A/N: Ok, my second fic ever. I decided to do this one to see if I could get other reviewers besides KousukeAsazuki! Ok, and I did it to hold keep her satisfied until I can update Lake of Hope again. And seeming that she's my only reviewer for that fic, I guess I'll dedicate this one to her! And is it really that odd to find a guy writing yaoi? Honestly…Well, as far as I know, I am the only one…ugh, oh well. Enjoy!


'So what now? What is there left to do?' Ayumu pondered that question for the millionth time as he lay on the roof of Tsukiomi Academy and stare at the endless blue sky. 'I know…I still have to find my brother.' He reminded himself. It really wasn't likely that Kiyotaka would just show up out of the blue, even if everything had been resolved with the Blade Children. What else was there left to accomplish? What did he have to do to see his brother again? He was pretty sure that the Hunters would no longer pose a threat now that Kanzaka was eliminated, so they'd just lie low for awhile. 'Could it be possible that the Hunters could have been targeting my brother as well as the Blade Children? Is that why he hasn't come back?' the frustrated teen asked himself. It was quite obvious that he was getting nowhere by asking himself questions he didn't have the answer to. Perhaps if he asked one on the Blade Children…?

'Asking Kousuke would lead me in circles…he already said that they know nothing about Kiyotaka's whereabouts. Eyes, maybe? He seems to know more than the others do. Maybe he can…' His thoughts were cut short by Hiyono's shadow looming over him. His eyes snapped open to stare up at the obviously displeased blonde. "What do you want?" he sighed, not really in the mood to be bothered.

"Don't tell me you forgot!" The girl yelped, surprised at how he could forget such an important occasion. "School's over, and you promised you'd go with me to pick out Valentine's presents for the Blade Children!" she started poking him in the ribs.

"Hiyono…stop it!" Ayumu shoved her hand away. "Fine, I'll go with you! Just don't make me pay for all of it like you did with their Christmas presents, ok?" he sat up, staring at the annoying girl. Where she got all that energy was beyond him.

"Sure thing, Ayumu! Now let's go before it gets dark!" Hiyono grabbed him by the wrist and pulled him to his feet. The two made their way off campus and headed to the nearest store to see what they could find.

An overly enthusiastic Hiyono walked down the aisles, looking over the red paper cutouts of hearts and cupid and such. Valentines Day was so overrated. "Ayumu, look at this!" she cried, as she reached the candy aisle.

"What is it? What 'this'?" a very bored Narumi looked over her shoulder at the item she was pointing to. It was a red heart-shaped box with a thin pink ribbon holding it closed and at the same time keeping a red rose held in place.

"Look! Isn't it pretty?" she asked him.

"It looks expensive." Ayumu realized.

"Oh, come on! How expensive can candy be?" Hiyono smiled, picking up the box and checking the price tag. "Twenty bucks!" she yelled. "This is an outrage! It's a conspiracy! No one pays twenty bucks for some stupid piece of chocolate!"

"You're making a scene…" Ayumu tried to calm the girl down. "Let me see the box."

Hiyono stopped her ranting and gave him the expensive box. "I don't see why anyone would even pay for this! Don't tell me you're thinking about buying it, Ayumu!"

The mahogany haired boy stared at the box to see a picture of chocolate covered strawberries dipped in white chocolate and some dipped in dark chocolate.

"I don't know, but wouldn't Madoka like something like that?" Hiyono questioned, completely changing her mind about the item. All in all, it would be huge improvement from the Robertson plushie he got her for Christmas.

"I guess." Ayumu frowned slightly. "Madoka's not too fond of strawberries, though." He realized. Come to think of it, he'd never seen her eat one…ever. "I wonder why?"

Hiyono cast a curious glance to the boy. "Maybe she's allergic?" she tapped a finger to her chin. "Or maybe she just doesn't like how they taste."

"Whatever the reason, she won't want this." He put the box back on the shelf and decided to look for something else to satisfy her and the Blade Children. "I can't believe you have me doing this, Hiyono." He mumbled.

"What's wrong with buying gifts for the people you like?" Hiyono stopped in her tracks and stared at the boy. "You could try to be a little more enthusiastic, you know! Valentines Day may be overrated, but it's the perfect holiday to show someone you care!"

"Yeah, I hear you…" Ayumu sighed. He didn't really have anyone who he liked, well, Madoka was a given, and he'd grown attached to Hiyono, but the Blade Children…he wasn't sure if he was willing to give the title of 'friends' to them just yet. They had put him through hell and high water with their games, and run-in's with the Hunters time and time again. 'I can only do what I can…and that's all…' he remembered saying that to Kanone and Eyes. It was beyond time for them to step up and try to change their own fate. 'I've stepped out of my brother's shadow…maybe they need to step out of mine…' he thought.

"Hey, Ayumu." Hiyono's voice snapped him out of his thoughts.

"Yeah?" he answered, not really paying attention.

"Do you have anyone you love?"

The question was completely unexpected, but he's learned that unexpected comes with Hiyono. "Maybe. Why do you want to know, anyway?" he questioned, hoping to end this conversation soon.

"Just curious." She shrugged. "So who is it?"

"It's no one. Quit bugging me about it!" The boy really didn't want to push the subject.

"Aww, Ayumu!" Hiyono begged as she clung to his arm.

"Hiyono! Cut it out! Get off me!" He tried to pry her off of him, but she held fast. An aggravated groan left his throat.

"Answer my question, Ayumu!"

"I don't have to, now will you let go of me?" His day was going from bad to worse by the minute. "Come on, Hiyono…let go!" he never noticed the figure approaching him.

"Hi there, little Narumi!"

Ayumu spun around to stare at Rio, who was standing there, smiling. "Hi, Hiyono! Were you two buying Valentines Day gifts?"

"Uh, yeah." Ayumu muttered, barely being heard by the two.

"Really? So am I! Wait right here, I'll go and tell Eyes you're here!" without further warning, the girl ran off down the aisle in search of her friend.

Ayumu's heart skipped a beat at the mention of the pianist's name. 'What's wrong with me?' he questioned himself. 'Why do I feel this way just at the mention of his name?' The butterflies in his stomach weren't really helping things. In fact, they made it all the more difficult to confront the one person who held his heart from the very beginning.

"Little Narumi…" The soft, calming British accent spoke from behind him.

Hiyono turned. "Hi, Eyes!" she smiled. A slight nod was given in return.

Ayumu slowly turned to gaze upon that stoic porcelain face. "Rutherford." He tried to put on an arrogant façade, but found it useless. Any barrier he tried to erect immediately crumbled, only to be swallowed by the sea of butterflies in the pit of his stomach. "What…what are you doing here?" If he wanted to sound like a complete idiot, he nailed it.

"Well now. I believe I was shopping, but it seems as if I'm not allowed into the same store as you. If that's a problem, then I certainly wasn't aware of it." Eyes spoke coldly.

Ayumu swallowed the forty pound lump in his throat, trying once again to display the same attitude that Eyes was sporting. "Maybe…it can be considered a problem…"

"Ayumu! What's gotten into you today?" Hiyono whispered.

"It's alright." Eyes reassured Hiyono. "Little Narumi…If you wish for me to keep my distance, all you need to do is tell me. What will it be?" he asked, completely undoing the boy.

"Eyes, I…" Ayumu's heart was racing. All he wanted was for Eyes to show just the slightest bit of affection…to be with him in his time of need. If he couldn't have Eyes, than what could he have?

"Out with it, Ayumu…" Eyes narrowed his eyes at the younger brother. "Say what you want and be done with it."

Ayumu broke and something inside of him snapped. "I want you!"

A/N: …Wow. Eyes just got the shock of his life! I guess it's only natural to want to be loved on Valentines Day. Anyway, I'll have the next chapter up as soon as I can. Review, please!