The Return of the Ninjetti

Summary: After S.P.D Tommy finally remembers that him and the rest of the ninjetti might still have their power. So he goes and finds Ninjor and ask him, and for a few months Tommy trains with him so that he doesnt need a morpher to access his ninjetti powers. He call's back the rest Rocky, Kimberly(Even though she lost her power morpher to Kat that was her spirit animal),Aisha,Billy,and Zack and tells them the good news.

Chapter 1: Tommy's Quest

Tommy was sitting and grading papers for the 1 billionth time that year summer vaction was in just 2 days. Then he remembered that he hasn't seen any of his old friends and then about Zordon who he hasn't thought of in a long time. Zordon that name brought sadness and happines at Tommy's Heart. Why did he have to be the one to sacrfice his life to save the earth when it wasnt even his home planet.There has to be a way to bring back Zordon then he remembered his Ninjetti powers so with that he went in to a meditative state and spoke for the first time in a long time to Dulcea and Ninjor.

"Dulcea and Ninjor I need your help, can you train me in all of the ways of the ninjetti please I need the trainning so I can try and bring back my old mentor and friend Zordon",said Tommy, "Is there a way to do it."

"I was wondering when you would figure out that you have more power then you had with the power coin",said Ninjor, You see the power coin only let you access 1/17th of your true power but I can train you to use all of your power when ever you want but you will have to transcend to a immortal to do it and only with yours and the rests of yalls powers can you hope to bring back Zordon".

"Ninjor is right young Falcon you will have to train with me and Ninjor before you can bring back Zordon and so will the other ninjetti rangers so after your trainning you will have to find the rest of the ninjetti rangers where ever they are."said Dulcea, " But since you know where everyone is you will be able to teleport to them by just a thought, so hang on I'm fixing to teleport you and Ninjor to Pharadose."

Tommy and Ninjor was teleported to pharadose and there Tommy's training started.


Breakfast: 5:30-5:45 AM

Streaches: 5:45-6:00 AM

Martial Arts: 6:00-7:30 AM

Running Laps: 7:30-8:45 AM

Morphing Without Morpher: 8:45-10:00 AM

Self-Teleporting: 10:00 AM-12:00 PM

Lunch: 12:00-1:00 PM

Meditate: 1:00-2:00 PM

Break: 2:00-3:00 PM

History: 3:00-5:00 PM

Dinner: 5:00-6:00 PM

Bed: 6:00 PM-5:30 AM

That is the Schedule Tommy had for the next 4 months and it was very tiring at first but then it became easier and easier to do until he could do it in his sleep. His mind had gotten sharper then it was before he had started now he could rember things a lot easier.

His Martial Arts was matched by none and his speed passing even that of the fastest animal on Earth. His streghth was as great has Goku's when Goku was a babby. He was now Immortal for he had transcended a month ago and he was fixing to go and find his ninjetti friends, but then Dulcea and Ninjor stopped him.

"There is a prophcey about you and your friends Young Falcon,said Dulcea, this is what it saids:.

The one who becomes 4 different colors,

But on 5 different teams will question life and death,

Then he will get trainning by Blue Ninja and Ancient Owl,

His Friends no not of this,

One on another planet must he find first.

Then he must find his Hart,

Then he must go back to a place he forgot, to find the Prince,

Go to a Dojo he must to find Ape Boy,

Then to a teaching ground to find Yellow Tigger

He then must train them in the way of the ninjetti

To bring back a Friend and Mentor who was killed saving the Universe

Fight they must for good, bring back balance to the Universe

or they shall be corupted by their power.

So Tommy lisented to it and teleported at once to find Billy the one who he thought couldn't use the power anymore. When he arrived he was met by the planet troops and all of their weapons were pointed at him. Being Tommy, he just saw the weapons and started fighting in his usual fighting style and defeated them within a few minutes and then came the governor to see what force could defeat his troops so easily.

"Who are you and what do you want with the people of my planet,"said the Governor. The governor looked at Tommy with interest while Tommy was taking in the guards and the governor.

"I am Tommy Oliver the first Green and White Ranger of Earth and I am here to see Billy the first Blue Ranger of Earth,"said Tommy, "I am here because on behalf of bringing back Zordon and to train him in the full power of the Ninjetti."

"Ah, so your the great Tommy Oliver I here Billy speak so much about, and what is this about bringing back Zordon we thought he was dead." said the Governor, while looking shock at the thought of Zordon comming back alive.

"Is he is dead for now but after I train Billy and the rest of the Ninjetti rangers we can bring back Zordon and then we half to restore the balance to bring Utopia Peace about the Galaxy, for it is in a Prophcey that we do this or we will be the ultimate evil because of our Immortality,"said Tommy calmly while on the inside he was screamming at himself for telling so much, " So will you take me to Billy please.

So the governor took him to Billy's house and when Tommy went in he saw that his friend was fixing to die so he rose his power and told his Ninjetti power to heal Billy but after that Tommy need to catch his breath and Billy looked to see who healed him and he was shocked to see that it was Tommy one of his best friends.

"Tommy what brings you here and how did you heal me I mean we couldn't find a cure for it",said Billy the who looked happy to see his friend but was confused about how Tommy was able to heal him.

"You know when we became Ninjetti of how we saved Zordon from death after Ivan Ooze almost killed him", asked Tommy hopping he would remember.

"Yea, what of it." asked Billy with confusion still written on his face then it dawned on him, " You got back your powers as a ninjetti didn't you and you came back to tell me, right.

"Yea, you got some of it right Billy I'm Immortal now like Dulcea and Ninjor because they trainned me to be able to use my full power as a Ninjetti,"said Tommy, "You see remember when we thought you couldn't hold anymore powers it because you use any because of your spirit animal wouldn't let you if you come with me I can train you and the others to use their full potential and transcend into an Immortal like me and bring back Zordon so we can restore the balance."

"Ok when do we leave," asked Bily