Chapter 11

Chapter 11 time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now read, because their was nothing to address

Mya awoke from a well deserved rest. She thought about the events that happened the previous day, but then shook it off. She tried to stand up, but as soon as she turned over, she saw everyone surrounded by her.

"Guys whats going on…" But then noticed Shadow had his camera on and recording. She also noticed a slight breeze. She then looked down and noticed something that shocked her and made her want to go bi (O.O). She saw that she was completely naked. She then looked at everyone. Knuckles was in total shock, but had drool coming out of his mouth. Rouge tried to look away, but was in shock because Mya made Rouge's figure look anorexic. Tails didn't know what any of those things were, so he was bout to touch on of Mya's boobs, but Big then started to try to make Tails he neopet. Shadow was recording, rinsing, lubricating, all in one motion. Cream was still asleep, and Sonic and Amy were still asleep (wink wink).

"GACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Mya yelled, then instantly turned to look for some to cover herself with. She covered herself with two rubber gloves and duck floatie.

"This turns me on so much…."Knuckles said. He was then instantly slapped by Rouge.

"I mean I think of you when I touch myself…" He was then once again slapped

"I mean…I beat my meat like it owes me money…." Once again, he was slapped.

"Beat it off who?" Rouge asked him, holding a butter knife

"Her know…I MEAN YOU AND ONLY YOU!!!" Knuckles said, saving his children and his pinky toes this time.

"That's better" Rouge said

"Wow she's pretty" Tails said

"HE LIKES GIRLS. IT'S A MIRACLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Knuckles said, and stated break dancing, Shadow put down his camera and did the American hat dance around it. Rouge started performing stripper moves, and Tails got scared and started hitting himself.

"Guys what about me?" Mya asked "And where are my clothes?" Shadow then happily pointed at a corner of the room. Mya walked into the corner and ran into something. She then found Sonic in chains with a Sex toy in his mouth and Amy right next to him. Mya then found her clothes on top of Sonic. But when she ran into Sonic, he instantly woke up.

"FORREST GUMP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Sonic yelled, instantly waking up. "Finally Mya please take these chains off me" She did, and then Sonic instantly did a backflip of a wall, and then gave Mya her clothes.

"How did they get over here?" Mya asked him. Sonic was about to tell her that this was all part of Shadow's sick twisted plan, but then Shadow came down from the ceiling hanging from cheese flavored dental floss. He then started showing Sonic pictures of himself cutting himself with a lemon. Sonic then started to get a nosebleed, and sucked it back up.

"Um I took them" Sonic said, weakly. He was then slapped.

"You pervert. I would expect something like that from Shadow, and Knuckles maybe, but Sonic, I thought you had it under control." Mya said, disgusted "And why do I smell like sperm?"

"Um well…" Sonic said, then looked at Shadow again, who was then holding up a picture of O.J. running from the police. Sonic then pissed on his socks, even though he wasn't wearing any.

"I D-D-Did that too, when I was getting excited, and started worshiping it" Sonic said. "I was going to burn them, but then I thought otherwise."

"Thought what?" Mya asked, readying a pitchfork

"That the boys would want a turn too." Sonic said, sweating his balls off.

"Sicko." Mya said. She then smacked Sonic with a twin dildo (O.O). Sonic fell on the ground in shock, then Shadow instantly disappeared. Sonic then muttered something under his breath.

"Shadow, I will get revenge." Sonic said. As soon as he said that, he was instantly chained up again, and started getting dragged by what looked like Rouge and Knuckles. He would have talked, but they stuck the dildo they found on the ground in his mouth. They then threw him up, he saw everyone (including Amy and Cream) looking at him with angry faces.

"Why are you all looking at me like that?" Sonic said, extremely confused

"Sonic, we saw the video." Rouge said "Play it again Shadow" Shadow then pressed the play and the video started playing. But it wasn't the video everyone watched. Instead, the R.Kelly video started playing.

"GACK!!!!" Shadow yelled, and instantly took the tape out. He then put the other tape in.

"Do you carry that around with you?" Sonic asked Shadow

"…At least I'm not a clothes worshipper" Shadow said

"At least I'm not trying to cover up something" Sonic said

"There. It's done rewinding. Now let watch it again" Shadow said instantly, so no one could respond to what Sonic said. He then pressed play on his camera. It showed a dark figure doing something with his hands, going over to someone and pull what looked like some clothes off, and then video was cut from there.

"Sonic, we know it was it was you" Rouge said

"It wasn't me, it was the faker emo Shadow" Sonic spit out

"Sonic, it's not my fault you don't get any, but to take it out on a poor innocent beautiful young woman like Mya is wrong. Don't be mad when we castrate you for this." Shadow said

"Castrate?! Never!"

We will. And then we will kosher it, then pickle it, and I'll put it on my mantle" Shadow said, hold a loaf of bread

"That's sick" Sonic said

"What you did was sicker" Shadow said

"But it wasn't…"

"Everyone. I have additional proof to show you all" Shadow said. He then played his tape forward. The tape picked up at when "Sonic" made Shadow suck it.

"Suck it" "Sonic" said

"W-W-What" "Shadow" said

"I said suck it you little bitch" "Sonic" said, and then forced it in Shadows mouth. Everyone gasped and was in shock. (Except for Big, who stupidly said I'm horny)

"Wow that's big" Rouge complemented

"Big and Black" Knuckles added

"What's that stuff coming out of it?" Cream asked innocently "It's all over his face"

"Cream, don't worry about it" Mya said "sonic is just a perverted sicko"

B-B-But I thought…"Amy said, sobbing "You liked girls Sonic."

"I do." Sonic said "And he made me do that" Sonic said, looking at Shadow

"He made you make him suck it?" Knuckles asked him

"Yes…No…I mean just forget it" Sonic said

"No we can't forget it. Now Mya has to see a Burger King Manager for counseling, and I am traumatized for life, and had to go back to that horrid counseling office…" Shadow said, going into a flashback


Shadow awaited in the school counselor's office patiently. To pass the time, he took out a homemade thumbtack shooter and started shooting the school Iguana. Finally, the counselor came in

"Hello…Shadow, right? I hear you're having trouble with other children?"

"No. We don't have any problems I think" Shadow said

"But Shadow, a recess claimed you hit another student with a liquor bottle"

"He deserved it. He would let me cheat off his survey" Shadow said

"So you hit him with a liquor bottle?" She asked

"It was either that or the crowbar." Shadow said

"Shadow were all these things with you?" She asked


"Why do you have them?" She asked

"For protection"

"Where do you get them from?"

"The school dumpster"

"Shadow could you possibly be less violent? I mean your already 13 in the second grade."

"Communist!!!!!!!!" Shadow yelled. He then took the chair he was sitting in, and threw it out the window. He then handcuffed the counselor to her chair, then faced her to the Iguana.

"Ziggy!!!!!!! NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" She yelled. Shadow yelled. He then threw her chair down three flights of stairs, HE then laughed at the top of the stairs, grabbed everything he had in his cupboard, molested the teacher, then left the school.

End Flashback

"Then I went to a Mexican restaurant, discovered my heritage, and got a Job at Tim Horton's" Shadow said

"Sonic was extremely furious with how random it was he was at the point of watching the Flavor of Love. "Shadow, you lived on a space station for half your life. That couldn't of ever happened." Sonic said, gnawing on the chains. Shadow then looked at Sonic, then showed him the picture of the lemon again, which caused Sonic to check himself for prostate cancer. (O.O)

"Anyways Sonic, you can either get castrated, go to the horrid counseling place, or choose option number 3" Shadow said

"What would that be?" Sonic asked

"You have to admit that you go both ways, and that you had an affair with a zebra" Shadow said

"But neither of those are true" Sonic asked

"A zebra? C'mon Shadow you can do better than that" Knuckles said

"Hey at least I don't date someone outside my species." Shadow said

:At least imp dating" Knuckles said

"At least I've done it before" Shadow said, with a smirk

"At least I don't hit it and quit it" Knuckles said

"What's wrong with that?" Shadow asked

"…Shut up" Knuckles said. He then attempted to suffocate Shadow with a rubber duck but Shadow was too fast for him, and Knuckles soon had swallowed the rubber duck. As he chocked on the rubber duck, Shadow then attempted to make out with Rouge, but got the skin on his teeth pulled off. He then went for Amy, who happily made out with him for about a good 10 minutes. After they had stopped, Sonic was extremely angry, began to fight Shadow while in the chains. Shadow, frighten by the fact Sonic almost made his hand into a fist, threw an old copy of Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog at Sonic.

"The waste of ink!!!!!!!!!!" Sonic yelled. He then went into a diabetic coma, Shadow then stood victorious.

"Well that menace wont mess with anyone anymore. Anyways, eh should be out for a good three hours." Shadow said. Everyone went into their corners, and awaited Sonic awakening.

Chapter 11 is finished. I think this might be my longest chapter yet. IT was certainly an interesting, weird, and random chapter if we all agree. I did have some writers block kinda. I guess this chapter was fine.

P.S.-You all fell for thinking what you thought Shadow made Sonic suck. This was all part of my plan. Evil cackle

Review please.