This is in response to Cassia and Sio's "Tears Like Rain". It inspired me to write a poem as did Captive of Darkness so please read it and tell me what you think.

I own nothing the credit goes to J.R.R. Tolkien and Cassia and Sio for coming up with such a wonderful story.

There was a time when I looked up to you

When I loved you with all my heart

When you were the one I came to

But now we are drifting apart

You don't seem the same as you were before

Some thing has changed inside

Inside you I'm looking I don't know what for

I don't know what's truth and what's lies

You used me I'm hurting inside and out

Now I see who you are

And within me there is no doubt

I see you have drifted too far

Now I've grown much time has passed

I've let go of most of the pain

But I still remember some things still last

When I cried those tears like rain

There it is I hope you liked it please read and review! See that blue button? It's there for a reason:) Please also read Fears and Triumphs in response to Captive of Darkness thanks!
