My first fic's started cool

Disclaimer: I own nothing… well none of the characters in this story which belong to sucker punch any way if I did I would be making another game not writing fanfiction I do however own my OC's though they don't show up in this chapter… prologue… thing.

Sighing, a tired inspector Carmelita fox dropped into the chair behind her desk. An action shortly mirrored by her partner Constable James Cooper. Formerly the infamous master thief Sly Cooper now suffering from a rather hefty case of amnesia gained while saving her life by taking the shot meant for her.

It had been almost 4 months since the incident on Dr.M's island, and she still had trouble believing her actions When the mad baboon had shot Sly She had felt a moment of sheer terror at the thought that he had just been killed but before that emotion could really register it was replaced with boiling fury that this piece of slime would try to take her Sly away.

"No one touches my criminal" She snarled dodging to the right to avoid the poorly aimed missiles while she pummeled him with shots from he shock pistol, causing the machine he was wearing to malfunction and explode. but she didn't even feel the first rush of that victory before the gut wrenching terror returned smoothly tearing down all the internal walls she had built that would have made her lie to herself when she asked the inevitable question.

"Why am I so worried he's a criminal. So what if he just got himself killed, why should I care?"

"Because you love him you idiot!" Screamed the little voice in the back of her head finally seeing its opportunity to be heard.

Now please note that all this internal exchange has taken the time required for her to jump up to the rafter Sly had landed on so she didn't really get finished processing this information before being confronted with the wounded raccoon that all this drama was about. As she approached him he sat up with a confused expression on his face. As she approached a wave of relief swept over her and she asked.

"Sly, are you O.K.?"

"Where am I?"

"Can you remember any thing?"

"No,… who are you? Who am I?"

The portion of her psyche that was usually in charge was furiously ranting at her to throw on the cuffs and let the criminal remember things in jail. While the other part of her finally getting some much needed air time on the Carmelita show informed her that there was no way she could possibly throw him in jail knowing the truth about her feelings for him as she now did, and so she would just halve to figure something out. For once she followed that side's advice and did the first option that came to mind; she lied and told him what she whished was the truth.

"I'm Inspector Carmelita Fox and you're my partner Constable Cooper."

"Well then partner we had better get out of here. This place is about to collapse" He replied quickly accepting the lie.

They made their way to the docks with Sly only leaving her sight once to relive himself. When he returned she was surprised to see him for the first time without his cane, hat, thigh pouch and mask. When she asked what happened to them he simply said he got rid of them they were just weighing him down since he couldn't think of a use for them.

They arrived at the docks and took one of Dr.M's boats back to civilization. Carmelita having been the only uninjured member of the police involved in the assault on the island and following battle with the giant monster she had sent the mercenary's back to get back up. The two spent the return trip with Carmelita helping Sly remember his old life from his name, which she made up, to his Interpol history, also fake, to his child hood which she only slightly altered.

When they returned to land Carmelita set "James" up with a apartment near hers and went to work after filing a few slightly edited reports on the events at Dr.M's island she proceeded to covertly make up an Identity for a Constable James Cooper having him come from a Interpol office in England that had recently been destroyed in a terrorist bombing, thus explaining the missing of records and having him assigned as her partner right before the bombing with the paper work only now making it through. Though he was there for the end of the island operation.

A week after they had returned he was working as her partner accepted with little question for the most part. This was due to all his paperwork being in order as far as most would bother to look and the fact that Inspector Fox the single most uptight, uncompromising and obsessive follower of the rules vouched for him. Carmelita trained him how to be a cop while on the job and he picked it up quickly which she blamed on his already having learned it when actually it was from his having studied Carmelita in action so often.

Which brings us to now a few months later after our heroes have just returned from busting a drug ring. As they sat down a burly young wolf entered through their open door and proceeded to dump a stack of files on each of their desks. This was of course the paper work for the case.

"The chief wants those done by morning." He said leaving the way he came in.

Groaning simultaneously they got to work filling out the files.

Author's subliminal message: You like? Please review I would like to hear your thoughts. I can take it. The good, the bad, but preferably no ugly it's my first attempt at fan fiction so please be kind. The next chapter should be up tomorrow. I never really liked the idea that seems to be so common in fanfiction for this series, that the people at Interpol just forgave Sly's criminal record and accepted him onto the force just because he claimed to have amnesia or that he could keep such an infamous name and not be recognized. I kind of think this explanation is just a little bit more believable.