I am still working on my 7th Chapter of I can't see your heart and my account was frozen. This is a one-shot I thought of while surfing the web. Review!


Aqua Kisses

The air conditioner at the titan's tower was busted for a grand total of a week right now. "I can't…stand…the heat," Beast boy said and put his sheets and his pajama's in the freezer. "I'm going to bed," Everyone said at the same time and went of. Before any of them left the main room, a flash of lightning flashed and rain poured. "Um...I guess, now we should go to our rooms of slumber in case the electric bulbs die out," Starfire said and hurried to her room. "What's up with her?" BB said. "No idea…" Robin asked raising an eyebrow.

Starfire shut and locked her door. "Aahh," She sighed and got changed into a short, magenta, summer dress and a dark tan rain coat. She wore magenta flip-flops. She looked out the window to see if it was still raining. "I don't think anyone will see me," she whispered and opened her window silently. Apparently some one did.

Robin saw her climb out the window and fly to the streets of Gotham. So he got on a black t-shirt and jeans and used his grappling hook to get out. Starfire jumped in puddles and let herself get soaked in the cold rain. Her hair was soaked and her dress was very damp.

She was enjoying herself and then she saw a mysterious figure. "Who-Who are you?" She asked with a little nervousness. The figure didn't answer. "Robin?" Starfire said going closer to the alley. "Please!" Starfire said and ran down the alley. "Starfire wait!" Robin called. She didn't hear him she stopped because running in flip-flops isn't easy.

She laid against the wall and breathed deeply. "Starfire?" Robin asked. Now he was right in front of her. "Robin?" Starfire asked. Robin stroked her face. "Having fun in the rain?" Robin asked playfully. "I needed to cool off," Starfire said relieved it was only Robin. "Me to," Robin said moving closer to her. "That's…glorious," Starfire breathed. Robin chuckled and kissed her.

He ravished her open mouth with his tongue and she fought back vigorously. They kept kissing because they wanted to and it felt better than the cold rain falling with medium speed. They only stopped because they needed air. They rested upon each other's heads. "That was wonderful…" Starfire said. "Let's go home," Robin said happily. And they did go home.


Please Review!
