This was it. This was the final battle. No words were needed to know this; everyone already knew. Every beat of their hearts making their adrenaline-filled blood pump through them told them so.

It had been going well so far. All had wounds, though the battle was far from over. Kohaku had fallen much earlier to a tentacle of Naraku's. He had saved his sister from the oncoming attack and had gained peace from his action. Kagura was the only reincarnation left, the rest having fallen to Miroku, Sango, and Kagome. Inuyasha continuously fought Naraku, keeping him from the others.

Kagome raised her bow to aim at Kagura, released, and watched as the arrow's course took it straight through the she-demon's chest. Screaming in complete agony, she fell to the ground in ashes as the purifying magic affected her.

Just then Naraku threw Inuyasha aside. Enraged by the deaths of his reincarnations, he speared Kagome through her heart with one of his many tentacles.

The whole battlefield seems to still as the tentacle entered her flesh. The life fled from her eyes as a strangled sound rose from her throat. The demon's limb retracted, leaving her suspended body to drop to the ground. The quiet shock of the battlefield was broken by the cry of the hanyou.

"KAGOME!" He rushed to her side, completely forgetting the Testsusaiga, to stand above her lifeless body. Marks appeared on his cheeks as his eyes turned red. A dangerous rumble came from his throat:

"You die."

Faster then the eye could see, Inuyasha was right in front of Naraku. Using both hands, he slashed down so fast that the claws of energy twisted in a tornado-like wind. It hit Naraku directly and tore him apart. His screams of agony fell on Inuyasha's deaf ears as he turned his back to the dying tyrant.

As the remains fell to the ground, Inuyasha walked back to where Kagome lie. His eyes changed back to their golden color, though the markings on his cheeks remained. He fell heavily to his knees next to the corpse. With trembling hands he gathered her into his arms, rocking back and forth slightly. He muttered her name under his breath.

Sango cried into Miroku's shoulder as he held her. He tucked her head under his chin, trying desperately not to cry himself. What he saw next astounded him and made the situation all the more horrifyingly real.

Inuyasha did something he hadn't in a long time. He cried. Hot tears made tracks down his dirt covered face and fell onto her cold skin. He raised his head to look up at the dark clouds above him as thy opened up. Rain fell upon them all as they held their vigil. An inhuman sound came from the hanyou's mouth. It was half howl half scream, and it said everything he couldn't. Grief, pain, betrayal, love, friendship, kindness. Everything that she gave him up until this point. What would he do without her? He wouldn't, couldn't, live without her.


A/N: First chapter. What'd you think? I don't usually write dark fics, and trust me, this story only starts out dark! then it turns fluffy! my specialty.

mika-chan X3