Chapter 1: New Students
Sango stared at the roof of her room. Great, it's Monday she thought. Miroku's probably gonna find more girls to flirt with, just when I think he's flirted with them all!
She yawned and turned on her side. Her clock read 4:37. Sango moaned and put her pillow over her head. It's going to be a long day today.
Sango walked unenthusiastically into the school. She hated Mondays. She hated school! It was so boring! In fact, her life was boring.
Sango froze when she heard a high-pitched voice calling to her. Kagome. Sango shivered, but didn't turn around. Instead she kept on walking, pretending that she didn't her. Kagome was the most annoying, stuck-up, brat Sango had ever met!
Kagome was trying to use Sango to get attention. According to Kagome, Sango was the prettiest girl in school. Sure, it was flattering, but Kagome really got on her nerves. She was younger and very childish.
Sango quickly went around the school to get away from Kagome. She was too busy making sure that Kagome wasn't following that she bumped right into someone!
"Hey, watch it!" the boy snapped. Sango blinked. She had never seen him before. He must be new, she thought. She quickly snapped out of her daze and glared at him.
She opened her mouth to say something, but closed it again. This wasn't worth her time. They both stared at each other, waiting for the other one to back out.
Just then, a boy walked over to him and waved his hand I front of the first boy's face. "Hello, Oo-aniki? Let's go!" the other boy said.
The first boy nodded and finally looked away. He walked off with his brother.
Sango smirked with victory and walked over to her friends Kikyou, Ayame, Kouga, and of course Miroku.
They all greeted her and Miroku pecked her on the lips. The girls immediately started going on about gossip, while the guys hung around the side, occasionally chatting.
"I hear there's some new students that just arrived today!" Ayame cried excitedly. "I heard it from a friend. Who heard it from a friend, who heard it from a friend, who heard it from their brother's friend…" Ayame kept going on about where she heard it.
Sango's attention went straight to Miroku, who was… you guessed it. Flirting with girls again. She marched up and punched him in the head.
"Miroku, you jerk! I'm standing right here!" she clenched her fists, but released them when the bell rang. "I don't get you!" she shouted, and went to her first class.
Sango sat in her usual seat near the window. They had to go to their homeroom for the day because of the new students, one of them which Sango had already met.
Sango glanced over across the room to where Miroku was sitting. He caught her eye and smiled, but she narrowed her eyes and looked away.
The teacher, Mr. Tomodachi, finally came in, followed by four students who looked like they could care less about the world. The teacher introduced them while Sango took a moment to observe them.
The first guy, Suikotsu, had spiky hair and already had a tear in his uniform. He was staring into space, not even listening to the instructions Mr. Tomodachi was giving them.
The second guy was named Renkotsu. He was wearing a bandana and it took Sango a moment to realize he was bald. He looked kind of like a punk. Apart from his uniform, he was sure dressed like one. He had chains on his pants and a tattoo peeking out from his sleeve.
Sango almost burst out laughing when she saw the third guy, Jakotsu. His shoes were on the wrong feet! He didn't look too bright, either. She noticed that he was wearing make-up. It was so obvious that he was gay.
Bankotsu was the last guy, whom Sango had met earlier. He was a little more difficult to read. You couldn't really tell his personality as well as you could the others. His hair was in a long braid and he seemed a little… out of it.
"Don't be rude class, say hello!" Mr. Tomodachi snapped. There were a few people that mumbled "hi" and someone shouted "Yo!" to them.
"Just find an empty desk anywhere," Mr. Tomodachi practically shooed them off. Sango realized that there were a bunch of empty seats behind her. She groaned silently to herself.
Bankotsu slumped down in the seatbehind her. Renkotsu sat behind him, Jakotsu sat behind Renkotsu, and Suikotsu sat behind Jakotsu.
"OK, now open your textbooks to page 33 and- Oh that's right! You boys don't have one!" Mr. Tomodachi exclaimed. "Sango, could you bring them down to the library and sign them out a textbook.
"Sure," Sango said as she silently cursed her luck. This just wasn't her day.
Bankotsu silently walked down the hall behind the girl. She had long brown hair that seemed to shine in the light.
Hottie alert! Bankotsu smirked to himself. Renkotsu must have noticed too, because he was already up there flirting with her.
Bankotsu glared at him. Renkotsu was either doing it to make him mad, or he really did like this girl. Or both…
Either way, it made Bankotsu very mad. He didn't even realize they were at the library until he almost ran into Sango! Renkotsu was still flirting. Bankotsu wanted to punch him.
Sango grabbed a textbook and shoved it in Renkotsu's hands, obviously annoyed at the world right now. She did the same to each of them, shoving the textbook in their hands that is.
"She obviously isn't in a good mood…" Jakotsu mumbled and they all nodded.
On the way back to the classroom, Bankotsu was in such a daze, he didn't even notice when Sango stopped for a moment to talk to a friend. This time, he bumped into her.
She turned around and he felt his face heat up. Not willing to let her see him blush, he decided to throw an insult at her.
"Jeeze, first you bump into me, then you stop suddenly and I bump onto you! It's getting really annoying!" He strolled past her, smirking to himself in the process. He had no idea how big of a mistake that was.
He only got a few feet before he felt something hard hit the back of his head. When he turned around, Jakotsu and Suikotsu were staring with their jaws hanging, Renkotsu was trying not to laugh, and Sango… had a smirk on her face as well. He looked down and saw a textbook lying at his feet.
Sango continued walking as if nothing happened. "You forgot that," she mumbled as she passed him.
Jakotsu was becoming confuzzled about the assignment, so he tapped Bankotsu on the shoulder with his pen. When he didn't respond, Jakotsu frowned and tapped him a little harder. Still nothing.
Jakotsu, becoming frustrated, leaned over to the side to see what Bankotsu was so distracted by. He followed Bankotsu's gaze to the same girl who gave them their textbooks.
A huge smile appeared on Jakotsu's face. "Oo-aniki!" Jakotsu shouted while smacking Bankotsu on the back, causing everyone to stare.
"Jakotsu what the hell… what are you grinning about?" Bankotsu snapped annoyed. Jakotsu had an evil grin and nodded over to Sango.
Bankotsu's eyes widened and he quickly turned around. Jakotsu chuckled silently. Oo-aniki is so funny! he thought to himself. He stood up and pretended to sharpen his pencil, glancing back to see his brother's flushed face.
Just then, a boy walked over and placed a bouquet of flower's on Sango's desk. He was panting and covered with sweat.
"Remember when I said I had to go to the bathroom?" he panted. "I actually ran all the way to the store to get you these!" He knelt down on his knees and grabbed her legs. "Please forgive me, my dear Sango!" he begged. Sango's face turned bright red.
"Miroku! Cut it out!" she hissed.
"Not until you forgive me!" he said firmly, still hugging her legs.
"OK, OK! I forgive you already! Now let go of me!" she rolled her eyes while yanking her legs out of his grasp.
Miroku's face lightened up and he stood up quickly, wrapping his arms around her waist and pulling her into a kiss.
Jakotsu noticed the look on Bankotsu's face, and turned bright red. He stopped over to Miroku.
"Hey buddy! Don't mess with Oo-aniki's g-" He was cut off by Bankotsu, who dived over to himand brought himintoneck lock, dragging him back over to his seat.
Bankotsu slammed Jakotsu into his chair and sat in his own seat.
Miroku blinked the turned back to Sango, and pecked her on the lips one more time before returning to his own desk.
After Bankotsu gave Jakotsu a warning glare, he turned around and his jaw immediately dropped. Miroku had just set thing straight with Sango, and yet he was already flirting again!
(A.N.)HI! This is my second fanfiction! You likey? Please R&R! BTW, this one won't be nearly as long as Yumemiru!