Hi, It's me
First of all, I am really sorry for making you guys wait so long.
I'm not going to try and make excuses, because you guys deserve better than that
But I have got my inspiration back and I'm going to start writing again.
I promise another update soon!
Thank you too: Nameless Little Girl, Miako6, Painted Ys, wolf's lament,
BloOdY-JoKeR, Fire Pheonix2, Pinku Aisu Kuriimu, The Demon Puppeteer, blazingfire03, Not aGeisha Gurl, Sassy Sarah, Painted Ys, kakashi084, kara, Shadowslayer798, FlamingIce94, kavbj, Hrtgurl, A Kiss For A Kill, kai-loves-me22, Ethereal Flower, Nameless Little Girl and blazingfire03
Who all have reviewed this story. I thank you all and I really value you! I am so sorry for the wait, please keep reading -
I've let you down and I'm sorry, please forgive me.
I haven't written this story for a while, so please let me know if the characters are a little off .
Chapter 7
Kai's POV
All I wish is to hope once again
All I want is to be able to feel
But what a far off dream
Is there even such a feeling as hope?
Isn't it just false?
False hope created as a barrier from reality
For those who are not strong enough to face reality's wrath
What use is it to dream?
What use is it to hope once more?
This shall be my name forever never changing ever
And I shall carry the cross
No one shall carry it for me
End Kai's POV
Kai drifted through the school halls, paying little, if any, attention to where he was suppose to be going. The boy seemed to have no interest or motivation to make his way to his first period
Aden rolled his eyes as he watch Kai, who was now well ant truly on another planet, slowly drifting towards him.
Aden gave out a sigh and made his way towards Kai and stopped slightly away from him, he knew Kai hated it when he stood to close, he said it was because he 'didn't like' people touching him, but Aaron had a feeling that what he really 'didn't like', was the height difference.
'Kai, dude, you're late man…Hello…Earth to Kai…calling planet Kai'
Aaron started to laugh, Kai just looked at him and narrowed his eyes 'do you think you're being funny?'
Aaron stopped laughing 'I did, but apparently I'm not?'
Kai slung his bag over his back and started to walk away
Aaron grinned 'You know the sports hall is the other way right?'
Kai paused for a second, before turning back to Aaron, walking back towards him.
'Not a word'
Aaron just continued grinning and slung his bag onto his own back.
'Aye aye captain'
Kai froze in his movement, letting Aaron walk ahead.
Aaron's grin faded 'Kai?'
However, Kai was far away from here, lapsing into memories he had thought he had blocked.
Flashback Kai's POV
'America, here we come!' Tyson shouted eagerly, sounding in my opinion, like a complete and utter moron, and a cheesy one at that.
I got annoyed quickly with this, shouts akin to this one followed, said by the other three members of this so-called 'team'.
'Just get on the boat, it's about to leave' I was a little embarrassed to have to akin myself to them after the corny display of good byes
'Aye aye Captain Kai'
End flashback End Kai's POV
'Kai, is something wrong?'
Kai felt a funny feeling in the pit of his stomach, that familiar feeling of distress and ultimately, longing, one that had been pushed back by the dominating feelings of confusion and frustration of having to come here.
'Kai, do you want me to get the nurse?'
Kai shook his head 'no, come on, we have PE'
Aaron shook his head at thee stubbornness he had, by now, gotten use to.
'Sure you know where it is? Maybe you would like to check the English rooms, and maybe the language block to? You know, just to make sure there still there…'
'Shut up'
Aaron grinned to himself and jogged to catch up to Kai.
When they got to the sports hall, Kai quickly ducked into one of the toilet cubicles and started to change, looking slightly dismayed as he changed into another part of Aarons old uniform.
The PE uniform consisted of a plain white, breathable t-shirt and navy blue tracksuit bottoms with school emblem on them, and a navy blue sweatshirt.
Kai changed into the full uniform, packed up his bag and left the cubicle, meeting Aaron on the way out to the hall.
Aaron looked at Kai up and down.
'Here' Kai looked at the bobble being handed to him, he stared coldly upwards.
Aaron shoved the said object into Kai's hand, 'hair that is longer than ear length needs to be tied back.'
'Mr Kencaide! 50 laps, starting now! Go! Go! Go!' a man shouted, strangely enthusiastically.
Aaron sighed 'That's Mr Suzuki; he is the coach of the gymnastic team'
Kai gave an impassive look at Mr Suzuki, before looking back at Aaron 'he doesn't look like much' To Kai, the man looked suspiciously nice, he was fit, he was more into the later stages in life and looked around 50 years old, he always had a smile on his face, and to Kai, that was suspicious.
Aaron grinned 'He's a good man Kai, just call him Suzuki'
Suzuki's face smiled in amusement and he marched towards the pair 'Now Kencaide!'
He grinned before shoving Aaron off, he looked at the slimmer figure in front of him, with puzzlement
'You, Kai Hardware right? I've heard a lot you from Mr Kencaide…'
Kai looked, coldly, eyes narrowing 'It's, Hiwatari'
The coach looked at him, rolling his eyes 'Yes, Yes, I get it, no need to get so venomous, you don't look athletic, never the less, your profile from the last school says you specialize in almost any sport, it also says you seem to specialize in Gymnastics although they have never seen it'
Kai just looked at him, 'I know what I can do'
The coach looked; spark lighting in his eyes 'Could you give us a demonstration?'
'No' came the short reply
The coach smiled at the awkward boy 'Please Mr Hiwatari? It would be great to know your skill level, we have a gymnastic club in this school so-'
'You to Chicken, Hiwatari?' interrupted one of Brent's cronies, 'Figures you would be, you can't even really do it can you? Liar!'
Kai rolled his eyes 'I do not need to prove myself to you'
Mr Suzuki looked at him encouragingly 'Come on Hiwatari, Just this once, to get me off your back, I'll never ask again'
Kai considered it for a moment 'I do this, you stop pestering me, got it?'
Kai walked towards the middle of the gym, his training earlier in life meaning he felt no embarrassment, No nervousness and no fear.
Tyson panted heavily as he finished his 50th lap of the outdoor tennis courts.
'All 10 courts, why, all, ten, courts?'
'Ok Kinomiya, take five'
Tyson's breathing slowed down 'Yes! Thanks coach'
He walked out of the courts and towards the sports hall window,
'If no ones in then I can sneak in and…'
He halted in his words as he saw a class of students gathered round one student in the middle, the student was blurry so he could not see who it was.
'Hey guys! Look! Someone's been talked into doing a demonstration, this outa be good, no one ever manages Suzuki's gymnastics'
The whole football squad gathered round the window, hoping for some entertainment.
'Kinomiya! Stop distracting the class!'
Tyson watched as the boy got into position to start 'this is it guys, here we go, and!'
Tyson's words died in his thought as the boy gracefully fell forward, throwing himself into a front flip, then turning 180 degrees in the flip and did a back flip, before doing a no handed back flip then lastly finishing with, in what Tyson's opinion was, a backwards rolly polly in the air and landed gracefully on his feet.
The class just stared, not only had the figure completed Suzuki's request, each move had been perfectly executed and finished, with gracefulness and power hidden in the movements.
'Thank you Kinomiya, you have successfully managed to completely distract everybody from what they are suppose to be doing' The coach started sarcastically, breaking up the group from the window 'Now, if you don't mind, I'll be taking back my class now. All right! Everybody back to the pitch, now! Move, move, Move people!'
Tyson shrugged sheepishly at the soccer coach, before tearing of at run to the field.
'Kinomiya! What have I told you about…?'
Kai looked around at the shocked faces in the gym, before walking back up to the coach 'Good enough for you?' He said coldly
Suzuki looked surprised for a moment before grinning 'Yes, yes it is…'
Suzuki thought for a moment, pondering the unexplainable and distant student beside him, before a smile of realization came onto his face.
'Right, I want everybody doing laps…where has Mr Hiwatari gone?'
Kai walked away from the sports hall, head positioned downwards.
The large sandstone building behind him, he followed a grassy path which was split three ways when you got father up.
He perked up when he heard feet fall to the left of his centre path, looking to his side he sneaked a look at past the fence, which separated the three split ways.
His eyes widened as he say familiar blue hair among the jogging mound of soccer strips.
Kai looked around quickly, keen eyes scouting for an escape root, before spotting the fence that separated the centre path from the right.
Kai quickly thought about whether taking the path would be a good idea, he had no idea where it went, but quickly made up his mind as he heard the heavy footfall grow louder.
He did not want anyone from his team seeing him now, none of them could see him now, and he didn't want them to.
Scouting the right path, he dodged down it, looking behind him, he saw the trail of soccer players marching up the path and continued to walk down his own path.
He saw a flash of grey colour in the distance of the path and continued walking as the path opened out onto a large grey courtyard; Kai looked up and saw a big sandstone wall with no windows.
The back of the sports hall, he was at the back of the sports hall.
'Well, fancy meeting you here, fish'
Kai looked behind him at the entrance of the path, and his eyes narrowed.
Brent and three of his cronies were standing at the entrance of the path, scouting round; Kai didn't see any other way away from courtyard.
'What do you want' came the icy statement from the slim boy.
Brent smirked and walked forward; pushing Kai harshly into the wall, placing his hands on either side of the wall beside the shorter's head.
'Well you see here's the thing fishy, no one makes a fool out of me, and I mean no one. So you see, you need your comeuppance…'
Kai threw, or tried to throw, the other boy off him, but seeing, as the other boy was heavier than him, and his position of disadvantage, he was unable to.
Brent laughed 'What happened to all that strength you showed me? I thought they would have at least taught you something useful in Balcov abbey'
Kai's eyes widened and he stopped moving, turning his head to look at the other boy.
'Balcov abbey?'
Brent smiled smugly at his advantage 'Yes that's right, Balcov abbey, my father's a policeman, so I've read your file, I know allabout you'
Kai looked down again, eyes still wide, not listening to Brent anymore.
'I know-'
Kai felt the weight lifted off him and a shadow fall on him.
'Coward, you have to read someone's file to get an advantage on them? That's pathetic!' spoke up a shaky yet strong voice.
Kai looked up, and saw the back of dark green hair and a face turned back to him now.
Aaron grinned 'Yeah, can't leave you alone for 5 seconds, can I?'
Aaron turned back to Brent 'I will remind you that my brother works in a dojo, and he trains me four times a week, now do you want to take me on?'
Brent took a hesitant step forward, before looking back at his retreating friends.
'You will get yours fish, remember this, you will get yours, Balcov abbey or not!'
Brent ran after his gang members, and out of sight.
Aaron turned to Kai, grinning.
'You ok dude?'
Kai looked up at Aaron
'Yeah, Thank you, but I could have done it myself'
Aaron let a relieved smile 'I know you cold have dude, but that's what friends are for'
Aaron slinged an arm round Kai's shoulders, 'Come on, we are now…round about…30 minutes late!? Come on! Hurry, hurry, hurry!'
Ka grimaced as Aaron dragged him back down the path.
'I can walk on my own'
'I know! But you walk to slow!'
Kai let out a small smile, when he remembered whom Aaron reminded him of.
Flashback Kai's POV
I could hear the crowds cheering behind me as I entered the world finals stadium exit corridor, together with my team.
Yes, that is right, my team, not that I would ever tell them that, but, I now knew this, they were my team, and I knew that this might never change.
I was shocked to discover that, I…I, was actually, not sad about that.
I was confused, my head was a skip of thoughts, emotions I had never felt before, I was…afraid, afraid.
I did not know what to do, not once in my life had I ever felt these emotions before, being raised, from birth, in the abbey means that you do not get a chance.
I did not even know what they were, or what they meant.
I felt like a small child, when they first encounter death, my automatic defensive system started to shut down my soul, sensing the vulnerable state I was in.
I tried to escape, from this strange, weird situation, not knowing what to do with myself I a time like this. I did not want to be here, I could not be here, I was not aloud to be here, was I?
I was scared so I did the first thing that came to my head, I escaped.
'Now that that's over with, there's no reason for me to stay around, we've won, so long Bladebreakers'
That was that, I was in my safety zone, calming myself down, I told myself, there is no reason to be scared anymore, you are gone from them, and I tried to continue walking, even though a dark feeling of sadness filled me now.
'Hey, not so fast, you really think we're just going to let you walk away?'
I thought I was safe, I thought wrong; they would not let me leave.
I felt an arm, grabbing my, strangely thin wrist, and another my wearily muscled arm.
'We're having a party to celebrate, …and you're coming with us'
'I have to get back to my room'
I tried again to walk away, just as I had always planned, but again, an annoying, brown-gloved hand, held on tighter, and an annoying voice sounded out once more.
'Well then we'll have the party in you're room'
'Tyson you are not having it in my room'
'Says who?'
'Whatever, I don't have time for this'
'Oh give it a rest sourpuss; we have all the time in the world, now that we are the champions of the world'
Max giggled, watching Tyson start to drag an obstinate Kai towards the exit 'In Beyblading, just in Beyblading'
Kai frowned
''I can walk on my own'
'I know! But you walk to slow!'
End Flashback End Kai's POV
'Right, now raise your foot… no! tilt your toes to the floor and your heel upwards…No! Don't do that, you're going to-!'
Aden was cut off by a sounding thud followed by the painful groan of one of his students.
He sighed 'ok, let's try some Kendo instead'
The rest of his students left with a sigh of relieve to change out of there Gi and into there Kendo training outfit.
'Hardy right? I had trouble with him as well, he just doesn't practice'
Aden turned around and gave him an exhausted look 'Hey Hiro'
Hiro smiled and thought for a moment.
'Hey me and a friend are going out tonight, a guy called Mack Bassure, have you met him?'
Flashback Aden's POV
I turned around to see a younger man than me standing before him, about 20 Years old, Jet-black hair that almost seemed very deep blue in some lights hair and tanned skin.
'Mack Bassure' the man said, extending his hand, I took it,
'Aden Kencaide'
End Flashback End Aden's POV
'Yeah, I met him this morning outside of my brother's school'
Hiro smirked 'Yeah, that'll be him, he takes his little brother to school every day, even though the kids 17 years old'
Aden laughed
Hiro continued 'He and his brother are very close, it's a shame…'
Aden looked at Hiro quizzically 'What's a shame?
Hiro seemed to ignore this question and just continued with what he was saying earlier.
'Me and him are going to a club tonight, called 'Night of Fire', I was wondering whether you will come with us'
Aden raised an eyebrow at Hiro, knowing Hiro well as he did, he knew there was a hidden motive.
Hiro noticed the look and gave a sheepish look, shuffling his feet
'Well, he gets very heavy when he's drunk you see, so…'
Aden hooks his head, 'Alright, I'll meet you outside the club at 9:00'
Hiro immediately gave a relieved look 'Thank Aden, I owe you one'
'No, you owe me, about four now'
Aden shook his head again and turned back to his waiting students, sighing as Hardy tripped over the Kendo stick and fell into the line of other students, knocking everybody over.
'Hardy! What have I told you about-'
Kai look distastefully at the lunch selection.
Aaron grinned and walked up beside him.
'Let me present the menu, we have, a brown looking think with little orange lumps, a grey thing with green bits sticking out, and for pudding, a scoopful of….Semolina!'
Aaron exclaimed proudly at having discovered at least what the pudding was.
Kai shook his head at him before picking the 'Brown thing' and a lovely, large scoop of semolina.
Kai waited beside the pudding counter while Aaron chooses between the 'brown thing' and the 'Grey thing'.
He rolled his eyes as the green haired boy started to irritate everyone behind him in the line, shouts of:
'Oi! What's the hold up?'
'Is it Aaron again?'
'Oh! For God's sake Aaron! They really don't taste that different!'
Making there way forward.
Kai looked away from the mass, to survey the cafeteria.
As usual, it was nothing special, a grey food counter stood at the front, with the kitchen in the wall behind it. The floor was, white, and tiled with metal tables with turquoise plastic surfaces. Students stood in line with blue plastic trays ready for a meal, still looking a little (and by a little he meant very) annoyed, as Aaron then tried to decide between semolina with strawberry jam, and semolina with orange jam.
Kai was about to fetch Aaron out of impatience, when he felt a strange feeling on his back, almost, like someone was looking at him, and not just glancing his way either, staring.
Kai turned around, Tray still in hand, to search for the eyes. With abbey training, it took him only two seconds to find the person the stare belonged to.
A group of boys sat at a table in the far end of the cafeteria, six of them.
Kai noticed they were all looking and talking to three of the boys.
The boy, who was staring at him, joined eyes with Kai.
Wild, spiky, ear length, hair adored the boys head, bright crimson in colour. He had golden brown skin and what looked like, brown eyes. Brown eyes, that when Kai glanced into them, and he saw a glint of something he had not seen in someone's eyes for a long time, Danger. He smirked at Kai and whispered to the boy next to him, making his hair fling to the side, showing Kai his ear, which had been pierced several times. The first boy had a dangerous and wild aura that surrounded him.
The boy's companion had Black, shoulder length hair, with a side fringe that gradually feathered to the side to slightly cover one eye. The boy had pale skin, quite similar to Kai's, only having a more colour to it. The boy had very dark eyes, so dark that it was impossible to see a colour, only darkness. The eyes however, had a hint of mystery about them, as if the boy always knew something you did not. He had a mysterious yet very upper class aura too him.
The third boy was standing behind the other two, and from what Kai could see, he was very tall, but a little lanky. He had blonde hair that was very short, stubble like, on his head. The third boy had dark skin and eyes that looked to be dark blue, hinting humour and laughter. This boy had a aura of laughter, his eyes always looked like he was laughing at you, like had gotten the best of you, without even trying.
All together, Kai did not like the look of those boys, not one bit. He had experience with people like them before, they never meant anything good.
The crimson haired boy stood up, obviously the leader of the gang and looked in Kai's direction.
Kai's eyes narrowed 'W-'
A hand came down on his shoulder.
Kai looked behind him, his eyes meeting a familiar collarbone.
He saw Aaron's eyes give a warning signal to the boys before steering Kai to a table, as if deliberately, on the other end of the large cafeteria.
Sitting down Aaron sighed 'Great. Just, Great'
Kai looked confused at Aaron 'What?'
Aaron's eyes met Kai, and Kai saw something he had never seen before in Aaron's eyes, anger, but also a shield, that Aaron seemed to be trying to build between him and the three strange boys.
'Stay away from them Kai, there nothing! But bad news"
Aaron's voice was ominous, and he could tell, that Aaron knew something that he did not.
They sat down on the table.
The table was a revolting yellowy brownish colour; the paint was peeling slightly to reveal a little paradise of dirt underneath.
The lunch ladies did not seem to want people to be able to even eat their lunch, never mind enjoy it.
They perched there, trying to wrench apart their main course at the same time as touching the table as little as physically possible.
Suddenly, a large crash echoes around the cafeteria.
Kai's abbey training kick started immediately.
His life was always quiet and cold, loud noises were never a good sign.
He was about to turn around when he felt someone yank his up by the arm and pull him frantically out the cafeteria door.
He looked up and saw Aaron pulling him through the dull corridors, his body was rigid and taunt and his expression was of both fear and courage.
Kai tried to keep up, but the swift speed of their almost running pace and the tight grip on his arm made him stumble, and fall.
Kai yelped as his thin frame hit the hard floor sharply, a small smack resounding of the walls of the empty corridor.
Aaron seemed to finally break free of the trance like state.
"Kai!" He yelled and ran over to him.
Aaron just stood there for a moment, his face pointed away from Kai, his expression dark.
"Sorry, it's just, that crash, was Jason's Table being turned over, by Brent's gang. That's not good News, not at all."
Kai moved into a sitting position on the floor, his legs bent together and pulled unto his body, he gave Aaron a questioning look.
Aaron took a deep breath, even the name struck fear.
"Jason, Jason Thran. His and Brent's Gang have been enemies for as long as I can remember."
Suddenly the light green haired boy turned to Kai and gave him a grave look. Kai suddenly felt a feeling of coldness filling his blood, why was Aaron looking at him like that? Like, he had just bound himself to the darkness.
"Kai…" Aaron started, placing a hand on Kai's shoulder and looking into his dull crimson eyes.
"The way Jason looked at you, it wasn't normal. Jason's bad news Kai, very bad, he's not just a high school bully like Brent, he has connections and friends in places you don't even want to think about. Stay away from him Kai, I mean it. He's not like everybody else, we don't know why, but has darkness inside of him, his soul is far more twisted than anyone I know."
Kai just rolled his eyes, Aaron was always si dramatic, he was probably just being a scardy cat.
A scardy cat? I really did spend far too much time with Tyson
Aaron just looked worried and turned Kai back to him,
"Kai, As long as I am with you, I'll make sure you stay away, but you have to promise me that you'll stay away…Promise me!"
Kai felt a little scared as Aaron's grip on his shoulder started to hurt but he would rather die than show it.
He gave a small nod, his shoulders which were in a tense hunch relaxed as Aaron gave a sigh of relief.
Aaron offered a hand, smiling sheepishly "Sorry Kai, I guess I got a little carried away"
Kai gave Aaron a withering look and ignored the hand.
Aaron laughed, and grabbed Kai under his arms, lifting him up like a child.
Kai gave him a miffed look and shook him off.
"I can do it myself you know"
Aaron just laughed and shrugged.
"I know Kai I know, you can always do it on your own"
Kai just glared and looked at his watch and then he looked up, with a blank look that just screamed 'I don't have time for this'.
Aaron also looked at his watch and gasped.
"NOOO! I'm late. Oh God no, NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!"
Kai just gave him an incredulous look.
"Dude, I'm not kidding this is awful, last time I was late for Mr Vaseline's lesson he made me Sing Britney Spears's "Hit me Baby one more time" at the front of the class, and actually hit me, every time I said it!"
Aaron waved at him quickly before running at top speed down the corridor.
"Bye Kai! I'll see you after school, wait for me by the lockers" BYE"
Kai just looked after Aaron sadly, feeling the ache in his heart return.
Just like Tyson
Kai felt the loneliness sink into his heart and panicked
I need a bathroom, NOW!
Kai stumbled along the wall, searching the empty halls for anyone, even Tyson, anyone that could help him.
His vision was slowly fading, the black fog around edges was slowly moving inwards.
Kai tried to move faster, seeing a bathroom in the distance.
It's too far, I won't make it
His feet where becoming heavier and slowly, his ears were picking up a terrible screech, one he had not heard for a long time.
No, the darkness. Why is it here, why now? I, Cant….I can't fight it…
Kai felt the familiar feeling of separation, like his heart, was once again, being riped from his body.
Dranzer, Dranzer will help. She always does, I need her….
Kai dug in his pocket, trying to find the familiar heat, but only finding nothingness and air.
No, she's always here, no….I can't, have lost her…I can't have…no
Kai felt tears under his eyes, as he slowly leaned against the wall in defeat, his small body slowly sliding down the cold surface, chilling him too the bone.
He buried his head into his knees as the tears came down his face, unable to even fight the darkness taking over his heart, the loss of Dranzer was too much.
No, Dranzer, come back, please! I know I mistreat you and hurt you, but I need you, please! You're my only friend, the only one I trust!...What am I talking about? She deserves a better master, I do not deserve you Dranzer,…I deserve to loose myself in the darkness, I don't even deserve to live….
Kai just sat their, defeated, on the school corridor floor.
He did not know where he was, and did not care.
Suddenly, a dark shadow loomed over him.
Kai felt hope glint in him.
They can help me; they can help me find Dranzer.
Kai's head shot up, but he suddenly felt fear grip him as he realized who it was.
I-It's Jason, he must have followed us from the Cafeteria…Oh no, that meant he heard everything Aaron said, I have to get away….
Kai tried to move away, but already weakened from the darkness, he was unable to.
Jason just smiled softly, and brushed a hand down Kai's face, almost lovingly, but his eyes had a spark in them, a one Kai had seen in a lot of eyes in his life, and it wasn't love.
Kai's breath became quick pants as Jason got down on his hunkers and put an arm n either side of Kai, preventing him from escaping, just watching him battle the darkness in his heart with a soft smirk.
Suddenly, Jason started to laugh and slammed his hands down hard on Kai's shoulder, making him flinch violently.
So, what do you think?
I'm so sorry, please forgive me!
I am going to try to get another chapter in soon, so watch this space!
I am nothing without you guys, so thank you so much for you're patience! -