Chapter 1

It was a rainy day in Jump City and the Teen Titans had decided to catch up on things that they had been putting off doing for quite some time.

Beast Boy was attempting to clean up his room, Cyborg was tweaking the security system, and Raven was sitting on the couch reading.

Robin was on the other end of the couch, his laptop computer on his lap, working at updating the criminal data base. Once she realized that Robin would be busily working, Starfire announced that she was going to the "mall of shopping".

"Hey Rob, you think Star is alright going out on her own?" Cyborg asked.

"She just went to the mall Cyborg." the Boy Wonder replied, "She's been there lots of times with either Raven, me, or any combination of all of us. She knows how to act."

"Yeah, I guess I'm just worrying to much."

Little did they know just how wrong things were going to go.

Starfire walked along the street, almost a block away from the mall, looking for a shop that she had been to once before, with Raven. It was a tea shop, and the young Tameranian wanted to surprise her friend with a gift. Fortunately it had stopped raining, but the sky was filled with dull gray clouds, which were reflected in the numerous puddles on the ground.. Star noticed also that there was very little traffic at this time of day.

"There it is." she said in relief, when she saw the sign for the store, about halfway up the block.

"Ow!" she cried suddenly, as she felt a sting at the back of her neck. Instinctively her hand went to the painful place. "What manner of device is this?" she wondered aloud as she looked at a small, inch long cylinder, with a needle at one end. As she looked at it her vision blurred, and a wave of dizziness swept over her.

"Better. . . Call. . .. Robin." she struggled to say, as she pulled her communicator out, but before she had a chance to open it, she staggered to her right, and collapsed on the wet pavement.

"Finally got one of those big shot Titans alone," she heard a male voice say behind her. "come on, lets go."

Starfire felt herself lifted off the ground, and carried for some time. Suddenly she was shaken, almost back to full consciousness, as she felt herself placed up against a cold surface, and something passed under her left arm, up behind her neck, then back under her right arm. She tried to resist, but the drug was to strong, and the yell she tried to make was the barest whimper.

"Gag her." the voice from before commanded, and a cloth was forced into her mouth, and tied behind her head.. "Now to send them a message." the voice said evilly.

The blinding flash of pain, from her right side, snapped Starfire completely awake. Her eyes snapped open, and she saw three young men. One holding a baseball bat, one holding a two by four, and the third holding a metal pipe. They were in an alley, and she could see trash littered the ground. She realized that, unless she could get her communicator to open one handed, help would not be coming.

"Good hit!" one of the boys said, "That would have been a homer for sure."

Star tried to speak, to reason with the trio, but the gag muted anything she tried to say.

"You, and your fellow Titans, have made it almost impossible to be a crook in this city," one of the boys said, slapping the pipe into his other palm, "we want that to stop." he added, then swung the pipe, connecting with Star's right leg, halfway up her thigh.

The three took turns hitting the captive Titan like a piƱata, and Star lost count of the number of times, until she blacked out completely, her communicator dropping from her hand.

The third time she came to, the one with the baseball bat took a swing, that caught her on the jaw, causing her to bite through the gag. Ignoring the pain as best she could, she spit the offensive cloth from her mouth and took a great lungful of air. "Roobbbiinnn!" she screamed into the night. She hung, there panting for a moment, fighting a losing battle against the messages her body was sending to her brain, then repeated the cry.

"Nice try girlie." the one with the pipe said evilly, then raised his weapon to strike.

The Tameranian felt herself almost lift into the air, as she saw a blur strike the pipe, knocking it from the boy's hand.

"How?" he gasped, holding his stinging hand. "Scatter!" he shouted.

There was silence for a few moments, and Star struggled to stay conscious, but the beatings she had received were too much for her, and the pain finally claimed victory, and she blacked out again.

A dark figure detached itself from the shadows, and approached the badly beaten girl. It looked down at her for a moment it's head cocked to one side.

"You need to get to a hospital." it said, then quickly cut her down from the pole she was hanging from, gently cradled her in it's arms, and vanished.

Back at Titan Tower, Robin was still at work on the database, when his head suddenly snapped up, and he looked through the big windows, toward the city. "Star." he said under his breath.

"Robin?" Raven said questioningly, as she felt a strong mental push in her leader's mind. She started to probe with her empathic power, but was startled, by Robin's sudden movement.

"Titan's go!" Robin shouted, tossing the laptop onto the couch, and sprinting for the elevator. On the run he threw a birdarang which hit the door over ride, and the door opened, even though there was no elevator car there to get into. Without a seconds hesitation, he dove for the empty shaft, heading for the underground garage, eight floors below.

Robin watched the numbers on the walls, as he sped down the shaft, and he pulled one of his grapnels from his utility belt. Counting down in his head he fired the hook into the wall, and grabbed the handle with both hands. Another birdarang opened the doors to the garage area, and the grapnel line snapped taut, swinging him through the now open door.

He went into a forward roll, to burn off some of his momentum, and came up running. Slamming his helmet on, he fired up his R-cycle, and burned rubber, as he streaked for the tunnel, that lead, under the bay, to Jump City.

"What the?" Cyborg said, wondering what had gotten into Robin's head. He'd been acting strange since Slade had disappeared when Trigon was destroyed.

"That's a distress signal from one of our communicators!" Beast Boy shouted when the alarm started sounding.

"And seeing as it's not one of ours, and Robin just left. . . ." Raven said.

". . . That means Star's in trouble!" Cyborg completed. "Move it!"

Raven pulled her hood up and vanished. Beast Boy morphed into a hawk, and flew down the elevator shaft, and Cyborg followed, one hand holding onto the cables to control his descent.

"Robin where are you?" Cyborg asked, as the T-car headed down the tunnel, his fingers drumming nervously on the wheel.

"Just exited the tunnel and heading into the city." came the reply, "Where is she Cy?"

Cyborg glanced at the dashboard, where the radio was mounted, right next to the electronic map of the city, with it's brightly flashing dot, and the location crawling across the bottom of the screen, and sighed.

"Saint Mary's hospital." he said sadly, then flinched slightly, when he heard the engine sounds, of the R-cycle, grow in volume, and pitch.

"Copy that." Robin snapped, then leaned closer to the handlebars of his bike, pushing it to it's maximum speed. He didn't know what was wrong, but deep down in the pit of his stomach, he knew it was bad.

"What the devil was that!" a cop parked on the side of the road gasped as a red, yellow and green blur went past him, the scream of the engine hitting him, just as the blast of wind it created did.

"Radar gun clocked it at just over one twenty." his partner replied, looking at the displays red flashing numbers.

"That would be Robin then." the first officer said, "Only one I know, crazy enough to go that fast through here."

Robin came to a screeching halt at the entrance to the emergency room to Saint Mary's, and jumped off the R-cycle even as it finished stopping. "Security lock down." he snapped, and the security system on the bike was activated. Turning his back on his bike, he stalked into the hospital.

"I understand you have one of my team here," he snapped to the man behind the admittance desk, "she'd be a young woman with red hair." he added.

"Yes Robin we know what Starfire looks like," the man replied, "Let's see. . ." he said, as he leafed through some papers, all to aware of the nervously tapping fingers in the green gloves. "Ah here we are, treatment room one."

"Thanks." Robin said, and strode quickly away, his determined stride daring anyone to stop him.

"Sir you can't go in there!" a nurse called when she saw who was walking down her ward. Where he was going wasn't in doubt.

"Watch me." he said softly.

"Hold it young man, just where do you think you're going!" an authoritative voice demanded, as Robin neared the door.

"I just want to see her for a moment." he stated. 'How is my voice staying so calm?' he thought to himself, when I feel as though my skin has been rubbed raw, and splashed with alcohol.'

"I'm sorry but you can't go in there," the doctor said placing his hand on Robin's shoulder, "we're still working on getting her stabilized." he added to the anxious face that turned to face him.

"But. . ." he tried to argue, but realized that the doctor was right. He would only get in the way in there, and that was the last thing he wanted. "Tell me how she's doing as soon as you can." he relented, opening the door for the older man.

"You, and the one that brought her in." he assured the Boy Wonder, as he ducked into the room.

"Doctor x-rays are here." a voice called from inside the room, and Robin quickly looked inside. Just as he did, the nurse, that stood between him and the bed, moved to adjust a monitor.

Robin felt as though his chest was in a vice, and his heart struggled to keep beating, when he caught a glimpse of the young Tameranian on the bed. Both her legs were encased in bandages, as were her arms, but what skin Robin did manage to see, was purple/black with bruises. He staggered back away from the door, letting it close and take the horrible view away. He stood there for a moment, his back pressed against the wall, panting heavily, then he took a few steps toward the waiting room, then pulled out his communicator.

"Cyborg here." came the reply to Robin's signal.

"She's here Cy." Robin managed to gasp out.

"Get here. Get here fast." his voice came through the speaker in the T-car.

"That doesn't sound good." Beast Boy quipped.

"He doesn't sound good." Raven corrected,. "I'll meet you there." she said, pulling her hood up. A moment later she vanished.

As Robin closed his communicator, he went through the open door of the waiting room. Remembering the doctor had said something about the person that brought Star to the hospital, he looked around the room, and his eyes fell on one figure in particular.

"YOU!" he bellowed, as he vaulted over a row of chairs. He grabbed the person by the front of his shirt, and slammed him into the wall. "WHAT DID YOU DO TO HER! He demanded.

"Nice to see you again too, kid." a mechanically altered voice said, then gave a small grunt of pain, "Listen kid I wouldn't do to ANYONE, what's been do to the girl in there," Red X said, "at least not without provocation, and that woman in there couldn't provoke an angry rattlesnake."

"Then who?" Robin demanded as he lowered Red X to the ground, his confidence slightly shaken.

"I don't know. . . Yet." Red X replied, "But you'll be the first to know when I do." he added.

"I owe you for bringing her here," Robin grudgingly admitted, "where did you find her?"

"About two blocks north of the mall," the other costumed young man replied, "she was tied to a pole, in an alley, and three dirt bags were taking turns beating her. Her screaming for you is what caught my attention." he related, "Ah re-enforcements arrive I see." he added, seeing Raven materialize.

"Raven!" Robin gasped his emotional control finally slipping as he saw a friendly, familiar face. "They won't . . ." he went on as he staggered toward her.

"I know Robin, I know." Raven soothed, catching Robin as he almost collapsed. Even without her trying, her empathic power picked up the waves of hurt, confusion, and despair, coming from her friend. Guiding Robin to a chair, she suddenly saw Red X and almost reflexively, her hand shot up and pointed at him.

"Raven, no." Robin said, grabbing her wrist, "He found her." he told her, "Brought her in."

"Thanks." she mumbled to Red X as she released him. "She's in good hands Robin," she assured him, "they've even got a supply of blood for her here." she added softly.


"Actually it was Star's idea," Raven replied, "in one of her flashes of logic, she realized that if she, or I, got badly hurt, that there was only the small supply of blood, for either of us, in the tower So she talked me into coming here. We picked out a doctor, and have been giving blood every three months for the last year."

"Yo Rob!" Cyborg's voice came from the hall way.

"In here." Robin called back.

"Whoah!" Cyborg shouted upon seeing Red X, his sonic cannon coming up, ready to fire. He realized that he couldn't see X's mouth, but he swore he had a smug grin on his face, and he itched to wipe it off.

"Stand down Cyborg." Robin snapped, "He's the one who found her, and brought her here.

"Thanks I guess dude." Beast Boy said, as he came up behind Cyborg, as he powered down his sonic cannon.

"Ah good the rest of you are here." a woman in a white lab coat said from the door way, "I'm doctor Linda Benson, and I won't paint you any pretty pictures." she began, "Someone. . ."

"Three some ones." Red X cut in.

"Three people somehow injected her with a strong sedative, and, while she was helpless, they tied her, so she was almost standing , then beat her mercilessly." the doctor went on. "Raven it was a stroke of genius that you two set up a blood bank for yourselves here. We're going to need it for the surgery."

"Surgery?" Robin asked, his face going even paler, as he sank back down into his seat.

"She's got some internal bleeding, in addition to multiple broken bones," Linda replied, "I'm going in, to stop the bleeding, then she's going to be here for at least two weeks." she told them, "You are to be commended, young man, for getting her here as fast as you did," she added to Red X, "Another five to ten minutes, and I don't think she'd make it."

"Looks like I owe you much more than an apology X," Robin said softly, "with your quick action, you personally saved her life."

"Lighten up kid." X replied, "You would have done the same for me."

"Yeah but we're the good guys. Beast Boy quipped, drawing a nervous laugh from the group, including X.

"This cleans the slate between us," Robin told X, "as far as I'm concerned you're back on square one."

"Robin." a nurse called from the doorway.

"Yes?" he asked trotting over to her.

"She's regained consciousness," she told him, "and she's calling for you." she added.

Robin was halfway down the hall before the nurse finished her second sentence, but pulled up just short of the door to the treatment room. He opened the door cautiously, not wanting to accidentally knock into the doctor or a nurse.

"Oh good you're here," Linda said, when she saw that Robin had entered, "Please try to get her to calm down," she whispered to him as she lead him over to the bed, "Her current agitated state isn't doing her internal bleeding any good.

"Right." Robin agreed, his eyes fixed on the sheet, and bandage, draped figure on the bed.

With the exception of her hands, and from her shoulders up, she was covered with bandages, and where he could see her skin, it was the purple/black of deep bruising.

"Is there anywhere I can touch her, that won't hurt her more?" he asked the nurse that brought a chair over for him to sit on.

As Robin sank into the chair, the nurse caught a look at his face, and she saw the concern, and fear of causing the redhead any further pain. She also saw that that, even if Robin didn't admit it to himself, he was in love with the young woman on the bed.

"Between the medications we've given her, and how the body shuts down to avoid pain, we're surprised she's even awake." she replied.

"It would hurt me more, if you were not to hold my hand." Star said painfully.

"Star!" Robin gasped. "I thought you had fallen back asleep."

"I am awake now." she said simply, but Robin could see the concentration she had to put into each word, to fight past the pain.

"Star I'm so sorry I wasn't there." he gulped out, gently taking her hand, and feeling her fingers curl around his, I. . . I. . . " he stammered, having trouble getting words past the lump in his throat. "I hate to ask this Star, but I have to," he finally was able to continue, "Did you get a look at who or what did this to you?" As soon as the words were out of his mouth he regretted saying them, as he knew it would cause Star to flash back, to what scenes of the attack she could remember.

He watched, as she squeezed her eyes shut, trying to keep the visions away.

"There were three of them," she rasped, "Young men about our age," she went on, "Each time I would awaken, he would tell me that you were going to get the message, then they would beat me again until I blacked out."

The nurse glanced at Robin, and had to do a double take as she saw how his jaw was clenched, and his eyes had narrowed, pulling his mask with them.

"How. . ." Robin growled, "How many times did you wake up?"

"Four." Star answered painfully, tears spilling down the sides of her head. "When I woke up the fourth time, I was relieved to see what must have been one of your birdarangs, knock the metal pipe from the leaders hands," she related, "The next thing I know I'm here."

"The doctors want you to calm down, and so do I," Robin told her. "don't you worry about anything but resting and getting better," he added, then saw the doctor motioning to him. "I've got to talk to the doctor right now, and pass on to the team how you're doing," he said. "I'll see you again when you wake up."

Star nodded her head, and Robin could feel her hand relax, as she sank back down to unconsciousness. Robin leaned over and softly kissed her forehead. He smiled when he saw that her face had also relaxed from it's mask of pain.

"Thanks," Linda said when Robin met her in the hall, "she's calmed down considerably now."

"No, thank you doc, I don't know how much longer I could have lasted without seeing her," Robin said, then chuckled with a lopsided grin, "I guess that's something I've even been hiding from myself." he admitted.

"Listen why don't you and your team go back to your tower," she told him, "the surgery is going to take at least a couple of hours, and she probably won't wake up until around noon tomorrow."

Robin nodded, then headed toward the waiting room.

If anyone would have been watching him, they would have seen him tapping one of his fists against his thigh as he walked. The other thing they would have noticed, was the determined stride that carried him down the hall.

Red X saw all of this, as he watched from the waiting room, then he focused his attention on Raven when Robin entered the room.

'Something's changed.' he thought to himself, as he watched Raven take a step back from Robin as he walked past her. 'Something about him startled, and frightened her.' he thought, focusing his glance on Raven's eyes, where he saw the play of emotions she couldn't hide.

"Cyborg, you and Beast Boy stay here and keep an eye on Star," Robin ordered in clipped tones, "Raven, X and I are going to find the ones responsible for this.

"Shouldn't we all go?" Cyborg asked.

"I want someone here in case Dr. Benson needs a decision made as to Star's treatment.," Robin countered. He pulled Cyborg aside and spoke more softly to him. "I've got to be the one to get these mutts Cy." he whispered tensely, then explained what Starfire had told him.

"They're street punks Cy," he went on in a normal tone of voice. "That's why I'm taking X along, that's his turf." he explained. 'And Raven to make sure I don't go to far.' he thought to himself.

Cyborg nodded his agreement.

"You're not going to arrest him, are you?" his question sounding more like a statement.

"No," Robin replied, "I'm not.. Look Cyborg what they did to Star was a message, like from one gang to another," he explained, "You know as well as I do that unless we want to have to keep looking over our shoulders when we're on the street we, I, have to answer in the strongest possible manner."

"Yeah, I know," Cyborg admitted, "But I don't have to like it."

With that straightened out, Robin headed out to his R-cycle.