Disclaimer: I don't own anything by the truly genius Stephenie Meyer. I do however own Jackson ;)

A/N: So this is probably the fastest I have ever posted chapters! Which means my writer's block could possibly be broken. I hope you guys are still enjoying this. Thanks to all my wonderful reviewers!

Chapter 15- Sunlight

Of course I told her my name. How else would she know it? I just got lost in casual conversation and forgot I had told her. This thought kept me until around two a.m. and the fact that Renee had supplied me with a hot fudge sundae didn't help in my effort to sleep either. It was pointless to dwell on thoughts about that. I was in sunny Florida, Edward's imprisonment would be over in three days. Thinking about that put me in much better mood. I rolled over and smothered my face in my pillow. Minutes later I was sleeping.

My first official day there was spent lounging around in my pajamas at my request. I didn't feel like doing anything, but I had promised Mom that Tuesday I would be up for the beach. That night I slept horrible again, and with only a few hours of actual sleep, I woke up to the sound of the television. It was a woman's voice. Multiple women in fact, and I realized Mom must be watching "The View" which meant it was late. I sighed at the fact that all those hours I stayed in bed couldn't have been spent sleeping.

"Morning baby, did you sleep good?"

"Yeah." I don't think she saw through that lie.

"Well I made you some breakfast and after you eat we can do down to the beach if you want."

"That sounds great."

Fresh fruit. Thank God. I haven't had a real breakfast in weeks. I suddenly remembered that I never went grocery shopping for Charlie. The fifty was still wadded up in my pants pocket in the clothes hamper. Now I really felt bad. If I called him, I'm sure he would understand. I called him as soon as I was done eating and told him how sorry I was and just like I had predicted, he wasn't mad. I went back to me room and rummaged through my bag. My bathing suit was staring back at me. Well this will be a sight to see. Bella the friendliest ghost sitting next to the tanned people of Florida. I quickly put it on, concealing myself with shorts and an oversized t shirt. As soon as I walked out into the hallway I regretted it.

"Oh honey, I thought Edward's sister liked to take you shopping."

I scowled at this. I liked my wardrobe. "She does. Most of the stuff I get really isn't beach attire."

"Oh." She smiled at me then. The Renee smile. The smile she used instead of saying anything else to further embarrass herself. I liked that smile, and seeing it made me really realize how much I had missed her.

"Hey Mom, can we go?"

The beach was cluttered. There were children playing in the sand, their leather like parents sunbathing. I found myself feeling really awkward, misplaced, and missing the clouds and rain of Forks. We settled down in the sand on the south end of the beach. This end wasn't as heavily populated, and it was nice to be able to watch the surfers. I laid down on my beach towel and shut my eyes. Total relaxation. This was exactly what I needed. I fell asleep not thinking about anything in particular, but I found myself dreaming. I was in a house. I was standing at the top of the stairs looking down, seeing nothing but darkness at the bottom. I knew I was scared from the way I was breathing, but I didn't know what to be scared of. There was a loud crack and I let out a scream. I sat up quickly. The sun was white hot on my face as I looked around. Renee was next to me looking through a magazine.

"Have a nice nap?"

"Not really. Even with the sun block I think I'm burning. You mind if I go inside?"

"Not at all. I'm was actually going to suggest that we go get something for lunch. What do you think?"

"Fine with me."

We went to a little sandwich shop along the boardwalk. I ate quietly as I watched boats coming into the harbor. Seagulls were whining for our food overhead. I pulled bread from my sandwich and threw it onto the ground in front of us. Three birds were on it in mere seconds. Renee laughed at my fascination.

"You used to love feeding the ducks at the pond. You probably don't remember that."

"Not really." I smiled sheepishly. Why was she being so sentimental?

"You know Bella, you're getting ready to go off to college and I feel like you're becoming a stranger."


"I just feel like you're not the same person that left Arizona. You've grown up, sure, but you just seem different."

"I don't feel different," I mumbled picking at turkey hanging from my sandwich.

"I'm not saying it's bad. Things are just going by so fast. I can't believe you're an adult. It's scary."

"Please don't go all mom-ish on me."

"Oh honey I'm not. I'm just saying I wish I could spend more time with you."

"Me too."

"Promise to keep in touch with me more. Maybe call more often?"

"Ok Mom. I will, I promise."

"Good." She straightened up, clearly satisfied with herself. "Now I think we should go to the movies tonight and tomorrow Phil has a game and I was hoping you would be up to going since you've never seen him play."

"Um, yeah, sure. I don't mind going."


For the rest of the day I sat around watching TV. I once again tried to call Edward, but he didn't pick up. Now it was just plain annoying. Was he mad at me even after he had said he wasn't? I really didn't know now. Six-thirty rolled around and we went down to the movie theater.

"What do you want to see?"

I hadn't thought about that. "How about that one about the assassin?"


I sighed. This is usually the way our movie nights went. "What do you want to see?"

"Well I was thinking maybe the one about the monster that falls in love with the human."

At this I almost choked on my gum. I tried to hide my laughter when she shot me a look of question.

"That sounds good." I managed to get it out as soon as we got to the ticker booth.

The movie was bad. Really bad. But I didn't care. Renee was enjoying it, and that was all that mattered. About halfway through the movie I got up to get water, leaving the screaming half-dolphin man monster behind me. The lobby was pretty much deserted except for the people at the counters.

"Just water." He handed me a cup and pointed at the water fountain. I bent down and first took a drink out of it before filling my cup. My head dipped down and the cool water hit my lips. It was nice, but I had the feeling that someone was behind me. I didn't want to make anyone wait. I stood up and turned. No one was there. Strange, I thought as I filled my cup. I hurried back to my seat, the feeling of being watched not leaving me.

I felt better walking out to the car. The feeling of being followed had left me. I yawned as I sat in the car.

"So that was a good movie huh?"

"Yeah. Pretty good."

I wasn't in the mood to tell her that the movie was awful. Phil was already at the house when we got back.

"Have fun?"

I gave the best smile I could. "Lots. I can't wait to go to the game tomorrow."

Phil gave a triumphant laugh. "You should be. We're gonna smoke 'em!"

I nodded with a yawn and walked to my room.

I tossed and turned until midnight, when I finally decided to give up. The phone rang a few times, and finally, someone answered.


"Edward? Thank God. Why haven't you been answering?"

"Who is this?"

That's when I realized it wasn't Edward.

The voice spoke again. "Hello? Listen I think you have the wrong number."

"Sorry." I closed the phone, confusion flooding my brain. What was going on? Dread was begining to grip me. Was there someone after me? Was it one of James's group?

Or was it just my imagination? Maybe I had dialed wrong. I held down the button he was on for speed dial and waited.

"Hello?" The unfamiliar voice answered again. Without a word I closed the phone. Had he changed his number? What was this all about? There was no way he was doing this to make me angry. Edward wasn't the type to get revenge like that was he?

I sat on my bed until the sun came up, this not sleeping thing was making a regular appearance. It was only seven-thirty so I tried to sleep for a little while but failed. I got up and showered, taking as much time as I could. By the time I started down the stairs it was almost nine. Phil stood by the couch, newspaper in hand.

"You know, this place reminds me a lot of Charlie's house."

"Really?" He smiled. Maybe that wasn't exactly the right thing to say to your new step-father.

"Bella! Come eat. Phil has to be out of here in half an hour. The game starts at noon."

I shuffled into the kitchen and sat down. Once again, a good breakfast. Her cooking skills had improved. I sat through her talking about the baseball game. I had never been one for sports, but if going made her happy, I would talk about baseball all day.

We loaded up the car and headed to the baseball field. It was incredibly hot outside, and I knew this afternoon was going to be miserable. Once we found our seats I went to find a bathroom. There were people everywhere and I hoped I didn't get lost on the way back into the stadium. I must have not been paying attention because when I walked out of the bathroom I smacked right into someone tall. I looked up to see a man staring back at me, his yellow baseball cap not doing his already sunburned face any good. He did not smile when I apologized, but rather he frowned and kept walking.

Luckily I found my seat ok and shortly after, the game started. I didn't quite understand what was going on so when everyone else yelled, I yelled too hoping that I was cheering for the right team. When someone on the Suns got a homerun Renee was on her feet, dragging me up with her. I craned my neck to see the person running around the bases, but instead caught sight of a yellow baseball cap watching me. Our eyes locked for a split second and a shiver went through me. I sat down quickly trying not to get sick.

"Bella, what's wrong?"

"I just feel sick. I think maybe I've had too much sun."

I sat thought the rest of the game in thought. Who was he? Who was that woman on the plane? Was there really someone following me in the movie theater? My thoughts were broken by the last announcement of the end score. Phil's team had won.

I rode home in silence, the sick feeling still creeping around my insides.

"Bella are you ok?" Phil's voice reached me in the backseat.

"She's had too much sun."

"Hope you feel better."


But I didn't. As soon as we got home I threw up. Renee sat on the edge of the bathtub pressing a cold rag to my forehead. All the paranoia had made me sick. I felt terrible.

"I really hope you don't have sun poisoning."

"No, I don't think it's that," I managed to say weakly as I looked up at her worried expression.

Her face scrutinized mine for a while and then she sighed. "Bella, tell me you're not pregnant."

I almost fell over. I gave a sickly laugh as I wiped sweat from the back of my neck. "Are you kidding? No mom, I haven't even done anything."

She gave a nervous laugh. "I think I knew that. I just wanted to be sure."

"Thanks for trusting me."

"Oh you know it's not that Bella. It's just that I was about your age when I had you. I don't want it to happen to you. You have so much more of a future ahead of you than I did."


"No just listen. I want you to really live before you settle down."

She was beginning to sound like Edward. "I will Mom. I'll wait until the time is right. Trust me on that one."

"Ok." She smile sympathetically. "Maybe I should take you to our doctor tomorrow."

"No. Don't worry. I just need to rest."

She frowned a little. "Phil is off tomorrow and we were planning to go out. Will you be ok by yourself?"

I managed to smile. "I'll be fine. I can always call if I need you."

"Ok honey." She helped me to bed. Once she was out of the room my head began to spin. Who were these people? I pulled the covers up to my neck and stared at the ceiling. I had doubted it before, but now there was no doubt in my mind. Something was going on. If I didn't get a hold of Edward soon, I had the feeling that something was going to happen.

A/N: So that's 15! And I have decided that the next chapter is going to be what you all have been waiting for! Muwhahaha XD So we will end with chapter 17, followed by the epilogue, and then the playlist.

Don't forget to review!

