Title: Wishful Thinking
Pairing: Roy & Riza
Spoilers: None
... Tuck in.
'Our relationship was strictly sex-based. Sort of a way to vent our frustrations from that month, or week, or even just that day. I've always been told that I'm the type to build up my feelings but I've always seen the Colonel as that sort of person. On a bad week the two of us would race through at the least six packs of condoms. I guess you could say we woulduse each other.
I love him, yes; Roy Mustang and I love one another. Only to an extent though. I can't see myself one day having children with this man or marrying him. Roy may be a handsome man, intelligent, and charming but he is also stubborn, irritating, frustratingly lazy, and downright overly confident.
Up until twenty I never had a boyfriend. Even then that didn't last for more than two weeks. My joining the military 'got in the way' according to him, so he left me. In truth I wasn't even upset about our parting because really he was getting in the way of my work with the military. Sex was nice and I had only had it with him up until then. Then along came Colonel Mustang.
I'm not too sure when we stopped just having sex and started actually needing each other. From the time our relationship started and this time it was just black and white. No gray areas or blends where actual emotion or love was added into the equation. Maybe it became a game for us unconsciously.
He and I would bite one another and squeeze and honestly we were hurting each other. I'd always have at least one mark from him sucking at the skin on my neck and hips. His favorite place to leave little trailing marks seemed to be my inner thighs. The strangest place on my body that I've ever found one of his little surprises was the bottom of my foot. Just weird.
Roy was completely gentlemanly everywhere except in bed. There he would romp and take his frustration out on my body. I never minded because I did the same to him. His touch matched his personality: hot, intense, fiery. Sex with Roy was almost always overwhelming so that before he could even finish I was in my own little world built up of Roy's scent and thrashing pleasures. Afterwards I was so exhausted that all I could do was talk and sleep.
It's not as though I'm complaining. As I said, I do the same to him. For example, it was a late night of work, for me anyway, and really by the time I had left compared to what I had left to do, I had gotten very little done. Instead of heading to my apartment, I got behind the wheel of my car and drove to Roy's flat. From the moment he opened the door I was on him and practically dragging him to the bedroom.
From there I worked him into goop and the next morning he had a number of bruises and hickies on various places of his body. He even had a slight limp in his walk. I tried to '
"Lieutenant, May I ask what you're working so intently on?" The Colonel spoke from behind his desk making Riza jump, drop her pen and fumble with the loose papers she had been writing on.
"Oh… um, just some of my thoughts?" She was so flustered she couldn't even speak with her usual calm allure. Roy tilted his head at an angle.
"And the documents that have been sitting on your desk most of this morning?"
She blinked at him then formed a silent 'Oh'.
" I have to say Lieutenant this behavior is not like you."
"Sorry Sir." Riza nodded and the slightest hint of pink crept into her cheeks. Before tucking the papers into the back drawer of her desk she flipped to the first page and wrote over her curvy handwriting "Wishful Thinking' and locked the drawer once shut.