhaps some OOC.
Theme: Goodbye

There was no such things as goodbye, at least to Naruto. He believe this before there was never a 'hello', or a 'welcome' to start with. There was nothing, except for his goal, which needed neither greeting nor farewell.

It was a paradox to say he needed no one. Everyone needed someone, whether it was their parent, sensei, friend, or a special someone. Naruto knew this, but attempted to contradict it anyway.

When a certain person from his three-person group happened to slither his way into his life, Naruto knew it was fruitless to push him away. With every attempt he did, he would come back into the blonde's life, making everything seem alright again; that all the miseries from his past were a dream, a nightmare.

So when it was time to say goodbye to his savior, Naruto just couldn't find the words to tell him so. He watched the retreating back motionless, except for the few tears that ran down his face.

There was no such thing as goodbye, as long as there was no such thing as hello. But after Sasuke made his way into Naruto's life, goodbye seemed so far away while hello was so close. He never believed that goodbye could arrive so quickly.

But that was just a paradox.