Hello everyone! I haven't been here in a while, and I'd like to explain myself. After the deletion of Madly in Love, my major story, I took a step back and looked at my writings from a reader's point of view. Mostly I only found some small mistakes, and couldn't find why I was so disappointed with my work. Then I had the opportunity to meet a real author, and heard her story. I finally realized my mistakes. Like her, I had foolishly put out my first drafts. So now, I've decided to write out both of my remaining stories and then edit and revise them before posting them. I'm sorry to say there is going to be a long wait, and hopefully I won't get any angry reviews or emails about this. But I'm ready to take the consequences of my actions, and I just hope you all don't give up on my stories.

For example, Purity has major plot holes in it. And with Kagome back so quickly, it will obviously become boring. I don't like that to happen, and this one will be the first one I'm going to work on.

Something More also has major plot issues. I just wrote the first few chapters from a plot bunny that just wouldn't go away. It has gotten a lot more popularity than I thought it ever would. So I'm going to try my hardest to make it an interesting story and hopefully the readers won't kill me. XD

Thank you for taking the time to read this.

Mika Sono