If I build a wall a hundred feet tall ... would that keep you in ...

The beautiful boy was crying. Even his tears were beautiful in their glistening fall down his angel's face. He said the girl's name, quiet but steady.

"Bella. Bella, please don't cry." He plead with her, to please, Bella, stop, he couldn't take any more. He didn't know how much longer he could resist her. The salty scent of her furious tears was driving Edward insane.

The girl wore her paint proudly, she'd done this before. She could hurt him like she hurt Charlie, and her mother.

"I'm s-sorry, Edward. I can't allow you to torture yourself." The lovely girl's words tore her own heart apart. No longer did her eyes portray love, they were horribly dead. Gone was the radiant fire that lit them from within. The fire that kept the boy from taking himself away from her, the fire that he loved.

Suddenly Edward's amber eyes grew dark, and Bella could feel cold, pain, hurt, searing from those glowing black orbs. They were beautiful, in the twisted way that only the young girl knew. Somehow those eyes always made sense to her.

"You won't go. I'm not going to allow it, and I think you know that." The boy was breathing in Bella's face within seconds. Her icy facade faltered considerably as she breathed in the amazing scent of his breath.

"And - and how do you .. know I won't?" she questioned. Edward glowered. Something small and faint shimmered in his eyes, far away, like the beam of a train in a long tunnel. The train advanced, slowly at first, then increasing speed, till finally she would be hit -

She was in his arms then, the cold enveloping her. The boy breathed in, long and deep, as though it were his last fleeting breath. Her scent was astounding.

"Bella … my Isabella …" He closed his eyes, the light shade of lavender of his eyelids shimmering in the light from the flickering bulb in the girl's bedroom ceiling. He seemed consumed then, taken up in his world of dark and light, of want and need. Bella pulled her face from his chest, and took a moment to gather her thoughts before looking up into Edward's glorious face. Then something hit her like that distant train.

"Edward, are you crying?"

Edward was pulled from his reverie. "Of course not, I-" The boy stopped short. One slender hand left the girl's back and touched its owner's face. There was moisture there.

"I suppose I am … " Shock laced his voice. Then he seemed to relax. "Do you remember what I told you once? The humanness is starting to come back to me. But this is very strange, all the same."

The girl stood stock still, gazing at the shimmering tear-trails on his face.

"It - doesn't matter, does it?" he asked her, his face full of concern.

Bella gave no answer. Instead., she buried her face in his chest once again, breathing in his scent and just being grateful that he was hers. She'd never try to hurt him again. She'd stay.

If I was sincere .. and whispered my fears ... would you still be here ...