Chapter Eleven: Dun Dun Dun

Ulrich and Yumi both came out of Lyoko and went up to the control room. They waited for Odd and Aelita to get there before they began. They all agreed that it seemed like William was after Yumi but no one knew why. Another problem was that Jeremy had to find out what was wrong on Lyoko before any one of them could go back.

"Which means you guys have to live with a X.A.N.A infested William until I can fix Lyoko." Jeremy said. Yumi's face slightly paled but not enough for anyone to really notice.

"Then we'll have to be careful about school. Two days is spring break so we just have to survive until then." Odd said.

"We're gong to have too." Ulrich said suddenly out of no where. "We don't have a choice, not when he's been getting this close to getting one of us. We'll need a plan to get through this."

"Already on it." Jeremy said then turned to his computer screen again.

AN: sorry it's so short I'm working ont it my bad and I don't own code lyoko review sorry again!

Chapter Twelve: Last Day

Jeremy reviewed over his plan with them on how they would keep Yumi out of William's way until Jeremy fixed Lyoko. He found out that they couldn't deactivate the tower like r normal this time. This time once they fixed Lyoko and issued a return to the past everything would return to normal. So it was the last day of school before spring break. Ulrich talked to the principal and made up an excuse as to why he needed to be in Yumi's class. He told the principal that he was nervous about starting next year in Yumi's classes and since the last day before spring break was here he was wondering if he could try out the classes. The principal thought this to be wise and told Yumi to show him around. Yumi told the principal that she would do her best and left with Ulrich. She walked him to their class gave her teacher the note and had Ulrich sit by her before William came in.

"Sterns get to class, this is my seat." William stated when he got in.

"I'm in here today, so no. I am supposed to stay with Yumi. The principal told me to so I'm sorry." Ulrich said as unapologetic as he possibly could. William frowned angrily and took a seat behind them. They got through the whole day and met at the factory. Jeremy said he only needed William to get in the scanner so he could scan X.A.N.A back into Lyoko. Then he could issue a return to the past and everything would be alright.

"How do we do that?" Odd asked.

"We'd need bait." Aelita sighed looking at Yumi.

"Yumi and I will do it then. We can't just leave her with William alone." Ulrich stated. "Aelita and Odd be down there to help us get him in the scanner room. Jeremy stay here so you can start up the process as soon as he's in there." Everyone nodded their heads and went to their posts. Ulrich and Yumi set off to find William for one last round. They found him in the woods around the man-hole looking for something, or someone.

"William's a nobody. I hate him Ulrich don't you know that?" Yumi said loudly that way William could hear.

"Yea I always knew that. When are you going to let him know your not interested then?" Ulrich asked again loudly.

"I was planning on telling him today but I haven't seen him. Let's head to our secret spot that way he can't follow. I'll just tell him later." Yumi stated. They both started to climb down the man-hole leaving the cover off. They had walked about thirty seconds when they heard footsteps behind them. They kept walking all the way to the factory making sure not to get to far ahead. They stepped in the elevator and pushed a button. Right before the door closed William slipped in. They pretended to be surprised as Ulrich pushed the button for the scanner room behind his back. William tried to pull Yumi into him a couple of times but Ulrich shoved him back with his foot. When the elevator door opened Odd and Aelita grabbed both his arms. Yumi and Ulrich grabbed his feet and they threw him into the scanner. The door closed and moments later reopened. William fell out then they were enveloped by a bright light.

"Return to the past!" Jeremy stated taking them back.

The End

AN: Hope you liked it not one of my better stories I agree. Check out my newer ones they are much better. Review and I know it bites so you don't have to tell me twice.