Lady Ai: Well, Well, Well...Six month huh? I know, please don't kill me!
Yami Ai: Don't worry, they won't...I will.
Lady Ai: WHY?-!
Yami Ai: It's so the reader's hands don't have to get dirty.
Lady Ai: Well look at you, always putting the reader first, are we?
Yami Ai: That's what should matter when you're an author, Right readers?
Readers: -nod nod-
Lady Ai: readers know that I just got into high school, ya know how hard it is to be a freshman? Ahem, anyway...I've made a plan...I even wrote some new material for Christmas. n.n NOW ON TO THIS STORY (before I fall asleep on the computer...stupid midterms) -.-;
Disclaimer: I SHALL NOT CLAIM THIS AS MY OWN! (The anime I mean...This story is completely mine)
Beta: KATH-CHAN -heart-
Chapter Five
"Feeding" Time
"You...WHAT?-! Oh, Yugi! I'm terribly sorry for my Yami's behavior. If it wasn't for Bakura and Malik, you wouldn't have lost Suki in all the mess!" Ryou sighed as he held the phone between his head and shoulders. Yugi had just finished telling Ryou about his incident.
"No, it's not...that much of.../sigh/ a big deal. But I called to ask if you have any ideas on what to say to the teacher or anything."
Ryou finished his math homework and turned to Kaiba who was working on his laptop. "Hey, uh, Kaiba..." Ryou was still kinda shaky from their 'almost' kiss. "Do you have any ideas on what Yugi should do? He and Yami kinda...lost their flour bag baby in the fire yesterday." Kaiba kept typing for a minute then stopped abruptly.
"...That idiot."
Ryou sighed and turned back to the phone. "Sorry, Yugi. I have nothing. Maybe if you just explain it to the teacher carefully-" Ryou felt a hand on his shoulder and turned around to see Kaiba. "I got an idea." Then Kaiba smirked. "I am a multi-billionaire."
"Kaiba, what are you thinking?" Ryou asked, raising an eyebrow. Kaiba placed on his trench coat and grabbed his car keys. "Come on, we have to go to the store first."
"Uh...Yugi, I'll call you back. Kaiba has an idea, I'm guessing, on how to help?"
" Cheerio." And with that, Ryou hung up and chased after Kaiba to his car.
xx Bakura and Malik xx
"/whimper/ Baku, what are we gonna duuuuuu!!!!"
(a/n: T.T even I feel sorry for these two)
Bakura and Malik plugged up their ears with cotton balls and called Joey and Marik again.
xx Joey and Marik xx
"...Marik, where are you going?" Joey finally asked after half an hour of watching Marik running around the house and looking thru the closet.
"Joey do you have ANYTHING I can wear? I'm gonna pick Ryou up this evening for a date." Marik kept throwing everything to the ground. He smiled and turned to Joey. "Oh Joey! We should do a double date! Ryou and I, You and Kaiba. We'll have a nice dinner then finish with a nice movi-"
Riiiing riiing
"That must be Malik again. I'll get it." Marik walked up to the phone and picked up. "Moshi Moshi, Wheeler's house, how's it goin' yo, my homie g dawg."
"...Did you just say yes in Spanish?-!"
"...I thought that was Chinese."(1)
"Ok, never mind, look. We sorta have a problem...the baby won't stop crying. Do you know how to stop it?"
"Oh yeah, that. Er well, I don't think the teacher knew that your flour bag was gonna do this so early but she came over here this morning and gave us this machine thing. It's for feeding the baby."
"...That's all? Just feed it? Ha, that's easy. You just need a spoon and-"
"No, Malik...uh...When I said feeding...I Feeding."
"Yeah...If ya want, come over to use our thingy. It's like...plastic and you strap it on as if it were a bra, they look like actual boobs!"
"Marik, please don't tell me YOU used it."
"...So what if I did? I take care of my baby unlike you two. Look, just come over quickly. I have plans for later."
"Fine, We'll be right there."
xx Tristian and Duke xx
"OH TRISTIAN BABE!" Duke yelled out from the living room. Tristian came into the room, his left eye twitching. "What. The fuck. Do you. WANT!" Duke pouted and glared at Tristian. "Fine, I won't give you your present."
"...You got me a gift? Why?"
"I dunno," Duke shrugged while eating some grapes. "Look in your room, on your bed. Hope you like it." Duke got up off the couch and walked out to the front porch. Tristian stayed still until the door closed, after that he made a mad dash to his bed room, slamming the door open.
On his bed was a small gift box. Red with a silver bow on it. Tristian weighed it in his hand. Carefully, he unwrapped it and opened the box. Then he smiled.
"Duke, you dumbest."
It was a little Cyber Commander action figure. Tristian looked in the box again only to find a card.
...I'm waiting for a kiss. Turn around!
Tristian blinked and slowly turned around. But he couldn't fully turn around because he was glomped as soon as he turned his head.
Tristian and Duke fell to the floor with a thud, Duke grinning brightly at Tristian. Tristian merely blushed. "Get off me, man. What this about...kissing?" Duke tilted his head. "I like you. Is that hard to understand?" Tristian sighed. 'No, but do I like you? That dream has got me so messed up!'
"Duke...I dunno."
"At least...try it?" Duke leaned forward with hopeful eyes and a sad smile. Tristian blinked again. "I'm sorry, Duke. I just...I don't know anything right now. Er...give me time?" Duke looked down and then smiled. "Okay, I'll give you space." Before Duke got up and left, he bent over and gave Tristian a chaste kiss on the lips. "For me, as a 'thank you for the gift'."
Tristian blushed again, eyes wide. He was surprised that even after Duke had closed the door, after 15 minutes of just sitting in the same spot just thinking...Tristian could still feel Duke's light kiss on his lips.
"Ok. Time's up."
Lady Ai: x.x I know I know, short. but I want to do more stuff. I have to practice for my Chorus concert and plan my Christmas party, then plan a nice date for me and my emo/ninja/gangster/rapist/slave love. n.n I hope you guys like it, at least it's an update right? I PROMISE
Lady Ai: Ugh, fine. I hope I won't do this again...or make it even worse o.o; JA NE!