Hello. This chapter may or may not be the last in this story. I really haven't decided yet but if this one isn't then the next one will be. Yes I know how sad. I have enjoyed writing this fic but it has to end sometime. I promise that I f this is the end then I will post the first chapter of my next fic (another robrae) as soon as possible. Ok so let us see…

Disclaimer: NO for the last time I do not own Teen Titans! Now get those lawyers off my lawn!

Chapter !6: To fight and angry Raven

In the darkness of the central cavern Malchior buzzed with anticipation. Tonight, finally he would be free. Tonight he would throw off the last remnants of the curse and finally regain his true form. It had taken him a year, a full year, to collect all the tools he needed for the ceremony. One year to do the research, to kidnap the Witches. When he'd first broken free of the curse he had been exuberant, the world was opened up before him for the first time in centuries. Then he had seen his reflection, starring up at him from the murky depths of a puddle that had formed on the street.

He could still remember all the mundane details from that moment. Dark clouds, bloated with condensation had hung in the clouds as far as the eye could see. A rumble of thunder in the distance had signaled that the storm which had been drenching the city throughout the day had not retreated, but was simply resting, building up its strength for another torrential downpour. He had only looked down as a fat droplet had fallen in front of his face, drawing his attention. The drop had fallen into the puddle sending ripples throughout, and when it had cleared…

"I was Thisss" he hissed to himself. The twisted image he could have dealt with, after all he was a dragon. But the pain, the excruciating pain. Being caught between these two forms his body twisted and grotesque kept rivulets of pain running through him. Each instant he was trapped like this his mind and body sent agonizing reminders of his failed transformation.

The sound of soft footsteps roused the dragon sorcerer from his broodings. Looking up he saw Jake striding through the darkness towards him. The young man stopped before the raised rock on which his master reclined in a stone throne. Watching him Malchior almost laughed. This fool had served him well and yet…tearing him apart with his newly restored claws would bring him some enjoyment. Once he was restored there would be no more need for this laky in whom he already sensed the seeds of rebellion.

"The preparations are finished my Lord. All is ready for the ritual" The Witch intoned without raising meeting Malchiors eyes. Malchiors spirit soared. "Excellent, bring the last two in then" he said grinning. Jakes fists clenched almost imperceptibly as he bowed once more before turning on his heel and walking stiffly away from him. Though his master was filled with glee at the idea of this evenings "entertainment" suddenly the very thought of it filled him with dread.


Robin stumbled into the hallway, his eyes burning, as the two hooded men who'd taken him from his cell pushed forward. After days in absolute darkness the room full of flickering firelight seared his masked eyes. After a few moments and another cursory push from one of his captors he raised his head and looked around this new room. He gasped. The room itself was monstrous, roughly circular, with a complex design painted in dark purple on the floor. But what took the breath from his lungs was what was hanging on the walls. Every space all along the stone walls hung…people.

Most wore long various colored robes with the occasion piece of silver or gold jewelry, but the one thing that prevailed through all of them, men, women, and children, was the starved thinness and the haunted look that shadowed their eyes. Pieces clothing were ripped or frayed on what Robin now realized to be the ravaged bodies of the lost witches, and some even had small cuts and bruises all over them. All hung limp but one twitched a little, a look of extreme concentration on her face. Shar… Robin realized. As if hearing his thoughts, Shar eyes flicked to him and widened in surprise and shock. Apparently she hadn't known he was here. Before he could look around any more the two men grabbed him by the wrist and placed him into a pair of manacles three people away from Shar. He tried to struggle but as soon as the closed around him his body went limp and no amount of trying could force even his smallest finger to move.

As he pushed against the bonds that held him immobilized the horrific figure of Malchior strode to the center of the room, standing in the center of the symbol he grinned wickedly. "It beginnsss" he hissed. He raised his arms and a sickly purple glow enfolded his them, he began to chant "Necronome hesberek…" The list of incomprehensible words ran on and on, all the time the light around him growing brighter and brighter until it was Robin had to squint to see him. Finally his chant slowed and he turned to one side, his eyes focused on one hanging woman who looked at him with defiance. The light pulled in on itself forming into a withering ball in his hands.

Malchior allowed a final word to seep past his lips and thrust his arms out towards the woman. Violet lightning surged sown his arms and leapt the distance from his arms to where she hung. As the beam hit her she let out a single shriek which pierced the air in the room before falling silent. The light engulfed her, blocking her from view. Then after a few moments of silence, a shining white light flowed from where she had stood and flew towards Malchior, constrained within the bounds of the beam. It flowed up Melchior's body briefly outlining him in white as he arched his back in ecstasy.

Then suddenly all the magical lights were gone from the room except for a ball of violet fluorescence that once more churned in the dragon sorcerers hands. Robin's eyes turned to where the woman had been moments ago. What he saw made him want to vomit. Where once had been a proud young woman now hung a crone, her hair was thin and sparse in certain places, having changed from bright blond to sickly grey. Her eyes were sunken in folds of wrinkled flesh and her whole body sagged as though exhausted.

Looking over at Shar Robin saw for the first time a hint of fear in her eyes and understood. Malchior had drained the magick, the life force from her, leaving them drained and old. With a triumphant smile Malchior turned to the next man in the line of witches. And so it continued, Malchior stealing the power from each of the witches until…"Shar" Robin thought as the man next to her sagged. Looking her over for a moment the sorcerer raised his arms and…BOOM!


Raven stood outside the massive mahogany doorway that was the ending to this underground labyrinth. They had traveled for an hour to get to the caverns she had seen in her vision and finally the Remaining Titans , and Titans east who had been called in, stood grouped together ready, waiting for her signal. Raven felt the smooth flow of her robes of her legs as she focused and remembered. Remembered all the pain Malchior had caused her, the emptiness he had created that hadn't been filled until….Robin… and now the dragon had taken even him from her. Anger sparked in her, growing into a blaze, fueled on her exhaustion, on her anguish.

She flung her arms upwards, sending the doors crashing open. She floated into the room, other titans in tow, and her anger grew still at the sight of the mutilated being on the walls. As her eyes landed on Malchior they turned a burning red. "Ahh my sweet Raven" He said his voice dripping with content. "I had hoped you would show up for the festivities. Or did you just come to see you friends. One. Last. Time? Or maybe you just couldn't keep away from me." He said the last part with a wicked grin that, if it hadn't been for his mutilated features would have been called seductive.

In response Raven flung a bolt of black lightning from her hand. As it grew near him Malchior raised his own hand. The lightning hit it and rebounded, smashing into one of the stone walls. "Now, now Raven your not angry are you?" He smirked and in one smooth motion pushed his own arms out, throwing a ball of violet flames towards the enchantress. Raven crossed her arms over her chest and enclosed the titans in a sphere of power, and the flames washed over them harmlessly. "Bastard" She hissed as she sent boulders flying at him from around the room. Malchior countered, and again and again. Nothing she threw at him worked. She threw fire, she called down lightning, encased him in shadows, buried him under everything her telekinesis could call to her and each time he just flung it off, or back at her.

"It's the power of the witches" She thought "He's using the magick he stole from them" Raven knew it was hopeless. He was a strong sorcerer normally but with the added power he had stolen he was near invincible. Her frustration built up in her until finally she screeched, releasing a maelstrom of power. Boulders flew from around the walls and pummeled him, her spirit self, the raven, towered over the room and flung itself at him, the ground itself swallowed him. All was silent, Raven sighed, exhausted and turned to direct the other awed titans to start helping the witches when the ground rumbled. Spinning around Raven was just in time to see Malchior shoot out from the ground, flipping to land on his feet in mid-air before drifting casually to the floor of the cavern.

"I must admit Raven that was quite good" he said calmly. Shaking, Raven fell to her knees, her power was spent. "Run" she whispered to the other titans who were inching towards her. "What? No Raven we're not…" Beastboy was cut of "Run you idiots! Get out of here before he kills you too!" Raven pulled herself together, ready to transport her teammates to safety when she was interrupted "Sorry Raven but I can't let that happen." The violet haired girl suddenly found that she couldn't move, nor could the rest of the titans. "Though your friends aren't witches their life forces will still be a useful commodity to me when I re-ascend to my true form." Turning back to Shar his hand resumed their purple glow "Now where was I."

As her hope drowned Raven watched transfixed as he flung out his power, with fervor sending it racing towards Shar, ready to drain her of all her life but then…


A black and silver blur flung itself in front of Shar just moments before it would have hit her, hitting it instead. When the light reseeded Jake fell limp and ancient to the floor. Shar gazed down in horror as Jake turned his eyes up to her "I'm sorry" he whispered his voice dry and brittle, then he closed his eyes and was still. For a few moments before Malchior shrugged and turned back to Shar "Anyway…" Before he could continue the bonds encasing Shars arms shattered in and she was engulfed in a corona of cherry red light.

As it dimmed she was seen, floating an inch above the ground bright flames licking her hair and power coursing from her. For a moment she looked down on Jake then she raised her head. Rage and sorrow burned in her eyes. " you killed him" she hissed " you killed him" her voice sent shivers down the titans spine as their friend turned death machine advanced on Malchior who stood waiting with a look of mild surprise. "Well that's enough of that" He said and her flung a stream of purple power at her. She batted it away without a glance. "You killed him" she said and with that she let loose a hailstorm of bright flames at the sorcerer. As it rolled towards him he flung violet lightning back at her.

Their powers collided and pushed against each other neither gaining the upper hand. Slowly Malchiors lightning began to push forward, as beads of sweat grew on Shars forehead. Suddenly an idea struck Raven, pushing against the spell that bound her she released her spirit Raven. It flew over to Shar and slid seamlessly into her. The fires surrounding the blond girl surged upwards and her assault gained force. Slowly the others in the room got the idea. One after the other beams of their power flowed into Shar who became a towering inferno of light. The fire pushed past Malchiors Magick. "NOOOOOOOO!" Malchior shrieked as the flames over came him. His yelled carried on for what seemed like an eternity before finally the fire faded away and Shar slumped to the ground beside Jake, tears falling from her eyes.

Where Malchior had stood a white book sat, now encircled around the middle with a bright red sash embroidered with flames. As Raven and the titans slowly began to regain their motor skills the book began to wobble. Everyone stopped. Then From the center of the books cover a fountain of bright colours erupted. Beams of separate shades flew out. AS they landed on each of the wounded witches their skin regained it elasticity, their eyes glowed once more, and their hair glistened as the magick restored them. A beam of bright green separated itself and twisted down into Jake and he gasped. Shar let out a bubbling giggle.

AS Raven watched all this she saw a lithe figure pull himself from one of the sets of manacles on the wall. Her heart fluttered. "Robin" She said as she ran into the arms that opened for her. After glaring at him profusely she pushed him over and began some serious making out. Beastboy who was standing with Cyborg looked down and cackled, making a false gagging noise "Dude that's just…" Before he could finish his almost certainly fatal sentence a band of black power clamped itself firmly over his mouth. Cyborg grinned on as the changeling proceeded to make pitiful sounds amongst the laughter and colours.


Robin slowly pulled the last tray out and closed the oven behind him. Slipping off his oh so masculine oven mitts he looked out at the array of food that lay before him on the titans table. Mounds of back and eggs (in both normal and meat free versions), toast, white and brown, pitchers of orange juice and at least 6 trays of crispy hash browns. A slow smile spread across the boy wonders face. It had been three weeks since Shar had defeated Malchior and the freed witches had been living in Titans Tower, taking up both rooms and endless amounts of food. Though he was glad they had all been restored to health he was relieved that at last they were returning to their homes and he would have a moment of peace.

The swish of the doors alerted him to the fact that he was no longer alone. Turning around his grin grew wider at the sight of his favorite indigo clad witch. She slid up to him and enclosed him in a hug, placing a chaste kiss on the edge of his lips. "Good morning to you too." He said as they parted. Raven blushed a bit and began making her morning tea. Before he could engage in the normal teen dating banter of "Uhhh" "Umm" and "so what's up" the doors swung open again revealing Shar who waltzed into the room with even more exuberance than usual.

She had been excessively cheerful for days now. Ever since Jake had recovered and she had immediately presented him with a rock hard slap across the face that must still be stinging. Needless to say they were no longer going out. Robin's eyes focused on the bright red duffel sack she carried with her. "What's with the…" before he could finish Shar jumped in "I'm leaving." Raven jumped "WHAT!" Her robe billowed up behind her before Robin placed a calming hand on her shoulder.

Shar sighed before continuing "I've thought about it and I'm going home. I don't think the whole "hero" thing is for me. Plus my coven has asked me back…as their leader." For a moment Raven looked like she was going to start an argument but she closed her mouth. Instead she folded Shar in a bone breaking hug. "Congratulations Shar. You'll make a fine leader" She smirked "Eventually." Shar gave Raven a playful push before turning her sights to the steaming trays on the table "I'm FAMISHED" she growled before throwing her self face first at the table. As the remaining witches and titans drifted into the room Robin slid his arms around ravens back, resting his head on her shoulder. As the morning sunlight filtered through the wide windows he felt an answering warmth in him at the thought of the new day and all it could bring.

Opinions? I think this was both my longest and my best chapter yet. Not a bad ending to the Magick fic. Hah rhymes are awesome. Please drop me a review of what your thoughts have been on this story. My next story should be up in a little while and I hope you'll look into it.