Said and Unsaid

Disclaimer: I do not own Bleach.

One day after Aizen's betrayal. Gin ponders on the things he had said, and the things left unsaid. GinXRangiku. May contain spoilers.


What is it that hurts the most?

Saying something and wishing you hadn't, or saying nothing and wishing you had?

Gin closed his eyes.

What is it then? What had he said to her, what had he held back?

'I really wouldn't have minded being bound for a while longer…

See you, Rangiku…


Your heart decides who it likes and who it doesn't.

You can't tell your heart what to do. It does it on its own...when you least suspect it, or even when you don't want it to.

But then…

He never followed his heart.

What had he said to her?

Literally nothing.

Too much had been held back, and when he thought of it, he found there was no time to regret.

Because he had come this far, and he could never turn back.

'When is Rangiku's birthday?

Then let's make the day you and I met…your birthday, Rangiku…'

The day he picked her up in the streets and offered her food seemed ages back. But indeed, years had passed silently since their carefree days in Rukongai, and the years could never come back.

And all this time, he said nothing.

Even though he saw the expectant look that sometimes flashed in her sorrowful eyes.

The most important things are the hardest to say.

And he never said them.

Said or unsaid, nothing could be done now.

They had gone far. Perhaps so far that their paths could no longer merge again.

He was not the boy who would kindly help the girl he did not even know. He was the man who could cold-heartedly watch blood drip from his sword tip.

She was not the girl who was fragile and could only lie on the ground waiting for death. She was the woman, mature and beautiful, able to stand before him and declare him as an enemy.

Then, too much was left unsaid.

Their story had not yet begun.

And it had already ended.
