Cruel Intentions

Chapter 1

17 year old Kaoru Kamiya slowly walked down the busy hallways to her next class. To everybody she was a complete dork. An Outcast. A freak. Poor Kaoru had no friends.

She clutched her books next to her slim body. Today she wore a black tank top with blue jeans. She had on 2 black necklaces. One was a choker.

She needed no make up to bring out her eyes. She had deep blue ocean eyes that stood out even in the darkest place. Dodging all the people that crowded the little hallway, she got to her class. When she peaked in her heart drooped. The teacher wasn't in yet, but THEY were.

They were the ones that always teased her. Tomoe and her boyfriend Kenshin who everyone nicknamed Battousai, Sano and Megumi; also boyfriend and girlfriend, and Misao and Aoshi; also boyfriend and girlfriend.

"Well, look who's here," teased Sano looking at Kaoru. He wore blue jeans with a plain button down shirt. "Oohhh, it's Crazy Kaoru," laughed Tomoe. She had on a tiny jean miniskirt with a white rose shirt to cover her upper body.

Kaoru ignored them and took her seat at the back of the class. She shut her eyes. "Why do you look so down? Are you going to cry?" laughed Megumi. "She probably feels down because she just had breakfast and now that has looked at your face, she feels sick!" screamed Kaoru glaring at Megumi. "OOHHH," went everyone else.

Megumi didn't find this amusing. She got up and walked over to where Kaoru was sitting. "There's going to be a fight," whispered Kenshin. "Mind repeating that?" Megumi snarled. Kaoru wasn't afraid of the stuck up bitch. "You heard me slut," said Kaoru. Megumi was about to strike her, but decided not to since the teacher walked in. "Consider yourself lucky," said Megumi and headed back over to her friends.

"Class please take you seats!" said the teacher. The class did as they were told. "Please turn to page 45 and answer all the questions. you have the whole period. If you don't finish, it's homework," he said. Kaoru flipped the pages and started to work.

Halfway through, her neck started to hurt. She rubbed it thinking it was just random pain form looking down at the page for too long. Then it really started to hurt. What the hell is this? she thought.

Then she turned her head to get it to feel better. That's when she saw it; or rather him. Kenshin had his eyes in amber slits and they were staring at Kaoru! That bastard! her mind screamed. She tried to ignore him, but he just kept staring at her.

For what felt like forever to Kaoru, the bell finally rung. It was time for lunch. Kaoru immediately got up and headed to the cafeteria. She wasn't hungry enough to eat, so she just sat down.

The cafeteria filled up with high school students in less than a minute. Everyone was chattering away about the talent show coming up. Kaoru had always entered that and performed dancing to a song that she loved. Kaoru had already auditioned for it. She was in it, just like every other year. She had a dance routine to the song, "Nemo" by Nightwish. Her routine was flawless.

While lost in her thoughts, she didn't even see Megumi and Tomoe come up behind her with a bowl full of soup. "Now," Megumi whispered. Both of the girls poured their soups on Kaoru's head. Kaoru let out a blood hurling scream. The soup was burning her skin. All of the cafeteria had their eyes on Kaoru. They all started to laugh. Kaoru couldn't take the embarrassment and ran from the cafeteria. Everyone started to clap. Megumi and Tomoe bowed and curtsied to the applause. Kaoru had stopped in the hallway to look back in the cafeteria. "One day you will pay for this!" she yelled. No one heard her over the applause.

Kaoru turned and ran down the empty hallways. (Cue music "Nobody's Home" by Avril Lavigne" )

Kaoru ran until she came to the girl's bathroom. She pushed open the door and went to the nearest sink. She looked at herself in the large mirror. She had to get rid of the soup. She started with her face and worked her way down. SHE worked for about 1 hour. She had already missed 2 classes. Then she heard her name over the intercom. "Kaoru Kamiya please come to the principal's office, please." Karou sighed and went to get her punishment.