Hey! I mostly write Sailormoon fanfics, except for one
DBZ V/B fanfic a while back. I've finally gotten around
to writing a crossover. I've been wanting to for a while,
and I finally decided I should just write. So here it is. I
really don't know how this will turn out, so don't ask me
about the pairing or anything like that, because I don't know.
This is set after Galaxia in the Sailormoon timeline and
right after the Cell games in DBZ.
And this chapter is really long - by my standards at least =)
To those who have read my stuff before, I am trying desperately
to break my bad cliff-hanger habit.

Unmei (Destiny) - Chapter One
by Angel Eternal
email: [email protected]
Website: www.geocities.com/angel_eternal_01/index.html

Disclaimer: Sailor Moon is copyrighted to Naoko Takeuchi/Kodansha
TOEI Animation 1992. Enlgish Language Adpaptation to DiC Entertainment 1995
Dragon Ball Z is coyprighted to Akira Toriyama
None of these characters belong to me.

She felt she was useless.
Her friends repeated assured her not to feel this way, that she was
a 'valued member of the group.' Bullshit.
She was the precious princess that at all times must be shielded.
Princess Serenity was never meant to be a warrior.
But she wasn't Princess Serenity. Oh she knew deep down inside
that the Princess was a part of her, but she wasn't the Princess.
She didn't want to live in the shadow of a legendary princess.
She gazed up at the sky and touched her locket. She knew precisely
what she was doing. With the full moon at its zenith, she clutched it to
her heart, and whispered her deepest desire...

* * *

Tsukino Usagi woke with a pounding head, she shivered, attempted to
draw her blanket close around her, but she found she didn't have one.
Bolting upright, she gazed around her in a dazed confusion. Then it dawned
on her. It had worked.
Usagi sprang to her feet with her characteristic energy, and gazed around
her eagerly. She had asked for the Ginzuishou to send her to a place where
she could develop her powers. This must be it.
'It' was a dense forest, with nothing about her of civilization. Was she to
stumble on by herself? She heard something whiz by her left ear, and the tree
2 meters away from her dissolved into splinters.
The force of the explosion knocked her backwards, struggling for breath,
Usagi sat up and stared at the ruined tree, and had she been standing
a mere millimeter to the left she would be as ruined.
Holding her breath she looked behind her, and beheld a dark figure.
He was half - hidden in the shadows, but she could see he was wearing a
billowing cloak and dark clothes. She knew if the blast came from him,
he must be a powerful being, and she prayed that he would be of
assistance to her.

* * *

"Nani? What do you mean she's gone?"
Luna paced up and down the corridor, if she were human she would
be wringing her hands. "Precisely that - she's gone. Her parents have
no memory of having a daughter - she is gone."
Mizuno Ami stared at her, "That can not be! There must be some
explanation. She must be in trouble..."
A light shimmered behind them, and both turned to face the Senshi
of Time.
Sailor Pluto bowed to them, "Gomen nasai for appearing formally,
but it is imperative that I let you know that the princess is safe."
Ami and Luna breathed a sigh of relief.
"Arigato Kami-sama." Ami whispered
Luna shook her head, "I knew she would say that."
"The princess is beyond our reach - I can tell you of her safety, but
I cannot guarantee it."
Ami shook her head, her blue eyes wide with concern, "How can I
tell them?"
The task of informing the other Senshi had befallen her, and she knew
not how she would do so.
She turned to Luna, "We've got to tell them."
Luna nodded distractedly and followed Ami.

* * *

"What is a child like you doing here?"
His voice was deep and husky, the question posed with the slightest
hint of a threat.
Usagi stood up - she was no child and she would let this man know it.
"I...I am in need of assistance."
The man in the shadows remained silent, Usagi went on. "I need to
learn how to...fight."
The man stepped out of the shadows and Usagi saw he was no human.
She suppressed the gasp of surprise, and she stared at him...it...no him.
He was certainly male, but he had green skin and two little antennas on
his head. His eyes were dark and piercing, and she could clearly see
the muscles rippling beneath his clothing.
"And why do you come here?"
Wishing to reveal as little as possible, Usagi looked away, she did not
think she could lie to him, Usagi had difficulty lying as it was
"I was told that I would find help here." It wasn't a lie - it was the
partial truth.
One eyebrow rose. "And who told you, you would find here?"
Usagi remained silent.
He sighed, "I am known as Piccolo - if it is fighting you wish to learn,
I know of others who can teach you."
Usagi smiled, "I am Tsukino Usagi - it was you fired that ball of
flame wasn't it?" without waiting for a reply she rushed on. "Why can't
you teach me?"
Piccolo regarded her. "I have someone else in mind."
"Someone else?" Usagi wondered if this 'someone else' was as
green as him - or as powerful. She could feel the power emanating
from him, it did not frighten her because she knew he would not
harm her.
Piccolo was confused, why would a petite human girl like her would
want to learn to fight? From one of the Z fighters at that. But he had
no idea if the girl knew who he was.
He turned to go, and Usagi braced herself and followed him, however
he had taken to the air.
"Ano - I can't follow you like that." she was almost ashamed to say
so. Where was she? Was it common for people to fly here? Would
she be giving herself away by confessing that fact? But she could see
no other way.
Piccolo sighed, he should have expected that, he held out his hand
to her, and she hesitantly took it. Swiftly she was borne into the air.
Usagi had never flown before, she gazed around her in amazement.
Everything looked so different - it was an exhilarating feeling.
Piccolo was surprised, the little girl showed absolutely no fear.
He intended to take her to Kami's Lookout first - maybe Dende would
be able to figure out this mystery.

* * *

Mr. Popo was calmly watering his plants, when Piccolo landed. He
looked up and was surprised to see a human girl with him - a very
beautiful one at that.
Dende walked out - seeing Piccolo he smiled, his smile brightened
when he saw who he brought with him.
"Ah - we've been expecting you your Hig..."
Usagi's eyes widened "Iie"
She had no idea how this younger version of Piccolo knew who she
was. She only knew that she didn't want anyone knowing who
she was.
Dende seemed to sense her unwillingness to disclose her identity.
Piccolo's perpetual scowl deepened, "What do you mean?"
Dende sighed, "This is Usagi."
Piccolo waved that away, "I know that - I am no imbecile. What
do you mean you've been expecting her?"
Dende sighed and turned to Usagi. "A friend of yours has let me
know of your arrival at our dimension..."
"A friend of mine?"
"Our dimension?"
Usagi pondered this for a moment; then the answer came blindingly
clear. "Pluto."
Dende nodded, pleased that he didn't have to prompt her.
Piccolo was still confused. "What do you mean 'our dimension'?"
Instead of Dende answering, it was Usagi who decided to help
him, "Gomen nasai for deceiving you Piccolo-san, but I wasn't sure
if you would believe me. I come from another dimension - in this
dimension I am a fighter. I fight for love and justice. But I feel that
I am inadequate - thinking that I am a liability to my team, I sought
"Love and justice?" Piccolo couldn't imagine such a little thing
being a fighter.
Usagi sighed, "You think I can't be a fighter too ne?"
Ashamed to admit it, Piccolo nodded.
Usagi sighed, and decieded to show him, "Moon Prism Power...
In a whirl of ribbons and light, Sailor Moon stood before them.
"This is my fighting form - it's power is nothing compared to yours -
I have items that enhance my fighting prowess, but I want to be
able to fight without them."
Piccolo shook his head, utterly amazed as he studied her. "You are
wrong Usagi. Your power level is higher then mine, but you need to
be able to tap into it." He studied her for a second, and frowned again,
"Tell me how you fight in such a short fuku?"
Sailor Moon laughed, "I don't run around, kick and punch a lot
if that's what you mean - and Piccolo it's 'Sailor Moon' in this form -
or just 'Moon', but never 'Usagi'."
Piccolo shrugged accepting that. He sighed and turned to Dende.
"I still don't know if I should train her - maybe someone else -
maybe Krillin or one of the human fighters."
Dende shook his head, "Piccolo, she is no human if that is your
concern. Perhaps Goku or Gohan if one of them is willing to train
Piccolo considered her again, "Hai - I suppose..."
Moon sighed, and de-transformed, "If you don't mind Piccolo-san,
if you aren't willing to train me, would you find someone who does?"
Piccolo glanced at Dende and saw him nod, sighing he nodded.

* * *

"Is everyone here yet?"
Hino Rei shrugged. "Are we counting the Outers?"
Ami nodded nervously, she still had no idea how to tell them.
Rei sighed, "Then iie - we're waiting for the Outers and Usagi." she followed Ami with a tray. "I don't see why we have to wait for them Ami-chan. Can't we just start now? Luna looks like she's about to collapse. What is going on?"
Ami shook her head firmly, "Gomen Rei-chan, I can't tell you. I
want to wait until everyone is here -everyone needs to hear this and
I'm not willing to say this again. We are waiting for the Outers."
"We're here."
They turned to see Haruka, Michiru, Setsuna and Hotaru at the door.
It was Haruka who had spoken; it was her now who stepped into
the room. "What is going on?"
Ami motioned for everyone to sit down. "I guess we can begin now."
Rei shook her head, "Matte - you said to wait for everyone. Usagi no
baka isn't here yet."
Mamoru nodded, "Hai - I was going to pick her up, but I was running
late..." then his eyes widened and he stared at Ami, "What happened to
They all turned to Ami, their bodies tense as they waited.
Ami took a deep breath, the time had come to tell them, "Usagi...Usa...
she's gone."
"NANI?!" They all lunged to their feet except for the calm Setsuna and
the nearly catatonic Luna.
Rei was the first to speak, "Ami-chan, what do you mean 'Usagi is
gone? What do you mean 'gone'?" the note of panic in her voice was
Ami looked to Setsuna imploringly, she couldn't possibly go on.
Setsuna sighed and stood, drawing everyone's attention to herself.
"Usagi is in another dimension for reasons I cannot tell you. She is safe
at the moment, but I am uncertain whether she will remain so."
Mamoru took a threatening step toward, "Setsuna, Kami help me
if you had something to do with this..."
Setsuna rose and stared him in the eye. "This was her wish. I only
knew of it after the event."
Haruka shook her head, "What do you mean you are 'uncertain
whether she will remain' safe? Don't tell me we can't reach koneko
if she needs us."
Setsuna looked away, she could not meet Haruka's gray-blue
eyes. "Gomen nasai Haruka..."
"Iie!" Haruka screamed her denial. Michiru wrapped her arms
around her, trying to offer comfort.
Rei turned to Setsuna, anger flashing in her violet eyes, "Fix it
Setsuna." Her voice was low and menacing.
Setsuna shook her head helplessly, "I cannot. It is not something
I can 'fix' Rei-chan. Usagi will come back when she wants to."
Mamoru shook his head, "Dooshite? How could she just leave
like that. Why would she leave? How could she leave..."
Ami went to stand by Setsuna. "Onegai, don't blame Setsuna. It's
not her fault..."
Setsuna touched her shoulder, "I understand that Ami-chan. They
are merely upset." she turned the others. "I know you all love her
in your own ways, but there is nothing we can do. I have done
my best to ensure Usagi's safety. But the dimension she is in is
fraught with tension just like ours, however they play a vastly
different game from us." she took a deep breath and looked at
them all one by one, searching each face, "I know you may not
think so at the moment, this is a good thing for Usagi. We must
stand back now. She will at some point in the future rule the
entire world and perhaps beyond, she needs to be able to stand
on her own."
Minako sighed, "I for one understand that Setsuna - I believe in
Usagi. She can stand up to anything if she only puts her mind to it.
But can you bring her back?"
Setsuna shook her head.
Minako looked away, and Makoto spoke the words she was
unable to say herself. "What if Usagi doesn't want to come back?
How will any of us survive?"

* * *

They approached Goku's house, Piccolo did not want to take
Usagi to Kame house with the lecherous Master Roshi. Besides
if it was to be one of the Sons that would train the girl, he should
introduce her to them first.
Goku looked up as he sensed Piccolo's ki, he shouted over his
shoulder, "Hey Gohan! Today seems the day for visits."
A teenaged Gohan walked out, grinning, "Yeah - Piccolo-san's
on his way."
Piccolo landed, putting Usagi down.
Gohan and Goku stared at her, Usagi sighed, she was getting
really tired of people doing that.
"Usagi this is Son Goku and this is Gohan." Piccolo motioned
to each one. "I trained Gohan when he was young."
Usagi bowed to them.
Gohan stared at her, fascinated by her hair. It was incredibly
long, up to her ankles held up by two strange balls on each side
of her head. It was gold. Pure molten gold. Piccolo was speaking,
Gohan tried to focus.
"...and she's from another dimension..."
"Nani?" Goku scratched his head, utterly confused, "How did
that happen?"
Piccolo shrugged, "Ask her."
Goku turned to Usagi, who just shrugged.
Piccolo rolled his eyes, "I figured that would be her answer."
Usagi sighed, "Gomen Piccolo-san, Son-san, I just prefer not to
talk about it."
Goku waved aside the formality. "Onegai, call me Goku - almost
everyone does."
Usagi grinned, and Gohan almost fell over. "Alright Goku-san."
Piccolo turned the subject to the possibility of her training with
Goku's eyed widened, "Nani? Piccolo I don't think..."
Piccolo shook his head, he had anticipated this protest, "Her power
level is higher then mine - she merely needs to redirect it."
Goku and Gohan now stared at Usagi, seeing her in a different
light. Piccolo was no weakling and if this girl was stronger then him...
Gohan shook his head, "I mean no disrespect Piccolo, but I don't
sense any ki at all! Are you sure?"
Goku studied her intently, "Are you human?"
Usagi quickly shook her head, "Not technically."
Usagi sighed again. "I am a reincarnated Lunarian."
This confounded Goku. "Reincarnated Lunarian?"
Usagi smiled at him, "That is a long story, and now is not the time
to tell it."
"Lunarian? As in you're from the moon?" Gohan shook his head,
almost as confused as his father.
Usagi nodded. Piccolo chuckled, "Gomen Usagi - I destroyed
Usagi nodded thoughtfully, "So that explains it." She murmured,
thinking of the empty feeling within her.
Goku shook his head, "I don't see how I can train her if she's no
Usagi looked up quickly, "But I am."
Before she could transform to show them, Piccolo stopped her.
"Matte Usagi. It maybe better if you do this...in private."
Now Usagi was confused. "In private?"
He grinned, "Usagi, I don't know if you know this but when you
transform, the clothes melt off you."
"Oh!" Realization made her eyes widen, and embarrassment
pinked her cheeks. "Then when I..."
This time Piccolo couldn't help but laugh, "Don't worry, Both
Dende and I are asexual."
Usagi was still utterly mortified, that little fact did not comfort her.
She bowed to them and quickly ran to the shelter of the trees.
The fighters stared after her, unsure how to deal with this new
Gohan shook his head, "Piccolo I don't know about this..."
He had wished that Piccolo had not stopped Usagi from transforming
in front them - seeing her clothes melt off her would have been...
A sudden flash of light amidst the trees brought his attention back
to the present. A female came towards them - clearly she was Usagi.
Usagi was wearing a sailor fuku, with enormous bows at the front
and back. Crescent shaped earrings dangled from her earlobes, and
there was a golden tiara at her forehead.
Gohan thought she was radiantly beautiful, but she was no warrior.
At least not by his standards.
Sailor Moon stepped forward, and sighed, "I realized that my power
level is nothing compared to yours, even in this form..."
Goku shook his head, "Gomen nasai Usagi-chan, but I don't sense
any ki coming from you."
Moon smiled, and concentrated on raising her power level. When
she heard their gasp, her smile widened.
Goku and Gohan and never felt a power like this. It was not precisely
the level of it that surprised them, for it was about as high as Piccolo's.
They were surprised about her ability to conceal her power. It went
to nothing to this in a second. She didn't seem to exert any effort at
all either. The power itself...It had a strange aura to it, a feeling that
they had never felt. Goku pondered on this, what could possibly
cause such a strange effect, it was almost as if...but no, that was
Moon sighed, and de-transformed, and in another instant Usagi
stood before them.
"I just learned to do that!" she smiled happily.
They all gaped at her. Gohan was the first to speak the question
all on their minds. "What do you mean?"
Usagi's smile widened. "I don't usually do that - make my power
be known on a physical level. I usually channel my power through
my talismans. I noticed how this aura exuded from Piccolo, and
I observed how he channeled his power, and it surprised me to see
that he channeled it through himself. So, I decided to try it for
Their jaws dropped. This girl, whose fighting technique was completely
different from anything they had ever known, who channeled her
ki in vastly different way, had managed to learn how they channeled
their ki by mere observation!
Goku studied her intently, it would be a challenge to train her. He
briefly considered the other Z fighters. With Piccolo bringing her to
him, he had indicated that he had no desire to train her. The fact that
her power level was higher then his was no factor. But Usagi looked
fragile, maybe that was the primary reason. Piccolo had also only
trained Gohan, and that was out of necessity.
Vegeta was completely out of the question. It was a fact that the
Saiyjin no ouiji preferred to train alone.
Mirai Trunks would also be equally out of the question, though the
young man was powerful, he would have no idea how to train
anyone, much less someone like Usagi.
There were the human Z fighters, but again, each was unlikely
to be able to train the girl.
Krillin was still completely helpless around beautiful women, he
would be like putty in Usagi's little hands.
Yamcha would be totally inappropriate as well, though Goku had
been friends with Yamcha for more years then he can count, he knew
that he could not be trusted to train a young woman.
Tien and Chaotzu had never dreamed of training with any other
So who was left but him and...
"I'll train her Otousan."
Goku smiled to himself, this was just perfect, he didn't even
have to ask him. "Well sure son, if you think it won't be too much
for you."
Usagi grinned, "Great! Finally I find someone to train me!" she
bounded up to Gohan, "Should I call you Sensei from now on?"
Gohan smiled shyly, "Iie, Gohan should be fine."
"What is going on?!"
They all turned, Usagi peered around Gohan and saw a woman,
not much taller then herself, with raven hair tied up in a high bun,
two strands framing an exquisitely angry face.
Goku laughed nervously, placing one hand behind his head,
"Chi chi! This is chibi Usagi." he took Usagi by the elbow and
pushed her forward.
Chi chi eyed Usagi, "Chibi? Goku, can't you see she's no child?!
How old are you girl?"
Growing nervous, Usagi tried to clear her throat. "Uh - sixteen
"Sixteen huh?" Chi chi studied the young girl. The girl was breath-
takingly beautiful and delicately built. "I heard you asking my son
if you are to call him Sensei - is he tutoring you?!"
"Uh..." Usagi was unsure how to reply. Gohan saved her by
stepping quickly forward, "Ah, hai Okaasan, I'm helping her with
"Oh." Ch chi was still suspicious, something was not right. Nothing
is ever right when the three of them were assembled like this.
Goku stepped forward, not sure how Chi-chi was going to respond.
"Uh Chi-chi, Usagi will be staying with us for a while."
Chi chi's sharp black eyes focused on Usagi again, "Nani?
Dooshite? Where is your parents child?"
Usagi spoke before any of the men could stop her. "Ma'am I
come from another dimension and are far from my family and
Chi chi stared at the girl, what was this? "You come from another
Usagi stepped forward, a bright smile in place, "You see, I am
a warrior from another dimension, but I sought to better myself.
I asked to be sent to a place where I could grow not only as a
fighter but also as a person. My past does not really matter for
the moment, if I was to tell you the story I fear I would only
confuse you. All that is needed for now is that I am Tsukino
Usagi, at times an ordinary sixteen year old girl and at others
the fighter Sailor Moon."
Chi chi nodded thoughtfully, then frowned and turned to her
son, "Any why did you tell me you were going to tutor her math?!"
Her voice rising a decibel with each word.
Usagi winced, and quickly stepped in to save Gohan. "Well
he is."
Chi chi frowned at her, and reminded Usagi very much of her
own mother, "Now young lady you just told me you are a fighter
from another dimension, my son was going to train you wasn't he!"
Usagi smiled, "Well yes, but I also told you that I wanted to grow
not only as a fighter but also as a person and that would involve
broadening my mind." she winced at the thought.
Chi chi nodded in approval, instantly liking Usagi. "That is
precisely what I think. Fighting isn't the world."
Usagi nodded, "Hai."
The Z warriors gaped at her, but before any of them can utter
a word, Chi chi spoke up again.
"Well, know that I understand, why don't you come in and
have dinner now Usagi?" she glanced at Piccolo. "I guess since
you're here, you might as well eat too." she hustled them all
in, Goku was more then willing to be hustled.
Usagi was just as eager as Goku. The mention of food had
reminded her that she hadn't eaten in awhile and the prospect of
it now just made her dizzy with gratitude.
They all sat down to a sumptuous banquet, there were stars in
Usagi's eyes. "Are you having a party or something?"
Chi chi laughed, "Iie, this is normal and you'll see why in a second."
Goku had sat down, and started to dig in. Not even pausing to
chew, the food was almost literally inhaled.
Usagi studied him, and smiled, she found it oddly refreshing to
see another person eat more then her. Then without another
thought, she sat and proceeded to eat.
Gohan, Piccolo and Chi chi stared at the two of them scoffing
the food down. By now they were used to seeing Goku stuff his
face with food, but to see this tiny girl doing the same thing...
Granted she wasn't stuffing the food down as fast as Goku, but it
was pretty close.
Both leaned back, and sighed happily, eyes closed.
Usagi was the first to speak. "That was good! You're a wonderful
cook Chi chi-san!"
"Arigato..." Chi chi murmured, still too stunned to think.
Usagi grinned at her, a wonderful little lopsided grin on her face,
and then she noticed that only she and Goku had eaten. Now distressed,
her hand flew to her mouth. "Gomen! Gomen nasai! I didn't realize..."
Gohan laughed, "Don't worry about it, we're...umm...used to seeing
food disappear."
Chi chi nodded, trying to appease the distressed Usagi. "Hai, don't
worry about it Usagi - I'm flattered."
Usagi's smile came back in full force. "So when do I get started?"

So what does everyone think so far?