
Two days later, Robin, Starfire, and Raven were on the roof of the tower, finishing up their usual routine of meditating, and watching the sunrise. "Raven, may I talk to you for a moment?" Starfire asked, as Robin headed for the stairs. She returned his wave, and watched him head through the doorway, and down into the tower.

"Something wrong, Star?" Raven asked, as she walked over to her friend. She had a feeling that something had been bothering Star, but, as usual, decided to wait for the redhead to come to her to talk about it. She watched as the Tamaranean's face grew pensive before she spoke.

"I. . . .am not sure how to talk about this." Star began slowly, then added, almost in a rush, "At night I keep getting what I think are Robin's thoughts"

Raven raised an eyebrow, as she thought that over. "This has only been since we got back from the cavern, right?" she asked, getting a nod, "Star, I want to check something in your mind." she explained, "Do I have your permission?"

"Of course, shalay'fa, I have nothing to hide, or fear from you." Star replied.

Raven smiled softly, still not used to the trust, loyalty, and openness, that was part of Star's friendship. She then cradled Star's face in her hands and closed her eyes, "Azarath, Metrion, Zynthos." she chanted softly. After a few moments, she opened her eyes, a bemused smile on her lips, "It looks like our friend Robin, has some. . . .interesting thoughts about you." she almost chuckled, the got more serious, when she saw how Star blushed. "It's good that you are keeping this to yourself." she said, "What's causing the telepathic bond, is from when you entered Robin's dream, and fought with him against that evil representation of yourself." she explained, She was silent for a moment as she considered something. "It's very likely, that the bond works both ways." she said.

"You mean he might be picking up my thoughts as well!" Star cried, "Oh X'Hal!" she gasped, blushing profusely, and turning away from Raven.

"Star, it's okay." she assured her, as she came up behind the redhead, and put a hand on her shoulder, "First off, I'm not sure if he has picked up your thoughts, and if he has, is that so bad?" I mean, yes it would be embarrassing, but it would serve the purpose of you both knowing that you care for each other in that way."

Star was silent for a moment, as she thought things over, then turned and gave Raven a quick hug, "Thank you, shalay'fa, you have put my mind at ease." she said, then chewed on her bottom lip for a moment, "Raven, there is a place I wish to take you to and show you, but I want it to be a surprise to you." she said, "It is but a short flight from here."

"So I will have to close my eyes, and depend on you to fly me there." Raven said, drawing a nod from Star. "I trust you Starfire, or should I say my shalay'fa." she answered, without hesitation.

"Glorious!" Star cried, then lifted into the air, followed by Raven. She took Raven's hand, and told her to close her eyes, then they moved off. A short time later, Raven felt her feet lightly touch the earth, and Star let go of her hand, "You may open your eyes now."

Raven opened her eyes, had had to blink a few times. First to get used to the bright sunlight, but also to make sure of what she was seeing. To that end, she also made a quick check of her mental status. With a powerful feeling of Déjà vu, Raven looked around, stunned at what she saw, and what Starfire was sharing with her. Star, this is. . ." she began.

". . .The real place, that my Nevermore, and quiet place are based on." Starfire finished for her. "I wish to share this with you." she went on, "For times when you need to leave the tower, and your friends. When you need to be alone with your thoughts, for whatever reason."

Raven stood there, touched more deeply, by this simple act, than by anything else in her life. "Star, I don't know what to say. . ." she said, wanting to say more, but finding it impossible to get any words past the lump that formed in her throat.

"You need not say anything, shalay'fa." Star said softly, reaching out and touching her friends face, "The gratitude you feel is written clearly on your face, and in your tears." she practically whispered, as she used the back of her hand to dry Raven's cheeks. "Tears you seldom shed, and never when anyone else can see. I am almost shamed that I caused them to flow, but I rejoice that, for now at least, you share them with me."

Raven looked up at Starfire's beaming face. "You have no idea how much this means to me." she said softly, "It's one thing to go up onto the roof, or into my room to meditate, but to be able to be truly alone is something I need from time to time."

"To be able to have the time when you don't have to worry about Robin, or myself knocking on your door, or coming up behind you on the roof, and trying to pry out of you what's bothering you." Star said, putting her hands on the back of the bench. "Yes Raven, I have been here many times since Robin showed me this place. Times when I've missed my home world, my parents, and my brother, and yes, even times when I missed my sister."

Raven nodded her understanding. "Thank you, from the bottom of my heart." she said, and they stayed there for a while, talking, and meditating, until Raven noticed that it was time to go back to the Tower, to see Anella, and Mathias off.

A short time later, the Titans were gathered in the living room of the Tower to say good bye to their newest friends.

When Raven and Starfire arrived back at the tower, they found the rest of the Titans in the living room with Anella, and Mathias.

"How did you know that Starfire was calling to Raven, when she shouted, what was it, shalay'fa?" they heard Mathias ask, as they approached the doorway.

Anella thought for a moment, "Let's just say that there were only two people there that she might have shouted that to, and at the time I doubted it would have been me,"

"I take it it's a Tamaranean word," Robin said.

"And as for translation, I'll leave that up to them," Anella said, "I will say no more on this subject my husband," she added, when Mathias opened his mouth to speak.

"I thank you for that friend," Star said as she and Raven entered the room, "It is something between Raven and myself," she added as she sat beside Robin on the couch.

"Before we leave, my wife and I would like to thank you for your help." Mathias said, "It has been an honor to meet and work with you."

"You are fine warriors, and good friends," Anella said, "A rare combination. We have all learned much on the journey, myself included," she added, with a soft smile at Star. "I'm sorry that we don't have anything for you as a reward for your help, but I have something that I personally wish to give Starfire," she continued, then walked over so she was standing in front of her.

"Starfire, Koriand'r, princess and daughter of Tamaran, now citizen of Earth," she said, "You are a valiant, and powerful warrior in battle, and loyal and compassionate friend with a gentle spirit, when at peace. When you were taken from your home by the Gordanians, you left much behind, and I hope this will help you remember." she added, then handed Star a wrapped box.

Star looked questioningly at the older woman, then unwrapped and opened the box. "Star, what is it?" Robin asked when he heard Star gasp when she saw the contents.

Star didn't reply, as her attention was fixed on the box's contents, and Robin noticed that her hand was trembling as she reached in. "Shamana, Shokata," she said softly as she pulled out what looked like a framed photograph.

"Your mother and father?" Robin asked as he looked over her shoulder at the picture. It showed two Tamaranean adults, the woman simply an older version of Starfire, and a dark haired man holding an infant between them.

"Yes," Star said softly, her fingers tracing over their faces. After a moment she set that picture aside and took out another, "Where did you get this?" she asked softly, "I was told that none were taken before. . ." she began but trailed off as she looked back at the picture, her eyes stinging with tears. "Ryand'r ne mathad shaloha," she said tearfully.

Robin looked at the picture of a young Tamaranean male in armor, but with his helmet under his right arm. Suddenly it dawned on him that he had a definite resemblance to Star. "Star do you have a brother?" he asked, and was surprised by Star turning toward him, and burying her face in his chest, sobbing.

Anella could see the confusion, and pain on Robin's face as he had no idea on what to do to comfort Starfire. "Ryand'r was Starfire's younger brother," she said softly, "The few years they were together they were very close."

"You speak of him in the past tense," Raven noted.

"He was a year younger than Starfire, and shortly after Starfire was turned over to the Gordanians he was accepted as a warrior, and assigned a ship in the fleet," Anella related, "Six months later the ship disappeared with no survivors ever found."

"Star I'm so sorry," Robin said softly as he held her.

After a while, Star lifted her head, and thanked Robin for the tissues he handed her. "I thank you for these," she said to Anella, "Even this one," she added, indicating a picture of her sister, Blackfire.

"You are most welcome Starfire," Anella said cupping her cheek in her hand. "It is the least I can do to repay you for the lessons you have given me," she then looked over at Raven, "Are you sure you won't join us?" she asked, "You would be a tremendous asset, and the opportunities for expanding your powers would be great."

"No, thank you," Raven replied, then looked around the room at the rest of the Titans, "Here I have more than friends, I have a family."

"Come, my wife, it's time to take our leave." Mathias said, as Anella, nodded her head, . "May Azar watch over you all." he added, "Ashanti. . .. Kinora. . . Anel," he chanted and his soul self enveloped then and they vanished. There was silence for a few moments then Cyborg challenged Beat Boy to a video game, and their carrying on caused Raven to announce that she was going to her room to read, leaving Robin and Starfire standing in the middle of the room, as Beast Boy and Cyborg had taken over the couch.

Robin looked out the window and saw that it was getting close to sunset. "Star, want to go to the roof?" he asked. Star nodded and they went up to watch the sunset.

Several hours later, the Tower was dark, and the light went out in the last room, as Robin shut down his computer, and climbed into bed. Just as he was starting to doze off, he snapped wide awake, and sat up in his bed.

"Robin?" Star's voice said. Switching on a light, Robin looked around and saw nothing but empty room. "I'm not in you room." Star's voice said.

"You're in my mind?" Robin thought back to her, "How?"

"Raven says it is because of when I entered your dream to help you," Star informed him, "That is why you've been getting flashes of my thoughts."

"Your thoughts? But I. . ."

"It is okay, because I've been getting flashes of what you feel for me as well." there was nothing for a moment, then, "When will I ever get to see your eyes again?"

"I'm not sure Star." was Robin's reply, and he could practically feel Starfire's mood droop.

"Then I shall wish you good night." Star thought to him, then she was gone from his mind. "I was hoping for something different." Star muttered to herself as she fluffed her pillow. She jumped when there was a knock at her door. "You may enter." she called, and the door slid open to reveal Robin's silhouette against the hall lights. The door slid shut again, and as she reached for her nightstand light, she thought she heard his footsteps across her floor.

"Star there's been something I've been putting off telling you, for a while now." he said, and Star could tell that he was right next to her bed. She clicked on the light, and saw that he was kneeling so he was at eye level with her as she lay on the bed.

"And what might that be?"

"Star, I. . . .that is to say. . ." Robin stammered for a moment, then finally blurted it out. "Star, I love you." he lifted his eyes back up to her face, and saw those two green pools smiling back at him.

"And I love you as well, Robin." she said, her hand reaching out and cupping his cheek. She pulled gently and found that he didn't pull away, but rather moved his head closer, and she felt a thrill go through her as she felt his lips against hers, and she returned the kiss.

After a while Robin pulled back, both were slightly out of breath. "I've wanted to do that for so very long, but I didn't think you liked me as more than a friend." he admitted, both to Star, and to himself, then he removed his mask, letting her see his eyes again.

Star switched to a sitting position, and motioned for Robin to join her.

"When we were in the cavern, after you had gotten injured by that tentacle thing, something you did surprised me," He told her, as he sat beside her on the bed. "It was when we were touching foreheads," he added.

"In what manner?" Star said after a small gasp.

"We were kneeling, and facing each other," Robin replied, describing the scene for her, and turning himself so he was facing her, "You bowed your head because you were over come by the pain you were feeling, and I was a little overwhelmed myself, and when I bowed my head, we touched like this, and you seemed to sigh happily," he concluded, and was surprised to hear Star repeat the sound. "Star?"

Starfire pulled back from the contact, and Robin could see that she was shaken, "Among my people, the touching of lips does not have the romantic or affectionate meaning that it has here," she said nervously, and she looked at him expectantly.

"I had half an idea about that," Robin admitted, "I mean when we first met, after we fought each other for quite a while, you suddenly kissed me, and immediately started speaking English right after," he told her.

"It is the way of my people." Star said simply, "We gain knowledge of language in that manner," she added, then looked at Robin, hoping he would understand.

"Okay, I'll believe that seeing as I have first hand knowledge of it," Robin said, "but after what I just felt, when we just kissed, I'm gathering that you've been on Earth long enough to have learned what a kiss means to humans, and me."

Star sighed with relief. "That is most correct," she said with a smile, "On Tamaran, the gentle touching of our foreheads is the equivalent of a kiss," she added, then drew him toward her again, but differently, not in a manner that would bring their lips together, but so the tip of his nose touched hers, then brought their heads together so their foreheads were touching. She couldn't suppress the small moan that escaped her lips as Robin moved his head slightly from side to side.

Robin was at a loss as to what Star was up to , but quickly put two and two together, and after a short moment of their foreheads touching, he made a slight movement, and was pleased to hear her moan softly, and he could feel her breathing grow ragged after a short time.

"Robin," Star half spoke, half sighed his name.

Knowing better than to push things to far to quickly Robin pulled back, and found himself gazing into two passion filled eyes. Taking a deep breath, he leaned forward again, and touched his lips to hers, and he felt her arms slide up his back as she returned the kiss, with even more passion.

After a while, they took a break in order to breathe, and Robin cupped her cheek in his hand, "I'd better get back to my own room," he said softly.

"Yes, for now I think that would be best, even though it is not what I want right now," Star agreed, and watched as he stood and headed for the door.

Half way to the door, Robin turned and looked at her as she sat on her bed, "I love you Starfire." he said.

"And I love you too, Robin.

The End.