Disclaimers: A, I don't own Naruto.

Bleeding Martini
By Areku1993
Chapter twelve: Mother Dearest


"What, Hinata-san?"


"Martini's mother is here..."

"What are you doing here. Answer me that."

Tahata Tori laced her fingers together thoughtfully. She and Martini were in the conference room, sitting at the table. She closed her eyes, then opened them to look at her daughter. "Why, love, I'm here to take you home from this horrid place."

"THIS HORRID PLACE!" Martini repeated, utterly outraged. "This horrid place is your BIRTHPLACE! This is your original home country. You can't just turn your back on it because he said so!"

Martini couldn't bring herself to say the name of her mother's boyfriend. In fact, his name isn't all that important anyway. Moving on.

"He didn't say so, your father said so." Tori replied. Tahata Tori was every bit movie-star material... With her make up. Without her make up, her ash-black mascara, her cherry red lipstick, she was just a middle-aged woman. She had the same eyes and hair of her daughter, but a stronger spirit and a will to prove herself to the world. "You wouldn't want to abandon your father's wishes, would you?"

"Why do you care?" Martini spat. "You're the one who mourned for a day, then went boy-scouting another! Oka-san, you sicken me."

"Maybe so, but I am your mother." Tori motioned to the table in front of her. Laid out were intricate designs of gold jewelry, a variety of iPods, papers, books. You name an expensive gift, it was there. "I'm willing to give you all this to return to Sunagakure with me." She picked up a paper and waved it. "Even your own house. You're own mansion, actually."

Martini took the paper; they were the deed to a house. But it was not legitimate; there was a line that said "Write location here."

Martini picked up one of the jewel-encrusted pens on the table and scribbled on the line. She handed it back to her mother, who read aloud, "853 Sapling lane. Dear, that's the house we're in now."

"I know. The house of the Hyuuga clan. If anywhere, I want to live here, not in any fancy crap. Leave here and never return." Martini slammed her fist on the table, making the whole house shake. "Now. And if you won't leave, I will." She turned and made for the door, but not before her mother said, "Martini-chan, I do know what you want."

"Hah," Martini scoffed. "And what's that, Oka-san?"

"Inuzuka Kiba."

Martini turned, blushing. "OKA-SAN! You don't even know about him!"

"Oh, but I do. Ever since I found out where you were from Neji..."

"I don't CARE!"

"Well you should, because the fate of Kiba depends on you."

Martini narrowed her eyes. "What do you mean?"

"I mean, if you don't come home I'll have Kiba killed. Look around. Look around with your clairvoyant eyes. Do you not see them?"

Martini calmed her mind to the level where she could see through genjutsu. In the world of Naruto, the extra power to see through genjutsu was added to clairvoyancy. She could see them easily; several ninjas, covered with genjutsu.

"At my command, they will kill Inuzuka Kiba."

Time stopped. Martini turned around slowly, eyes flaming. Every lightbulb in the room exploded in a shower of glass, pressured by telekinetic energy. "If you kill him I'll make your life a living Hell. I'll do it. Just because you're my mother doesn't mean I won't hurt you."

"I don't care, you'll be mourning too deeply."

"You BITCH!" Martini shrieked, pulling back a fist. Martini wasn't the kind of girl to bitchslap. She punches.

Her mother's hand shot up; two fingers erect, the other two curled up neatly. Martini saw the ninja shift with their weapons. Martini recalled the signal from one of her mother's movies; the sign to get ready.

Martini's fist stopped inches from her mother's nose.

It was at that moment, Kiba decided the burst in.


Martini fell into his arms, crying. Kiba, blinking, hugged her back. "What? You're not going home, are you...?"

"I am," She whispered.

Kiba rested his chin on her head. "Aw. That's real bad..."

"Martini-chan, love!"

Martini lifted her eyes where her mother was standing by the door. The ninjas that were hunting Kiba now held all her stuff.

"Hurry! It's time to go." Tori lifted her hand in the signal and Martini buried her face in Kiba's chest. "I don't want to."

"Mar-ti-ni-chan!" Tori urged impatiently. "Come on!"

Martini pulled back from Kiba and looked at his face, scanning for signs. There were none. Silently, she made her way to the door, Tori and the ninjas turning and disappearing beforehand. She paused and looked back, where Kiba stood still. "Good bye."

Then, she left.

Kiba stood dumb for a moment, then... Exploded, emotionally.


"Yes, Kiba-kun."


"Yes, Kiba-kun."

"Will you visit?"

"I don't think I'll be able to."

Kiba followed her out of the house and watched her disappear down the road.

"Just fills you with grief, doesn't it?" A smug voice said from behind him. Neji opened the door and grinned. "The mission's over now."

Kiba glared at him. "You know I'm going to kill you some day."

But that is a story for another day.

The End