Somewhere over the Rainbow

Anakin woke up to the chiming sound of a clock and Hermione's call.

"Anakin, Ron, Harry, come on, we are leaving soon!" she yelled

Anakin replied with a grunt, while Ron snored and Harry yawned. Hermione was not pleased. She walked up and pulled the blankets off Anakin's bed. Anakin glared deathly at her and got up.

"Well, you have to be so demanding about it!" he yelled at her.

She grabbed his hand and dragged him out of the room and pushed him down the stairs, and Ron and Harry soon followed suit. As she came downstairs, she threw robes at harry and Ron and threw Anakin a Jedi robe. They heard footsteps outside the room and saw Obi-Wan come in.

"Oh, so Ms. Granger was able to wake up that stone head of yours, Anakin?" said Obi-Wan, smiling.

Anakin nodded, sleepily. "Yep, though I am still sleepy."

"Well, come on you four, we don't want to keep Mr. Weasley waiting," said Obi-Wan.

They hurried out of the house, and met up with Mr. Weasley. He was talking to Fred and George.

"...and George, why do you always have to talk about Anakin like that?"

Anakin stepped up quick. "What did you say, George?"

George turned around and paled at the sight of Anakin. "Nu, nuthin."

Anakin merely frowned at him. "If you said nothing, then why did your father say that you were talking about me? I am pretty sure he wouldn't say something that didn't happen."

Fred smiled wickedly. "All he said is that you always smile when Hermione's with you. He also said, that you and Hermione are going to hook up."

Anakin's face turned crimson red. "I...I'm a Jedi Padawan! I can't get involved with attachments! It's forbidden by the Code!"

Obi-Wan walked up and looked at the twins and Anakin. "Is something wrong, Anakin?"

Anakin shook his head as the other three walked up. "No, nothing, Master,"

"Well, if that's all, we must be going." said Mr. Weasley.

Soon enough, they came to a clearing and a man with a son about Anakin's age waiting for them.

"Amos, you found they place well, I presume." said Mr. Weasley.

The man named Amos nodded. "Yes, and this is my son, Cedric."

The boy smiled at Anakin. "Who are you?"

Anakin bowed. "My name is Anakin Skywalker and I am seventeen years old. I am a Jedi Padawan. It is an honor to meet you Cedric."

Obi-Wan shook Amos' hand. "It is good to see you my old friend. Why, I haven't seen you since my own Hogwarts days."

"Yes, it is very good to see you, Obi-Wan. I thought you were gone for good when you went back to Coruscant." said Amos Diggory.

Obi-Wan laughed at this. "Yes, so did I, actually. I never thought that when I got a Padawan, he'd have to come here. If you'll believe it, Qui-Gon actually wanted to send me to Durmstrang at first. But, Master Yoda said that Albus Dumbledore was a close friend, and besides, the students at Durmstrang learn the Dark Arts, not just defending against it. So, after hearing that, of course, Qui-Gon resided to sending me to Hogwarts. What house is you son in?"

Amos smiled with pride. "Hufflepuff. Same as my self, if you remember. Now, If I remember correctly, you were in Griffindor."

Obi-Wan smiled. "Yes, I was. Though the Sorting Hat did consider putting me in Ravenclaw."

Amos laughed. "You would have fitted in, my old friend. So, how is Qui-Gon?"

Obi-Wan's smile quickly faded. "He's been dead eight years."

"Oh," was all that he managed to say.

Anakin was talking to Cedric. "So, your in Hufflepuff?"

"Yes, my whole family has been, actually." said Cedric.

"Is there rivalry between houses?" asked Anakin.

"Yes, terrible rivalry. Slytherin thinks that they are better than everyone, but they really get into it with Griffindor." said Cedric.

"I hope I'm in Griffindor. Or Ravenclaw. Or even Hufflepuff. But I definitely don't want to be in Slytherin." said Anakin.

"I'd hate for you to be in Slytherin. I'd get separated from my new best friend!" laughed Cedric.

Anakin laughed as well. "Yes, that would suck!"

After they all got to know each other, Mr. Weasley was holding a ragged boot.

"Okay, everyone, grab onto the boot. It's a portkey that will take us to the world cup." he said.

They all touched a part and were yanked into the air and taken to the Cup.