Disclaimer: I do not own Inu-Yasha, or any characters of the show.

Sesshomaru gazed at by far the most beautiful sight he had ever seen.

Long silky hair, smooth skin, large slanting eyes that held wisdom in their depths despite young appearance of their owner – creature standing before the taiyoukai was, by the lack of better words, perfect.

The elegant figure was clad in a unique closing – one that you notice from afar, one that emphasized its wearer very identity.

Sesshomaru was entranced. His soul screamed in agony as demon lord realized that no matter how much he wanted to, he could never lock the object of his adoration in a heart-to-heart embrace or kiss those faultlessly shaped lips…

With a heavy sigh taiyoukai turned away from the mirror.

A. n.: Another day – another story. Thanks everybody, who reviewed my previous drabbles, giving much needed encouragement (I was actually quite self-conscious, unlike my usual annoyingly cocky self).