I just finished watching Red Eye again and I couldn't ignore this idea. I know there are probably a million other JL fics out there like this one, so I'm trying to come up with some creative ideas on where to take it. This is just the prologue, and if I get good feedback on it I'll keep it going! Let me know if you have ideas and don't be afraid to email me!
From the moment that he regained consciousness, Jackson Rippner obsessed on three things; 1.) revenge, 2.) the man that had raped Lisa, and 3.) Lisa Reisert herself.
At first, he had been highly annoyed that with every spare moment (and even sometimes when he should have been paying attention) her face came to his mind. Particularly the last image he had of her; she was looking sadly down at him as he struggled with consciousness and, unless it had been imagined, he saw a tear slowly slip down her pale cheek.
Three days after the events of the flight to Miami, and somewhere between life and death, Jackson had been plucked from his hospital bed and taken to the headquarters of the Organization. He had been surprised that they would not abandon him after his massive failure. They nursed him back to health, which only took a surprising month and a half. As soon as he was released, he was promised a job within the next month. In the meantime, he had plans of his own. And those plans most definitely included the slip of a woman that had beat the shit out of him.
Jackson returned to Miami, and within a few days, had made himself quite at home. He'd bought an apartment, a sleek new Mercedes S550 sedan, and knew his way relatively well around town. Well, that he already knew from his days of watching Lisa. And old habits certainly did die hard.
It wasn't difficult to track Lisa down. She'd moved apartments and gotten a new car, but a few phone calls and he knew where she was. He liked watching her at night the most. She'd changed, but not for the better. Her hours at work were longer, and she barely slept or ate. He saw men flirt with her at the hotel, but she always had the same reaction; a short smile and a quick dismissal. He didn't want to acknowledge how much that privately satisfied him.
The second order of business was this obsession with her rape. He wanted to know every detail of it, and luckily the police report that he got his hands on had as much as was available. 2:30 in the afternoon. Parking garage of a local mall. Male, white, around 6'0", blonde hair (hairs found on jacket), undistinguishable accent. Something about it bothered him. It was no wonder the police hadn't really followed up on it, it described a million men. But, he had envisioned a thousand ways to torture and eventually kill the man who had dared to harm his Lisa, and he wasn't going to give up on it. In some sick way, he saw it as present to her. A few more calls were placed and there was left to do was wait.
The revenge was a bit different. Part of him longed to torture Lisa. To make her pay for what she had done, the shame that she had placed on his name. He wasn't the type of man to make mistakes, and he had made a costly one with her. Jackson knew one thing, he would not underestimate her again.