A/N: Okay, this is my first Sky High fic so please be gentle. Speed and Lash may be OOC but, this is how I meant for it to be written, so please no comments on it.

Disclaimer: Not mine, obviously. Wish they were...

Arm goes out, arm comes back in. Arm goes out, arm comes back in. Lash couldn't be more bored if he tried. Graduation sucked. Seriously. At the rate he was going, Lash was considering changing his statement and going back to jail. At least criminals were interesting.

Lash, and his best friend Speed, had helped Royal Pain in her quest for world domination … or whatever it was the old biddy wanted. But the two really had nothing to do with Gwen's plans, so they were charged and released on probation. The only problem was, now they had zip chance of getting jobs, what with criminal records and all, and they were no longer students, which resulted in long days of Lash stretching his arms back and forth.

Life was so much easier when they were little, he reflected. His days used to consist of futile efforts of catching Speed while playing 'tag', and using his powers to reach the cookies from the top shelf. Now, he avoided his parents with their sad, 'we've failed as parents' mixed with the 'we are so disgusted in you' looks. In the words of Beastly, being evil just didn't pay.

His only salvation was Speed. No matter how bad his life was, he would come over day in and day out just to cheer up Lash. He was always the one there to put the pieces of Lash's life back together. It started when Lash's Grandpa died when they were ten. He had been the only other person Lash really cared about; he was the one Lash had gotten his powers from, the one who had taught him about life and friendship. And when he'd died, part of Lash did too.

He refused to speak for months, and went through his paces mechanically. But every day Speed would stay by his side, talking animatedly, thinking that if he just kept talking, then maybe Lash would say something. Speed sat through the silence, the violence and the tears. He took abuse from Lash because he knew if the situation were reversed, he'd do the same thing and that Lash would be there for him.

Lash finally began speaking again, and things went back to normal and Speed was there for that too. And now was no different. Speed would sit with Lash and watch his arms, or they would lie outside, looking at the sky, wishing they could be anywhere but here.

One day Speed sighed and stood up, causing Lash to look up at him in confusion. Speed looked back at him, saying just one word. "Up." Lash complied without question, because really, they'd do anything for each other. Speed turned his back to Lash, then looked over his shoulder. "Climb on and hold on tight."

Once again Lash complied without question, wrapping his legs twice around Speed's body, arms just hanging loosely around his neck. Speed placed his arms under Lash's butt in imitation of a seat. Lash closed his eyes and rested his head against Speed's, relishing in the comfort that was enveloping him at that moment.

With a smile on his face, Speed began to run, using his super speed at only half force. He had no destination in mind, he just needed to feel free. The wind sailed past them calmly, with it, taking both boys' cares. When they stopped, hours later, Lash hugged Speed from his position on his back and whispered "Thank you" in his ear.

Speed smiled a small, private smile and said "Let's go home." Lash closed his eyes and thought 'I already am home." But he didn't say it aloud. He didn't need to. The whispered 'thank you' was enough.

The End

So, what did you think? All reviews are greatly appreciated.