A Box Full Of Memories

Author: SilverCloud

An Unusual Discovery

Jessica Lily Potter entered her Living Room. It was eleven in the morning and already she was bored. She looked around for something to do. To her right was the couch, and table next to it. In front of the couch was a coffee table which held some board games in it, but she wasn't in the mood to play and plus she was home alone.

She sighed and flopped down onto the couch. "Great summer this is," she muttered.

Jessica just finished her 5th year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry a week ago, where her parents also attended school. Her father, Harry, was an Auror, one of the greatest in Britain, so he was always working. Her mother, Ginny, was a Nurse at St. Mungo's. Her job was busy as well. And the worst part, was Jessica was an only child an she hated being alone.

She grabbed the television remote and flicked it on. 'Why my father owns a TV, I'll never know,' she thought. She groaned when she realized it was the Muggle news.

"Today," the anchorman started, "a new kind of plant was discovered in the Amazon rainforest. Here with us today we have scientist William Richard, to talk about it. Now Bill, tell me, what are these called?"

"Well we haven't decided on a name yet…"

Jessica turned it off. "Who cares about a stupid plant?" She laid back on the couch, her fiery red hair going all over, which she inherited from her Mother. She got her Father's emerald green eyes, which was the only part of her body she actually liked. Feeling uncomfortable in her denim shorts and tank top, she sat up and looked at the clock. 11:07. She sighed again out of frustration and boredom. She glanced at the calendar on the side table and ready today's date: 5 July, 2019.

She looked around for a bit, and noticed a box in the corner. She's never seen it before. She got off the couch and knelt down beside it on the floor. having her father's curiosity, she opened it. She coughed, as there was a lot of dust flying out of it.

Jessica looked in. All sort of things lay in there. Papers, pictures, items. "Wow," she exclaimed. "I'm sixteen years old, and lived in this house my whole life. How could I have never found this?" she pondered aloud. She reached in and grabbed the first thing she saw. A journal of some sort. It had a black leather cover and was full of parchment. She glanced at the cover. In gold beautiful handwriting it said: Ginevra Weasley.