OK! It all comes down to this! I'm sure all of you are dieing to know what happened to Taylor and the Hyper Force. I'll make this short so let's get to the story!


My head bound as I slowly came to. I opened my eyes but my vision was to blurry to make anything out. I looked up to see a gray blob and before my sight began to clear I know what it was. I was staring at the gray ceiling of the Super Robot, maybe the some one from my first visit. I shifted slightly, trying to get up, but realized yet again I was covered in icky ooze.

"Great, not this stuff again," I thought out loud. "Where am I? The Super Robot? What happened?" I asked no one as my sight finally cleared. "AHHH! And why are there needles stuck into me again!"

"Sounds like you're up," Gibson said sarcastically as he walked in.

"Gibson! What happened? Where's Empress?" I asked the blue monkey as he examined a small screen next to my bed.

"Calm down, everything is fine," He answered without talking his eyes off the screen. "Hmm, good. Your vitals are stable and there seems to be no signs of permanent damage what so ever," Gibson said to himself.

"Hey Gibson?" Otto's head peaked around the edge of the door, "Can we see Taylor now?"

"Yes Otto, Taylor can now see visitors," Gibson said with a nod.

Otto smiled excitingly and I heard his little monkey feet trot off. "Hey guys! Gibson said we can see Taylor now!" He announced.

Soon a heard a herd of little click clanks of little robot monkey feet rushing to the infirmary. The rushed into the room and surrounded my bed with bright smiling faces. I giggled and smiled back.

"How are you feeling?" Chiro asked.

"Besides being covered in ooze and the needles stuck into me? Just peachy," I answered.

"You really had a worried for a while there," Nova said.

"Heh, sorry 'bout that. Um….what happen?" I asked once again.

"You tell us," Sparx said. "After your little sob story with Kapricia your body started to spazz out and then you just past out."

I thought about what Sparx said and remembered my horrible battle with my inner demon. "I was about to finish Empress off when the antidote fused us together and then a blacked out," I explained.

"Whoa…freaky," Otto commented.

"Yeah," Chiro added.

"Freaky as it may seem, it means that our fight here has ended," Antauri interrupted.

"Ummm, what?" Otto asked as he scratched he head.

"Empress was simply the darkness within Taylor's heart brought to life. If Taylor has destroyed Empress or Empress laid waste to Taylor, the girl's spirit would've shattered," Antauri explained.

"So… Empress and Taylor were like pieces of a puzzle. Without the other Taylor wouldn't be complete," Chiro said, trying to understand.

"In a way, yes," the sliver monkey confirmed.

"Well that's great 'n all, but it still makes no sense," Sparx said.

"Sparx, you're so dense!" Nova snapped.

"What?" Sparx asked defensively.

"Well whatever happened, I'm just glad it's all over. It is all over, right?" I hoped.

"Undoubtedly," Gibson said.

I sighed, "Thanks God. So what happens now?"

"Your friend and I have mass produced enough antidote for the entire planet and we are getting the Super Robot ready to lunch it all into the atmosphere, thus curing everyone," Gibson explained.

"What really? Where's Kapricia? Is she here?" I tried to get up to look for my friend but nova stopped me.

"Whoa, where do you think you're going? You're still sick, or did you forget?" she said.

"But….," I mowed through my mind for something to say.

"Don't worry. She's safe inside the Super Robot. We'll tell her you're awake," Nova said with a small smile.

"Alright everyone, visiting hours is over," Gibson announced. "Come on, all of you out. Taylor needs her rest."

"Awww," Otto said sadly.

"What? But…," I protested.

"No buts, now rest," Gibson ordered.

"Don't worry kiddo," Sparx whispered to me, "As soon as Gibson leaves we'll play some vid games, just like a promised."

I smiled, "Thanks Sparx."

"Eh, no problem."

The Hyper Force said their goodbyes and left me alone.

"Great, now what am I suppose to do to?"



Kapricia walked in and right next to my bed.

So how have you been?" I asked.

"Pretty good. You?"

"Not that great, I do have needles stuck into me after all," I joked. "So what happened since I blacked out?"

"Well your empire fell without us there, so everyone is just a bunch of disorganized mutants. After you past out the Hyper Force took us back to the Super Robot and then you woke up and then you asked me how I was. I told you I was good and then I asked you how you were then…"

I interrupted." Kapricia, please don't go in verbal circles."

"Awww, but they're so much fun," Kapricia giggled.

I shook my head. "Hey help me up, will ya?" I asked as I tried to get up.

"Why do you want to get up?" Kapricia asked.

"I'm covered in oooozzzzee," I whined, "I need a shower in the worst way."

Kapricia rolled her eyes but refused me my shower rights.

A week past since I woke up and the Hyper Force, with help of Kapricia, lunched the healing missiles into Earth's atmosphere; curing about three fourths of the population by the end of the day. Soon Gibson allowed me so move around, but only a little bit. So for the most part Kapricia and I played card games in my bed and for the most part I lost, but within four day Kapricia and I were reunited with our non-mutant families.

Finally, things were looking up.

I spent a lot of time with my family after I was all better; it was good to feel their warmth again. It was the greatest thing being together with them again, this was my kind of heaven, but something was pressing against my mind. I decided to wait to let everyone know what was on my mind; at least until I knew it was the right moment, but for now I was in heaven and I was loving it.

A few days later Chiro arrived at my half destroyed and asked Kapricia and I to come back to the Super Robot for a final goodbye. Otto and Gibson double checked the dark storm clouds and made sure that they have become completely harmless. So it was time for them to continue their mission to stop the evil worm. I asked if it was ok to bring my family a long and both Kapricia and Chiro both gave me confused looks but monkey boy agreed. I gathered my family and we followed Chiro back to the Robot and where the robot monkeys were waiting.

"Well this is it," Chiro said.

"Thank you Chiro, thank you everyone for saving Earth, for saving me and everyone else. I know it's been a big hassle," I said.

"Hey, it's what we do," Chiro said with a shrug and a smile.

"Please, let me finish," the tension grew as all eyes turned to me. I took a deep breath, this wasn't going to be easy. "You guys saved me from myself and the world from Empress, but as ungrateful as it might sound; I need one ore favor Hyper Force."

"What would that favor be exactly?" Antauri asked and raised an eyebrow.

I swallowed hard. "Please let me travel with you."

There was an awkward silence and I loathed it. I wish someone would say something, anything!

It seemed forever before Nova asked, "Why?"

"Yeah everything's back to normal, what reason could you possibly have to want to travel with us?" Sparx added.

"What did they say?" I heard Lauren whisper behind me.

"I don't know, all I heard was a bunch of monkey sounds," my dad whispered back.

"Please let me travel with you, just until I mastered my new powers. The threat of Empress is still out there. I…I feel her deep inside of me, locked up. I don't know how long it will take for her to break the seal but when she does I want to be with you guys, not here at home."

"Let's huddle team," Chiro ordered and they began to decide my fate.

"Taylor," my mom said, "are you sure that's what you want?"

I turned around to face my shocked family.

"Yes it is. I'm sorry I didn't tell you earlier. We were having such a great time I didn't want to ruin it. It'll only be temporary! I'll be back before you know it," but they didn't seem too convinced.

"If you think it'd what you need to do, then we'll back you up one hundred percent," Emily said with a sadden smile.

"Just promise to call us and tell us what you're up too," Lauren added. "The last thing we want is you becoming a stranger."

I smile in relief, it was good to know that no matter what I did and as long as II believe in the path I chouse, they would be with me every step of the way.

"I just hope the Hyper force will let me join, I might not get the chance too call you from another planet," I said.

"They'll let you join," my mom said.

"How do you know?" I asked.

"I just do," she simply said.

"Well I'm not letting my baby travel all by herself into space to get herself killed," my dad said as if his word was law.

I shook my head. "He's being overprotective again."

"Dad don't worry, I'll be with the Hyper Force. They'll protect me no matter what. That's what heroes do," I explained with a smile.

"No way," My father started.

"Chris, just let it go," Mom said as she placed her hand on his shoulder. "Taylor was going to leave home sooner or later, it just come sooner then we thought."

"Yeah," Dad huffed, "a lot sooner."

"It looks like our little sister isn't so little anymore," Lauren commented.

"At least we're still taller than her," Emily teased and I couldn't help laughing.

"I don't mean to interrupt, but we've decided," Chiro announced.

I quickly turned around and stared the boy dead in the eye.

"Well?" I asked.

"You can come," He began.

I let out a sigh and smiled gratefully as my family and Kapricia cheered.

"But! It's only temporary. Once you've mastered you powers, or cause any trouble, you're going straight home." Chiro finished.

"Yes, of course," I said, "wouldn't have it any other way."

"All your stuff is in the Super Robot so you don't need to pack," Sparx said. "Now let's hurry up and go already."

"What? Right now?" I stammered.

"We have to leave now, if we don't the skeleton king worm's trail will become nonexistent," Gibson explained.

"Oh….ok," I agreed sadly.

"Taylor? What is it?" Kapricia asked, "What did Sparx and Gibson say?"

"I gotta leave."

"What! Right now, this second!" My dad was stunned.

"Yeah, right now….," I hung my head, "I guess this is good bye." I turned around once again to look at the people who made who I am today, possibly for the last time; it was a bitter sweet moment.

"Well? What are you waiting for? Go already," Lauren urged.

"This was your choice Taylor, you can't back out now," Emily added.

"We'll be waiting for you and don't forget to visit us, ok?" Kapricia requested.

"You can count on it," I promised and gave her a thumbs up.

I hugged everyone and bid them farewell. I took a step back; it was hard to imagine life without them. Otto ran over to my side and tugged on my shirt to get my attention.

"Don't be so sad Taylor, if it makes you feel better I installed a teleporter into your room while you were past out. I thought it would be a nice surprise for you when you woke up, but it'll only send small things back'n fourth so you can't teleport your self home. Oh! And I installed an image communicator too, so you can see whoever is on the other line," Otto explain with a smile.

"Really Otto! Could you write down the directions to them?" I asked the green monkey excitingly.

"Already did," Otto said and handed me a folded piece of paper.

I opened it up and saw in big letters, DO NOT PRESS BIG RED BUTTON, followed by a list of directions. I folded it back up and was about to hand it to Kapricia but stopped.

"I shouldn't give this to you, you'll lose it."

"No I won't," Kapricia argued.

"Yes you will, and so will my mom and dad. Here Emily, you take care of it."

I handed the piece of paper to my eldest sister and she put it in her pocket.

"Well this is it," I said.

"Good luck baby," My mom said.

"Don't get hurt," my father paged.

"I won't and thanks. Bye everyone!"

I walked back with Otto and entered the Super Robot's foot. My family and Kapricia waved to me and I heard their wishes of luck and to come home soon. I waved back and shouted, "I love you! See you soon!"

The door slowly closed and soon their voices went mute. I stood there staring at the gray door, wilted.

"You ok?" Chiro asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine."

"Don't worry, you did what you thought was right," Nova said, trying to convert me.

"Yeah? Well if it was the right thing to do then why do I feel so crummy?"

"It comes with the job," Sparx said.

"Being a hero isn't all toys and gleamer," Gibson explained, "We often have to make sacrifices."

"Maybe I should go back, it's not too late."

"Don't trouble yourself Taylor; you'll see your family again, maybe sooner than you think," Antauri reassured.

I sighed, "I hope so."

The elevator started and we soon reached to main floor. We walked out into my new home, though it didn't feel quite real; like I was in a dream or something. I walked over to the huge T.V. like screen and touched the cold controls. All of a sudden the screen turned on with white noise.

"Hello? Hello? Taylor? Are you there?" I heard my sister Lauren's voice.

"Lauren? Is that you? Can you hear me?" I asked back.

Otto rushed over and with a press of a button Lauren's and the rest of my family's faces appeared on the screen.

"Good work girls," my mom cheered.

"Hey everyone!" I greeted. "Where's Kapricia?"

"She went home to her family," Emily answered. "Not that we're as important as her."

"Emily, don't tease your sister like that," mom lectured.

I smiled and continued to talk with my family; I loved hearing them laugh and seeing them smile. Suddenly every thing didn't seem to hard and they didn't seem so far away. Heck, I bet being a hero is going to be a piece of cake. But I guess I'll just have to find out for myself!

The End!

So that's it, there ant no more. I hope you enjoyed my story and thank you all who've reviewed. Please don't be sad that this story has ended be happy that there's going to be a sequel! Yep, that's right. Less dark and more romance, but I can't tell you too much. I'm working on it right now so hopefully you guys can wait.

Until then!